

Jun 24, 2011

The fourth part of Dalail ul Khairaate to be read on Thursday

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad Your slave and Your Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad.O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad, blessings which are pleasing to You, a reward for him and which are his dutiful right, and grant him the Closest Access, the Pre-eminence and the Most Praised Station which You promised him, and reward him our behalf as he deserves and reward him better than You have rewarded on behalf of his people any other Prophet or on behalf of his nation any other Messenger, and bless all his brothers, the Prophets and righteous ones, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.  O Allah, bestow the favors of Your noble blessings and virtues, and the increase of Your benedictions, and the benevolence of Your Compassion, and Your Mercy, and Your Salutations, and the favors of Your bounties, upon our master Muhammad, the Master of the Messengers , the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, the Guide to Goodness, the Opener of Piety, the Prophet of Mercy and the Master of the nation.      O Allah, send him to the Most Praised Station thereby advancing his nearness, comforting his eyes, and making him the envy of those who came first and those who came last.O Allah, grant him Divine Favor, Divine Grace, Divine Honor , the Closest Access, the Lofty Rank and the High Standing.       O Allah, grant our master Muhammad the Closest Access and send him what he hopes for and make him the first intercessor and the first whose intercession is accepted.        O Allah, strengthen his proof, make his judgment sound, make his argument shine and raise his rank among the dwellers of the Uppermost Heaven.             And raise his standing among the Heights of those who are closest.O Allah, cause us to live according to his way.       And pass away following his religion.And make us among the People of his intercession.And resurrect us in his company and make us to be watered from his Pool.

And to drink from his bowl with no disgrace, no regrets, no doubts, no temptations, amen, O Lord of the Worlds.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad, and grant him the Closest Access, the Pre-eminence and Lofty Rank and send him to the Most Praised Station which You promised him, with his brother Prophets.

The blessings of Allah be upon our master Muhammad, the Prophet of Mercy and the Master of his nation, and upon our father, our master Adam, and upon our Mother our lady Eve, and upon all the offspring of the Prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs and the righteous ones, and bless all Your angels among the folk of the Heavens and the Earths and upon us along with them, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

O Allah, forgive me my sins and my parents, and bestow mercy upon then even as they cherished me in childhood, and all the believing men and women, all the surrendering men and women, the living and dead, and may blessings ensue on us, O Lord, forgive, bestow mercy, and You are the Best of the Merciful.

And there is no help or power save through Allah , the High, the Great.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Light of Lights, the Secret of Secrets, the Master of the Pious, the Adornment of the Messengers, the Chosen One, the Most Noble One, the night has ever cloaked and the day has ever bathed in light, in every drop of rain which has fallen from the beginning of this world until its end, and in every plant and in every tree which have grown from the beginning of this world to its end, blessings which are eternal, lasting as long as the Dominion of Allah, the One, the Powerful.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, blessings which ennoble his Place of Rest, honor his final destination, and on the Day of Resurrection bring him his heart’s desire and contentment.

These great blessings are your right, O our master Muhammad. (three times)

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the ‘Ha’ (the middle letter of the Rahmah) of Mercy, the ‘Mim’ (the first of the letter of Mulk ) of Sovereignty, and the ‘Dal’ (the first letter of Da’im ) of Eternity, the perfect master the Opener, the Seal, as much as Your knowledge, now or before and whenever You are remembered and he is remembered by whose who remember and whenever You are forgotten and he is forgotten by those who forget.

Blessings which are eternal, lasting as long You last enduring as long as You endure, and with no end without Your knowledge, for You are the Power over all things (three times)

O Allah , bless our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad, him whose light is the most beautiful and most dazzling of all the suns of guidance.

And whose conduct and glory are the best and most renowned of all the Prophets.

And whose light is more radiant, more noble and more brilliant than the lights of the Prophets, and who has the purest and most immaculate manners in creation, and who is the most just and generous creature.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad, him who is more beautiful than the full moon, more noble than the flowing clouds and the raging sea.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad, him whose face and essence are diffused with benediction, and the remembrance of whom perfumes and sweetens all the worlds.

