

Jul 18, 2011

Allah Guides or Leads Astray whom he wills


Allah causes whomsoever He wills to stray in error, and sets whomsoever He wills on the straight way.

(How awful is the straying of the person) for whom his evil deed has been embellished so that it looks fair to him? The fact is that Allah causes whomsoever He wills to fall into error and shows the Right Way to whomsoever He wills.

He shows the Right Way to anyone He wills.

(You are being lured by this ephemeral world) although Allah calls you to the abode of peace and He guides whomsoever He wills to a straightway.

AIIah guides whomever He wants to the Right Way.

Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth: His light (in the universe) may be likened (to the light of) a lamp in a niche: the lamp is in a glass shade: the glass shade is like a glittering star and lamp is lit with the olive oil of a blessed tree which is neither eastern nor western: its oil is (so fine) as if it were going to shine forth by itself though no fire touched it (as though all the means of increasing) light upon light (were provided ); Allah guides to His light whomever He wills. He cites parables to make the Message clear to the people; He has perfect knowledge of everything. (Those who obtain guidance to His light are found) in the houses which He has enjoined to raise up and to mention His name therein. In them such people glorify Him morning and evening as are not diverted by trade and merchandise from remembering Him and from establishing Salat and paying Zakat, for they fear the Day when the hearts will be overturned and the eyes will become petrified. (And they behave like this) so that Allah may reward them for their excellent deeds and, in addition to it, show His favour to them out of His bounty: Allah provides without stint for anyone He wants.

Had Allah so willed, He would have made you all one single community. However, He lets go astray whomsoever He wills and shows the Right Way to whomsoever He wills. Surely you will be called to account regarding what you did.

(O Prophet), you cannot grant guidance to whom you please. It is Allah Who guides those whom He will. He knows best who are amenable to guidance.

O Prophet, you are not responsible for their guidance; Allah Himself shows guidance to anyone He pleases.

(O Muhammad), howsoever eager you may be to show them the Right Way, Allah does not bestow His guidance on those whom He lets go astray; and in fact none will be able to help them.

Allah has set forth for the unbelievers the parable of the wives of Noah and Lot. They were wedded to two of Our righteous servants, but each acted treacherously with her husband, and their husbands could be of no avail to them against Allah. The two of them were told: “Enter the Fire with all the others who enter it .”

Say: "Surely Allah's guidance is the only true guidance, and we have been commanded to submit ourselves to the Lord of the entire universe, and to establish Prayer, and to have fear of Him. It is to Him that all of you will be gathered.

Whomsoever Allah guides is rightly guided; and whomsoever Allah lets go astray, you will find none - apart from Him - who could protect him.

Whomsoever Allah lets go astray will have none to guide him.

And he whom Allah lets go astray, none can guide him to the Right Way. And he whom Allah guides to the Right Way, none can lead him astray.

He whom Allah guides, he alone is rightly guided; and he whom Allah lets go astray - it is they who are the losers.

Never have We sent a Messenger but he has addressed his people in their language that he may fully expound his Message to them. (And after the Message is expounded), Allah lets go astray whomsoever He wills, and guides to the Right Way whomsoever He wills. He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

He who obeys the Messenger thereby obeys Allah.

Even so We revealed to you, (O Prophet), a spirit by Our command. (Ere to that) you knew neither what the Book nor what the faith was. But We made that spirit a light whereby We guide those of Our servants whom We please to the Right Way. Surely you are directing people to the Right Way, the Way of Allah, to Whom belongs the dominion of all that is in the heavens and the earth. Lo, it is to Allah that all things ultimately revert.

There has now come to you a light from Allah, and a clear Book through which Allah shows to all who seek to please Him the paths leading to safety. He brings them out, by His leave, from darkness to light and directs them on to the straight way.

Allah has revealed the best teaching, a self-consistent Book which repeats its contents in manifold forms whereat shiver the skins of those that hold their Lord in awe, and then their skins and their hearts soften for Allah's remembrance. That is Allah's Guidance wherewith He guides whosoever He pleases. And he whom Allah does not guide to the Right Path has none to guide him.

(O Prophet), those who have knowledge see clearly that what has been revealed to you from your Lord is the Truth and directs to the Way of the Most Mighty, the Immensely Praiseworthy Lord.

Even so We have revealed the Qur'an with Clear Signs. Verily Allah guides whomsoever He wills.

