

Sep 26, 2011

Dalail–I–Hayrat with English Translation by S. Ahmad Darwish First Hisb


Dalail-i Hayrat
Wa Shawarqi’l Anwar
Fi Zikris Salat ala Nabiyil-Mukhtahar
Guide of Good Deeds
and the Brilliant Burst of Light
in the Remembrance of Blessings on the Chosen Prophet
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Suleiman ibn Abu Bakr Al-Jazuli Al-Simlali


First Hizb
(Monday begins here)


Bismillahir Rahman ir-Rahim
Sallallahu ala sayyidina wa maulana
Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
azwajihi wa zuriyatihi kama salayta ala
Ibrahima wa barik ala Muhammadin wa
azwajihi wa zurriyatihi kama barakta ala
ali Ibrahima innaka hamidun majid.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala alihi kama salayta ala Ibrahima wa
barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin kama barakta ala ali
Ibrahima fil alamina innaka hamidun
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ali Muhammadin kama salayta ala
Ibrahima wa barik ala Muhammadin wa
ali Muhammadin kama barakta ala
Ibrahima innaka hamidun majidun
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ali Muhammadin kama salayta ala
Ibrahima wa barik ala Muhammadin wa
ali Muhammadin kama barakta ala
Ibrahima innaka hamidun majidun
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
nabiyyil ummiyyi wa ala ali


In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the

Most Merciful


May the peace and blessings of Allah be
upon our master Muhammad and upon
his family and companions.
O Allah praise Muhammad, his wives
and his descendants just as You praised
Abraham and sanctify Muhammad his
wives and descendants just as You
sanctified the family of Abraham for
You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
O Allah praise Muhammad and his
family just as You praised Abraham and
sanctify Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad just as You sanctified the
family of Abraham in all the worlds for
You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad just as You
praised Abraham and sanctify
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad just as You sanctified
Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad just as You
praised Abraham and sanctify
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad just as You sanctified
Abraham in all the worlds for You are
the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
O Allah praise Muhammad, the
unlettered prophet, and the family of


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
abdika wa rasulika
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama salayta ala
Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima innaka
hamidun majidun. Allahumma barik ala
Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin
kama barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali
Ibrahima innaka hamidun majidun.
Allahumma wa taraham ala
Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin
kama tarahamta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali
Ibrahima innaka hamidun majidun.
Allahumma wa tahannan ala
Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin
kama tahannanta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali
Ibrahima innaka hamidun majidun.
Allahumma wa sallim ala Muhammadin
wa ala ali Muhammadin kama sallayta
ala Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima innaka
hamidun majidun.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin warham
Muhammadin wa ali Muhammadin wa
barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin kama salayta wa rahimta
wa barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali
Ibrahima fil alamina innaka hamidun
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
nabiyi wa azwajihi ummahatil
mu’minina wa zurriyatihi wa ahli baytihi
kama salayta ala Ibrahima innaka
hamidun majidun


**********In English*********


O Allah praise Muhammad, Your
worshipper, Your messenger.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad just as You
praised Abraham and the family of
Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty. O Allah sanctify
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad just as You sanctified
Abraham and the family of Abraham for
You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty. O
Allah be merciful to Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad just as You were
merciful to Abraham and the family of
Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty. O Allah be kind to
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad just as You were kind to
Abraham and the family of Abraham for
You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
O Allah grant peace to Muhammad and
the family of Muhammad just as You
granted peace to Abraham and the
family of Abraham for You are the
Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad, and be merciful
to Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, and sanctify Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad just as
You praised, and were merciful to and
sanctified Abraham and the family of
Abraham in all the worlds for You are
the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
O Allah praise Muhammad the prophet,
and his wives the Mothers of the
Believers and his descendants and the
people of his house just as You blessed
Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty.