O Allah, bless and grant peace to our master Muhammad, and his family.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, and the family of our master Muhammad, and bestow grace upon our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad, and bestow mercy upon our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad, just as You blessed, bestowed grace and bestowed mercy upon our master Abraham and the family of our master Abraham, for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, Your slave, Your Prophet and Your Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad to the fullness of this world and to the fullness of the next world.

O Allah, bestow grace upon our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad to the fullness of this world and to the fullness of the next world.

O Allah, bestow mercy upon our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad to the fullness of this world and to the fullness of the next world.

O Allah, reward our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad to the fullness of this world and to the fullness of the next world.

O Allah, grant peace to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad to the fullness of this world and to the fullness of the next world.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as You ordered us to ask for bless ins upon him.

And bless our master Muhammad as he should be blessed.

O Allah, bless Your Prophet, the Chosen One, Your Messenger. the Satisfied One, Your Friend, the Elected One, and Your Custodian of the Celestial Revelation.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the most noble ancestor, the Upholder of Justice and Equity, the One described in surah Al'Araf, the One Chosen from the noble loins and refined wombs and the One purified by suckling, from Abul Muttalib, son of Abdul Manaf through whom You guided from deviation and through whom You made clear the path of forgiveness.

O Allah, I beseech You by the most superior beseeching, in the most loved of Your Names, in the most noble of Your Names, and for the sake of the fact that You blessed us with our master Muhammad, the blessings and peace of Allah, be upon him, saving us through him from error. And for the sake of the fact that You ordered us to ask for blessings upon him and for the sake of the fact that You made our asking blessings upon him a means of raising our rank, an expiation for our sins, and grace and favor for us. Out of obedience to You, I call on You, exalting Your command, following Your Instruction and fulfilling Your Promise, to render unto our Prophet, our master Muhammad, the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, what is due from us, for we have faith in him and we believe in him and we follow the light which came down with him and You said, and Your Word is the Truth, 'Allah and His angels bless the Prophet, O you who believe, ask (Allah) to bless him and grant him abundant peace'.

And for sake of the fact that You made it obligatory for the slaves to ask for blessings upon their Prophet making it an obligation and making it binding on them, I ask You for the sake of the Majesty of Your Face and the Light of Your Greatness, and for the sake of that which You have made binding on You in respect of the virtuous, that You and Your angels bless our master Muhammad, Your slave, Your Messenger , Your Prophet, Your Pure One and Your Treasure from Your creation, the best blessings ever bestowed upon anyone of Your creation, for You are the Praiseworthy, the mighty.

O Allah, raise his rank, ennoble his station, make his judgment sound, refine his proof, make his religion triumph, increase his reward, make his light radiant, perpetuate his nobility, join him with his descendants and the People of his House which will be comfort for his eyes and exalt him among all the Prophets who lack his power.

O Allah of all the Prophets make our master Muhammad have the greatest number of follower, increase them in strength, and give them the most perfect nobility and light.

And raise their Ranks.

and widen their abodes in The Garden.

O Allah, make their goal be among the foremost in faith and their abode among the elite.

And their dwelling place among those who close and their abode among the chosen ones.

O Allah, make their abode the most Noble of the Noble in Your presence and favor them with Your reward, make them sit close to You, strengthen their Stations, reward them with Your Word, give their entreaties success, favor their share in Your Presence, strengthen their longing for what is with You and bring them into the chambers of Firdaus in high ranks above which there is no other rank.

O Allah, grant our master Muhammad the truest word, the most successful petitioning, the first intercession, the most perfect intercession, and intercede on his behalf for his nation, an intercession that will be the envy of those who came first and those who came last, and distinguish Your slave in the discharge of Your Decree, and make our master Muhammad among the Speakers of Truth, the Doers of Good, and the Guides to the Path.

O Allah, grant our Prophet to excess and make his Pool a promise for the first of us and the last of us.

O Allah, resurrect us in his company, establish us on his way, cause us to die following his tradition, acquaint us with his face and make us among his company and party.