Say, (O Prophet), it was revealed to me that a band of jinn attentively listened to (the recitation of the Qur'an) and then (went back to their people) and said : “We have indeed heard a wonderful Qur'an which guides to the Right Way; so we have come to believe in it, and we will not associate aught with Our Lord in His Divinity.”

That is Allah's guidance wherewith He guides those of His servants whom He wills.

(O Prophet), So exhort with the Qur'an all those who fear My warning.

It is nothing but Good Counsel for everyone in the world, for everyone of you who wishes to follow the Straight Way; but your wishing will not avail unless Allah, the Lord of the Universe, so wishes.

Verily this is an Exhortation; so let him who so will take a way to his Lord. But your willing will be of no avail until Allah Himself so wills. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise. He admits to His Mercy whomsoever He pleases. As for the wrong-doers, He has prepared for them a grievous chastisement.

No one can believe except by Allah's permission, and Allah lays abomination on those who do not use their understanding and conduct.

Well, Allah is not ashamed to cite the similitude of a mosquito or of something even more insignificant than this. As for those who believe, they come to know from the same similitude that it is the Revelation from their Lord; but those who disbelieve, say, "What does Allah mean by such similitudes?" Allah leads astray many and guides many to the right way by the same thing. And He leads astray only those who disobey Allah.

Over it are nineteen keepers. We have appointed none but angels as the keepers of the Fire, and We have not made their number but as a trial for the unbelievers so that those who have been endowed with the Book will be convinced and the believers' faith will increase, and neither those who have been endowed with the Book nor the believers will fall into any doubt. As for those in whose hearts there is a sickness as well as the unbelievers, they will say: “What did Allah aim at by this strange parable?” Thus does Allah let whomsoever He pleases to go astray, and directs whomsoever He pleases to the Right Way. And none knows the hosts of your Lord but He. (And Hell has only been mentioned here) that people may take heed.

Allah will surely admit those who believe in Him and hold fast to Him to His mercy and bounty, and will guide them on to a straight way to Himself.

Tell them: "Allah lets go astray those whom He wills, and guides to Himself those who turn to Him."

Allah chooses for Himself whomsoever He pleases and guides to Himself whoever penitently turns to Him.

Whoever holds fast to Allah will certainly be guided to the straight way.

Surely those who believe (in the truths revealed in the Book) and do righteous deeds their Lord will guide them aright because of their faith. Rivers will flow beneath them in the Gardens of Bliss. Their cry in it will be: 'Glory be to You, Our Lord!', and their greeting: 'Peace!'; and their cry will always end with: 'All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe.

He it is Who shows you His Signs and sends down provision for you from the sky. Yet none takes heed except he who constantly turns to Allah.

Good tidings await those who eschew serving false gods and penitently return to Allah.

And when Paradise will be brought close to the God-fearing, and will no longer be far away, it will be said: “This is what you were promised, a promise made to everyone who turned much (to Allah) and was watchful of his conduct, to everyone who feared the Merciful One though He is beyond the reach of perception, to everyone who has come with a heart ever wont to turn (to Him).

Tell them: "I have only been commanded to serve Allah and not to associate anyone with Him. To Him do I call, and to Him is my return."

The judgment on whatever you differ rests with Allah. Such is Allah, my Lord; in Him I have put all my trust and to Him I always turn in devotion.

Surely Abraham was forbearing, tenderhearted and oft-turning to Allah.

Abraham said: “I am going to my Lord; He will guide me."

Shu'ayb said: I desire nothing but to set things right as far as I can. My succor is only with Allah. In Him have I put my trust, and to Him do I always turn.

David realized that it is We Who have put him to test; therefore, he sought the forgiveness of his Lord, and fell down, bowing and penitently turning (to Him). {SAJDA} Thereupon We forgave him his shortcoming and indeed (an exalted position of) nearness awaits him, and an excellent resort.

Surely We put Solomon to the test and cast upon his throne a mere body. Thereupon he penitently turned (to Us). He said: “My Lord, forgive me and bestow upon me a kingdom such as none other after me will deserve. Surely You are the Bounteous Giver.”

Tell them, (O Prophet): “My servants who have committed excesses against themselves, do not despair of Allah's Mercy. Surely Allah forgives all sins. He is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. Turn to your Lord and surrender yourselves to Him before the chastisement over-takes you; for then you will receive no help.

