

Jul 19, 2011

The Governor & Administrator of Entire Universe


It is Allah Who has raised the heavens without any supports that you could see, and then He established Himself on the Throne (of Dominion). And He it is Who has made the sun and the moon subservient (to a law), each running its course till an appointed term. He governs the entire order of the universe and clearly explains the signs that you may be firmly convinced about meeting your Lord.

It is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth and all that is between the two, in six days, and then He established Himself on the Throne. You have no guardian or intercessor other than He. Will you, then, not take heed? He governs from the heaven to the earth and then the record (of this governance) goes up to Him in a day whose measure is a thousand years in your reckoning. He knows all that is beyond as well as all that is within a creature's sense-perception. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Compassionate.

Surely your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established Himself on the Throne (of His Dominion), governing all affairs of the universe. None may intercede with Him except after obtaining His leave. Such is Allah, your Lord; do therefore serve Him. Will you not take heed?

To Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth, and to Allah are all matters referred for decision.

Even so We revealed to you, (O Prophet), a spirit by Our command. (Ere to that) you knew neither what the Book nor what the faith was. But We made that spirit a light whereby We guide those of Our servants whom We please to the Right Way. Surely you are directing people to the Right Way, the Way of Allah, to Whom belongs the dominion of all that is in the heavens and the earth. Verily, all the matters at the end go to Allah (for decision).

His is the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to Him are all matters referred (for judgment).

Ultimately everything is presented before Allah (for judgment).

He knows all that is before them and that which is hidden from them. And it is to Allah that all affairs are returned.

To Allah are all matters referred for decision.

(O Prophet), (there is nothing novel in it) if they reject (belie) you; Messengers before you were also rejected. And to Allah return all matters (for decision).

All that is hidden in the heavens and the earth lies within the power of Allah. To Him are all matters referred for judgement. So do serve Him, and place in Him all your trust. Your Lord is not heedless of what you do.

Lo! His is the creation and His is the command.

Tell them: 'Truly, all power of decision rests solely with Allah.'

All power of decision rests entirely with Allah.

Allah's command alone prevails.

The judgment on whatever you differ rests with Allah.

Judgment lies with Allah alone. He declares the Truth, and He is the best judge.

For those who have certainty of belief whose judgment can be better than Allah's?

And He alone holds sway over His servants and sets guardians over you till death approaches any of you and Our deputed angels take his soul, neglecting no part of their task. Then all are restored to Allah, their true protector. Behold, His is the judgment. He is the swiftest of those who take account.

Ask them: 'Who provides you with sustenance out of the heavens and the earth? Who holds mastery over your hearing and sight? Who brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? Who governs all affairs of the universe?' They will surely say: 'Allah.' Tell them: 'Will you, then, not shun (going against reality)? Such, then, is Allah, your true Lord. And what is there after truth but error? How, then, are you being turned away?

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