Full of blessings is He in Whose hand is the Kingdom of the Universe, and He has power over everything. Who created death and life that He may test you to see which of you is best in deeds, and He is All-Mighty as well as All-Forgiving.
Indeed, We created man from a mixed sperm drop, to test him, and therefore We made him capable of hearing and seeing. We showed him the way, whether to be grateful or disbelieving.For the disbelievers We have prepared chains and collars and a raging Fire.
The fact is that whatsoever is on the earth, We have made it as its adornment so that we may test the people as to which of them does best deeds. In the end, We will turn all that is on it into a bare plain.
Every living being has to taste death, and We are putting all of you to trial by passing you through good and bad conditions, and ultimately you shall return to Us.
And know that your worldly goods and your children are, in fact, a test for you, and Allah has plenty for giving you reward.
And, put forward to them the reality of this worldly life by a parable. It is like the vegetation of the earth that flourished luxuriantly when We sent down rain water from the sky, but afterwards the same vegetation was turned into chaff, which is blown away by the wind: Allah has power over everything. Likewise this wealth and the offspring are mere transitory adornment of worldly life: in fact the abiding good deeds are best in the sight of your Lord in regard to their end, and hold out for you greater hopes.
So let not their great wealth and the large number of their children delude you; for Allah wills to chastise them by means of these very things in this worldly life and that they would die in a state of unbelief.
And let not the abundance of their possessions and children delude you; for Allah wills only to chastise them by means of their possessions and children in this world and let their souls depart while they are still disbelievers.
And do not cast an envious look at the worldly property We have bestowed on different kinds of people, for We have given them all that to put them to trial, and the lawful provision of your Lord is better and more lasting.
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