We enjoined upon man to be dutiful to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning lasted two years. (We, therefore, enjoined upon him): “Give thanks to Me and to your parents. To Me is your ultimate return. But if they press you to associate others with Me in My Divinity, (to associate) those regarding whom you have no knowledge (that they are My associates), do not obey them. And yet treat them well in this world, and follow the way of him who turns to Me in devotion. Eventually it is to Me that all of you will return, and I will then tell you all that you did.”

As for those who strive in Our cause, We will surely guide them to Our Ways. Indeed Allah is with those who do good.

Allah does not guide the unbelievers.

Allah does not show the Right Way to the ungrateful.

Allah does not direct the disobedient to the right way.

Allah does not guide the wrong-doers.

And Allah does not show guidance to unjust people.

As for the wrong-doers, Allah lets them go astray. Allah does whatever He wills.

Likewise, Allah will neither forgive those who denied the truth and took to wrong-doing nor will He show them any other way except that of Hell wherein they will abide. And that is easy for Allah.

Indeed, their foul contriving has been made to seem fair to the unbelievers and they have been barred from finding the Right Way. Whomsoever Allah lets go astray will have none to guide him.

Surely Allah will not enable those who do not believe in the signs of Allah to be directed to the Right Way, and a painful chastisement awaits them.

I will turn away from My signs those who, without any right, behaved haughtily in the earth, even if they may, witness each and every, sign, they will not believe therein. And even if they see the right path, they will still not follow it; but if they see the path of error, they will choose it for their path. This is because they rejected Our signs as false and were heedless to them.

And that Allah does not allow the plan of the treacherous to succeed.

Allah does not guide to the Right Way any who exceeds the limits and is an utter liar.

Those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are indeed the unbelievers.

And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are the transgressors.

Those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are indeed the wrong-doers.

(O Messenger!) We have revealed to you this Book with the Truth so that you may judge between people in accordance with what Allah has shown you.

And those who violate the bounds of AIIah are the transgressor.

We have sent down to you Revelations that clearly expound the Truth, and none but the disobedient reject them.

Who, then, would be more unjust than he who fabricates a lie against Allah that he might lead people astray without knowledge. Surely Allah never guides such a wrong-doing folk.

O Prophet, tell them plainly, "If your fathers and your sons, and your brothers and your wives, and your near and dear ones and the wealth which you have acquired and the trade you fear may decline and the homes which delight you-if all these things-are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and the struggle in His Way, then wait till Allah passes His judgment on you; for Allah does not guide the wicked people."

(O Prophet), it is We Who have revealed this Book to you with Truth. So serve only Allah, consecrating your devotion to Him. Lo, religion is exclusively devoted to Allah. Your religion is entirely consecrated to Him. As for those who have taken others than Allah for their guardians, (they say): “We worship them only that they may bring us nearer to Allah.” Allah will judge between them concerning what they differ about. Verily Allah does not guide anyone who is given to sheer lying, is an utter unbeliever.

And call to mind when Moses said to his people: “O my people, why do you torment me when you know well that I am Allah's Messenger to you?” So when they deviated, Allah made their hearts deviant. Allah does not direct the evil-doers to the Right Way.

Among people there are some who wrangle about Allah without knowledge and follow every rebellious devil, although it is decreed about him that he will lead into error whosoever takes him for a friend, and will direct him to the torment of the Fire.

Who would be more unjust than he who invents a lie about Allah the while he is being called to Islam? Allah does not direct such evildoing folk to the Right Way.

Believers! Do not take the Jews and the Christians for your allies. They are the allies of each other. And among you he who takes them for allies, will be regarded as one of them. Allah does not guide the wrong-doers.

And who is in greater error than he who follows his lusts without any guidance from Allah? Allah does not guide the wrong-doers.

(How awful is the straying of the person) for whom his evil deed has been embellished so that it looks fair to him? The fact is that Allah causes whomsoever He wills to fall into error and shows the Right Way to whomsoever He wills.

Indeed, their foul contriving has been made to seem fair to the unbelievers and they have been barred from finding the Right Way. Whomsoever Allah lets go astray will have none to guide him.

Thus, (it is a fact that) whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast for Islam; and whomsoever He wills to let go astray, He causes his breast to become strait and constricted, as if he were climbing towards the heaven. Thus Allah lays the abomination (of flight from and hatred of Islam) on those who do not believe even though this way is the straight way of your Lord, and We have distinguished its signs to those who heed to admonition.

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