

Jul 20, 2011

Allah 's Glory ,His Greatness, His Omnipotence


O Muhammad trust in that Allah Who is Ever-Living and will never die' Glorify Him with His praise, for He alone is sufficient to be aware of the sins of His servants. In six days He created the earth and the heavens and all that is between them; then He established Himself on the "Throne" (of the Kingdom of the universe). (He is) the Merciful: as to His Glory, ask the one who knows.

Say to them (O Prophet): “Have you ever seen those of your associates upon whom you call apart from Allah? Show me what have they created in the earth? Or do they have any partnership (with Allah) in the heavens? Or have We given them a Book so that they have a clear proof (for associating others with Allah in His Divinity)?” Nay, what these wrong-doers promise each other is nothing but delusion. Surely Allah holds the heavens and the earth, lest they should be displaced there, for if they were displaced none would be able to hold them after Him. Surely He is Most Forbearing, Most Forgiving.

Have you not seen how Allah has subjected to you all that is in the earth, and the vessels that sail in the sea by His command, and it is He Who holds back the sky that it may not fall on earth except by His leave? Surely Allah is Most Gentle, Ever Compassionate to people. And it is He Who has endowed you with life and it is He who causes you to die, and it is He Who will then resurrect you. Man is indeed extremely prone to denying the Truth.

There is no moving creature which He does not hold by its forelock.

And He alone holds sway over His servants.

O people, it is you who stand in need of Allah; as for Allah, He is Self-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy. If He wishes, He can remove you and put in your place a new creation. That surely is not difficult for Allah.

Do you not see that Allah created the heavens and the earth in Truth? Were He to will, He could take you away and bring a new creation. That is not at all difficult for Allah.

To Allah belong the legions of the heavens and the earth. Allah is Most Mighty, Most Wise.

Allah: the Everlasting, the Sustainer of the whole Universe; there is no god but He. He does neither slumber nor sleep. Whatsoever is in the heavens and in the earth is His. Who is there that can intercede with Him except by His own permission? He knows what is before the people and also what is hidden from them. And they cannot comprehend anything of His knowledge except whatever He Himself pleases to reveal. His Kingdom spreads over the heavens and the earth and the guarding of these does not weary Him. He alone is the Supreme and the Exalted.

He is Allah: there is no god but He; the Knower of the unseen and the manifest, He is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. He is Allah: there is no god but He: the King, the Holy, the All-Peace, the Giver of security, the Overseer, the Most Mighty, the Overpowering, the All-Great. Exalted be He from whatever they associate with Him. He is Allah, the Planner, Executer and Fashioner of creation. His are the names most beautiful. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth extols His Glory. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Wise.

All in the heavens and the earth entreat Him for their needs; Every moment He is in a state (of glory). Which of your Lord's laudable attributes will you twain – you men and jinn – then deny?

Nothing in the universe is like Him. He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing. His are the keys of the heavens and the earth. He enlarges and straitens the sustenance of whomsoever He wills. Surely He has knowledge of everything.

All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth extols the glory of Allah, the King, the Holy, the All- Mighty, the All-Wise.

All that is in the heavens and the earth extols the glory of Allah. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Wise. His is the dominion of the heavens and the earth. He gives life and causes death, and He has power over everything. He is the First and the Last, and the Manifest and the Hidden, and He has knowledge of everything.

All that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth extols Allah's glory. His is the sovereignty and to Him is all praise due; He has power over everything.

Say, (O Muhammad): "Had there been other gods with Him, as they claim, they would surely have attempted to find a way to the Lord of the Throne. Holy is He and far above all that they say. The seven heavens, the earth, and all that is within them give glory to Him. There is nothing but gives glory to Him with His praise, though you do not understand their hymns of praise. He is Most Forbearing, Exceedingly Forgiving."

The thunder celebrates His praise and holiness, and the angels, too, celebrate His praise for awe of Him.

Do you not observe that all those who are in the heavens and the earth, and the birds with outspread wings, glorify Allah? Each one knows the mode of its prayer and glorification, and Allah has full knowledge of all they do. The kingdom of the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone, and all shall have to return to Him.

As for those who refuse to follow His command, surely Allah does not stand in need of anything of the worlds.

"If you and everyone on the earth turn to disbelief, know that God is Self-sufficient and Innately Praiseworthy."

But if you disbelieve, then bear in mind that all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth belongs to Allah. Allah is Self-Sufficient, Most Praiseworthy.

If you disbelieve, know well that Allah has no need of you. Yet He does not like unbelief in His servants. But if you are thankful, your thankfulness will please Him. No one shall bear another's burden. You are destined to return to your Lord and He will tell you what you used to do. He is well aware even of what lies hidden in your breasts.

Whoever is grateful is so to his own good; and whoever is ungrateful, let him know that my Lord is in no need for him, Most Bountiful.

Say: “He is Allah, the One and Unique; Allah, Who is in need of none and of Whom all are in need; He neither begot any nor was He begotten, and none is comparable to Him."

O Muhammad, tell the people, "My Lord does not care at all if you do not invoke Him. Now that you have denied (His Revelation), you will soon be awarded such a punishment which you will never be able to avoid."

All that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. Verily He is All-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy. If all the trees on earth become pens, and the sea replenished by seven more seas were to supply them with ink, the Words of Allah would not be exhausted. Verily Allah is Most Mighty, Most Wise. To create all of you or to resurrect all of you is to Him like (creating or resurrecting) a single person. Verily Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

Say: "If the sea were to become ink to record the Words of my Lord, indeed the sea would be all used up before the Words of my Lord are finished, and it would be the same even if We were to bring an equal amount of ink."

They did not recognize the true worth of Allah. (Such is Allah's power that) on the Day of Resurrection the whole earth will be in His grasp, and the heavens will be folded up in His Right Hand. Glory be to Him! Exalted is He from all that they associate with Him.

O people, a parable is set forth: pay heed to it. Those who call upon other than Allah cannot create even a fly, even if all of them come together to do that. And if the fly were to snatch away anything from them, they would not be able to recover that from it. Powerless is the supplicant; and powerless is he to whom he supplicates. They have not formed a true estimate of Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.

Those whom you invoke other than Allah are servants like you. So invoke them and see if they answer your call, if what you claim is true.

So do not set up any deity beside Allah lest you are cast into Hell, rebuked and deprived of every good.

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