O Allah, unite us with him for we have believed in him without seeing him, do not separate us from him until the day you cause us to enter into his entrance hall, water us at his Pool, and put us in his company along with those favored from among the Prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, and the righteous ones, and what a beautiful company that is.

and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

(beginning of the third quarter)

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Light of Guidance, the Guide to Goodness, the Caller to Spiritual Direction, the Prophet of Mercy, the Leader of the Pious, the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, there being no Prophet after him, just as he conveyed Your Message, advised Your slaves, recited Your Verses, Upheld Your Divine Statutes, faithfully discharged Your Covenant, carried out Your judgment, enjoined Obedience to You, forbid disobedience to You, befriended Your Friend whom You chose to befriend, and opposed Your enemy whom You chose to oppose, and the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him.

O Allah, of all the bodies in existence, bless his body. Of all the souls in existence, bless his soul. Of all the places in existence, bless his place. Of all the tombs in existence bless his tomb, and bless his memory whenever he is remembered, blessings from us on our Prophet.

O Allah, convey to him from us peace just as he invoked peace, and peace, mercy and the benediction of Allah be upon the Prophet.

O Allah, bless Your closest angels, Your Purest Prophets, Your Divine Messengers, the Bearers of Your Throne, our master Gabriel, our master Mika'il, our master Israfil, our master the Angel of Death, our master Ridwan, the Guardian of Your Garden, our master Malek, and bless the noble recording angels, and bless all the people obedient to You, those on the earths and those in the heavens.

O Allah, give the People of the House of Your Prophet the best ever given to any of the People of the Houses of the Messenger, and reward the Companions of Your Prophet the best ever given to any of the Companions of the Messengers.

O Allah, forgive the believing men and women and the surrendering men and women (i.e. Muslims), the living among them and the dead.

and forgive us and our brothers who came before us in faith and leave not in our hearts any rancor against those who believe, our Lord You are full of Kindness, Most Merciful.

O Allah, bless and grant abundant peace to the Hashimi Prophet, our master Muhammad, and to his family and Companions.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Best of Creation, blessings which are pleasing to You, pleasing to him and by which You are pleased with us, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family and Companions, and grant them peace, abundantly, profusely, agreeably, graciously, generously, beautifully, and eternally for as long as the Sovereignty of Allah.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, and the family of our master Muhammad, to the fullness of the cosmic space, and as many times as there are stars in the sky, blessings which outweigh the heavens and the earth, as much as You have created and as much as You will create until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, and the family of our master Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham, and favor our master Muhammad, and the family of our master Muhammad just as You favored our Abraham and the family of Abraham in the Worlds, for You are Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah, I beg You for forgiveness and well-being in my religion, in this life and in the next(three times).

O Allah, cover my faults with a beautiful covering (three times).

O Allah, I ask You for the sake of Your Great Truth and for the sake of the Truth of the light of Your Noble Face and for the sake of the Truth of Your Great Throne and for the sake of that which bears Your Chair from Your Strength Oceans, Your Glory Oceans, Your Beauty Oceans, Your Light Oceans, Your Might Oceans and Your Power Oceans and for the sake of the Truth of Your Preserved and Hidden Names which no one from Your Creation will ever come to know.

O Allah, I ask You in the Name which when laid upon the night, darkness falls, and when laid upon the day, light appears, and when laid upon the Heavens, they are raised on high.

And when laid upon the Earth, it becomes firm.

And when laid upon the mountains, they become fixed and when laid upon the oceans and the rivers, they begin to flow.

And when laid upon the springs, they burst forth.

And when laid upon the clouds, they shed their rain.

And I ask You, O Allah, in the Names written upon the forehead of Israfil, peace be upon him, and in the Names written upon the forehead on Gabriel, peace be upon him and upon all the angels of Intimacy.

And I ask You, O Allah, in Names written around the Throne and in the Names written around the Footstool.

And I ask You, O Allah, in the name written on the olive leaf.

And I ask You, O Allah, in the Greatest Names which You have named Yourself knowledge of which I have not and which I will never have.

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