

Mar 1, 2011


Invocations for breaking the fast

176. Thahabadh-dhama'u wabtallatil-'urooqu, wa thabatal-'ajru 'inshaa'Allaah.

The thirst is gone, the veins are moistened and the reward is confirmed, if Allah wills.

Abu Dawud 2/306 and others. See also Al- Albani, Sahihul-Jami' As-Saghir 4/209.

177. Allaahumma 'innee 'as'aluka birahmatikal-latee wasi'at kulla shay'in 'an taghfira lee.

O Allah, I ask You by Your mercy, which encompasses all things, that You forgive me.

Ibn Majah 1/557 from a supplication of Abdullah bin 'Amr. Al-Hafidh graded it as good in his checking of An-Nawawi's Kitabul-'Athkdr. See Sharhul- Athkar 4/342.

Invocations before eating

When anyone of you begins eating, say:

178. Bismillaah.

With the Name of Allah.

And if you forget then, when you remember, say:

Bismillaahifee 'awwalihi wa 'aakhirihi.

With the Name of Allah, in the beginning and in the end.

Reference: Abu Dawud 3/347, At-Tirmithi 4/288. See Al- Albani's Sahih At-Tirmithi 2/167.

Whomever Allah has given food, should say:

179. Allaahumma baarik lanaafeehi wa 'at'imnaa khayranminhu.

O Allah, bless us in it and provide us with better than it.

Whomever Allah has given milk to drink, should say :

Allaahumma baarik lanaa feehi wa zidnaa minhu.

O Allah , bless us in it and give us more of it.

Reference: At-Tirmithi 5/506. See also Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/158.

Invocations after eating

180. Alhamdu lillaahil-lathee 'at'amanee haathaa, wa razaqaneehi, min ghayri hawlin minnee wa laa quwwatin.

Praise is to Allah Who has given me this food and sustained me with it though I was unable to doit and powerless.

Reference: At-Tirmithi, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah. See also Al-Albani, Sahih At-Tirmithi 3/159.

181. Alhamdu lillaahi hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubaarakan feehi, ghayra [makfiyyin wa laa] muwadda'in, wa laa mustaghnan 'anhu Rabbanaa.

All praise is to Allah, praise in abundance, good and blessed . It cannot [be compensated for, nor can it] be left, nor can it be done without , our Lord.

Al-Bukhari 6/214, At-Tirmithi 5/507.

A dinner guest's invocation for his host

182. Allaahumma baarik lahum feemaa razaqtahum, waghfir lahum warhamhum.

O Allah , bless them in what You have provided for them , and forgive them and have mercy on them.

Reference: Muslim 3/1615.

Invocation for someone who gives you drink or offers it to you

183. Allaahumma 'at'im man 'at'amanee wasqi man saqaanee.

O Allah , feed the one who has fed me and drink to the one who has given me drink.

Reference: Muslim 3/126.

Invocation for a family who invites you to break your fast with them

184. 'Aftara 'indakumus-saa'imoona, wa 'akala ta'aamakumul-'abraaru , wa sallat 'alaykumul-malaa'ikatu .

With you , those who are fasting have broken their fast, you have fed those who are righteous , and the angels recite their prayers upon you.

Reference: Abu Dawud 3/367, Ibn Majah 1/556, An-Nasa'i, 'Amalul-Yawm wal-Laylah 296-8. Al-Albani graded it authentic in Sahih Abu Dawud 2/730.

Invocation for someone who offers you food when you are fasting, which you decline.

185. When you are invited (to eat) then reply to the invitation. If you are fasting then invoke Allah's blessings (on your host), and if you are not fasting then eat.

Reference: Muslim 2/1054.

What to say when you are fasting and someone is rude to you

186. 'Inneesaa'imun, 'innee saa'imun.

I am fasting . I am fasting.

Reference: Al-Bukhari, cf. Al-Asqalani, Fathul-BAri 4/103, Muslim 2/806.

Invocation for when you see the first dates of the season

187. Allahumma baarik lanaa fee thamarinaa , wa baarik lanaa fee madeenatinaa wa baarik lanaa fee saa'inaa, wa baarik lanaa fee muddinaa.

O Allah , bless us in our dates and bless us in our town, bless us in our Sa' and in our Mudd.

Reference: Muslim 2/1000 (Sa' and Mudd are both dry measures used for agricultural produce by the Arabs in the Prophet's time. Of the two, the So.' was the larger measure.) (Translator)

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