In Arabic

Allahumma barik ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama barakta ala
Ibrahima innaka hamidun majidun
Allahumma dahiyal madhuwwati
wa barial masmukati wa jabbaral qulubi
ala fitratiha shaqiyiha wa saidi ha’j‘al
sharaifa salawatika wa nawamiya
barakatika wa ra‘fata tahanunika ala
Muhammadin abdika wa rasulikal fatihi
lima ugliqa wal khatimi lima sabaqa
wal mu’linil hakka bilhakk waddami‘i
lijayshatil abatili. Kama hummila
faztala‘a biamrika bito‘atik mustawfizan
fi marzotik wayyan li wahyik hafizan li
ahdika maziyatan ala nafazi amrika hatta
awra qabasan li qabisin alawllahi tasilu
biahlihi asbabahu bihi hudiyatil qulubu
ba’da hawzatil fitani wal ithmi wa
abhaja mudihatil a’lami, wa nayratu
ahkami wa muniratil islami fahuwa
aminukal mamunu wa khaziun ilmikal
makhzuni wa Shahiduka yawmiddini wa
baythuka ni’matan wa rasuluka bil hakk
rahmahtan. Allahummafsa lahu fi adnika
wa ajzihi muzafatil khayri min fazlika
muhannatin lahu gayra mukaddaratin
min fawzi thawabikal mahluli jazili
ataykal ma’luli. Allahumma a’li ala
binayn nasi binahu wa aqrim mathwahu
ladayka wa nuzulahu wa atmim lahu
Nurahu wa ajzihi minibti‘athika lahu
maqbulas shahadati wa mardial maqalati
za mantiqin adlin wa khotatin faslin wa
burhanin azimin.


********In English**********

O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad just as You
praised Abraham for You are the
Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
O Allah, the Leveler of the Plains, the
Maker of the Firmament, and the Molder
of the Heart into the good and bad, grant
Your noblest blessings, most fruitful
favors and most loving kindness to
Muhammad, Your worshipper and Your
messenger, the opener of that which was
locked and the seal of that which has
gone before, the announcer of truth with
truth, and the refuter of the forces of
falsehood. He took upon himself, in
obedience to You, the responsibility of
Your order, earnestly seeking in haste
Your Pleasure, heeding Your Revelation,
keeping Your Promise, carrying out and
executing your Command so that by
kindling a burning brand for the seeker,
his family gain access through him to the
blessings of Allah. Hearts were guided
through him after having entered into
discord and sin, and he gladdened with
evident signs, with enlightening laws
and illuminating Islam. And he is Your
trusted, and safe custodian of Your
secret knowledge, Your witness on the
Day of Judgement and Your envoy, a
favor for us and Your messenger, in
truth, a mercy for us. O Allah raise that
which he built over all that mankind has
built and ennoble his place and his
sojourn with You, and complete for him
his light and reward him with Your
approval so that his testimony is accepted
and his word is pleasing to You, making him
the one whose utterance is just, and whose
course is distinct and whose argument is
Mighty. O Allah, widen for him his place in
Your Eden and reward him doubly with the
goodness of Your Favor granting him
untarnished felicitations from the victory of
Your Reward, which is plentiful and fitting,
and from Your Exalted Gift.


In Arabic

Innallaha wa malaykatahu yusalluna
alanabiyi. Ya ayyuhallazina amanu sallu
alayhi wa sallimu tasliman. Labbaykallahumma
Rabbi wa sa’dayka
salawatullahi barir rahimi. Wal
malaykatil mukarrabina wan nabiyyina
wasiddiqina washuhaday wasalihin.
Wama sabbaha laka min shayin ya
Rabbal alamina. Ala sayyidina
Muhammad ibni Abdullahi hatamin
nabiyyina. Wa sayyidil Mursalina wa
imamil muttaqina wa rasuli Rabbil
alaminas shahidil bashiday ilayka
biiznikas sirajil muniri alayhi salamu.
Allahumma aj‘al salawatika wa
barakatika wa rahmatika ala sayyidil
mursalina wa imamil muttaqina wa
hatamin nabiyyina Muhammadin ahdika
wa rasulika imamil khayri wa qa’aidil
khayri wa rasulir rahmati.
Allahummab‘ashu maqaman mahmudan
yagbituhu fihil awwaluna wal akhiruna.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama salayta ala
Ibrahima innaka hamidun majidun.
Allahumma barik ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama barakta ala
Ibrahima innaka hamidun majidun
“Allah and His Angels praise and
venerate the Prophet. Believers, praise
and venerate him and pronounce peace
upon him in abundance.” (33:56) I am
here, O Allah, my Lord at Your service
and at Your command. The blessings of
Allah, the Good, the Merciful, and of
His closest angels, and of the prophets
and the sincere, and of the martyrs and
the good, and whatever else exists that
exalts You. O Lord of the Worlds. You
are for Muhammad, son of Abdullah, the
seal of the prophets and master of the
messengers, the leader of the pious and
the messenger of the Lord of the Worlds,
the witness, the bringer of good tidings,
the caller to You by Your permission,
the lamp, the Illumined, on him may
there be peace.


*************In English*************

O Allah, grant Your blessings, favors,
and mercy upon the master of the
messengers and the leader of the pious
and seal of the prophets, Muhammad,
Your worshipper and Your messenger,
the pioneer of goodness and guide to
goodness, the messenger of mercy. O
Allah, raise him to the most praised
station, the envy of those who came first
and those who came last. O Allah, praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad just as You praised
Abraham, for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty. O Allah, sanctify
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad just as You sanctified
Abraham, for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala alihi wa ashabihi wa awladihi wa
azwajihi wa zurriyyatihi wa ahli baytihi
wa asharihi wa ansarihi wa ashyayhi wa
muhibbihi wa ummatihi wa alayna
ma’ahum ajma’ina ya arhamar rahimina
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin adada
man salla alayhi wa salli ala
Muhammadin adada man lam yusalli
alayhi wa salli ala Muhammadin kama
amartana bisalati alayhi wa salli alayhi
kama yuhibbu an yusallu alayhi.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin kama
amartana an nusalliya alayhi.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama huwa ahluhu.
Salli ala Muhammadin kama tuhibbu wa
tardahu lahu.
Allahumma ya rabba Muhammadin wa
ali Muhammadin salli ala Muhammadin
wa ali Muhammadin wa a’la
Muhammadinid darajata wal wasilata fil
jannati. Allahumma ya rabba
Muhammadin wa ali Muhammadin
sallallahu alayhi wa sallama ma huwa
Allahumma salli ala ali Muhammadin
wa ala ahli baytihi.


************In English**********

O Allah, praise Muhammad and his
family, his companions, his children, his
wives, his descendants, the people of his
house, his relatives by marriage, his
helpers, his followers, his lovers, his
nation and all of us, O Most Merciful of
the Merciful.
O Allah, praise Muhammad as many
times as those who have asked for
blessings upon him and praise
Muhammad as many times as those who
have not asked for blessings upon him,
and praise him as we have been ordered
to praise him and praise him just as You
willed him to be praised.
O Allah praise Muhammad as we have
been ordered to ask for praises upon
him. O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad as he deserves. O
Allah praise Muhammad and the family
of Muhammad as is Your will and just as
You are pleased with him.
O Allah, O Lord of Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad, praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, and grant to Muhammad
the rank of the nearest station in the
Garden. O Allah, O Lord of Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad, reward
Muhammad, may Allah praise him and
give him peace, just as he is deserving.
O Allah praise the family of Muhammad
and the people of his house.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin hatta la yabqa
minasalati shay’un. Warham
Muhammadin wa ali Muhammadin hatta
yabqa minarahmati shay‘un. Wa barik
ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin hatta la yabqa minal
barakati shay‘un. Wa sallim ala
Muhammadin hatta la yabqa minasalami
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin fil
awwalina. Wa salli ala Muhammadin fil
akhirina. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
finnabiyyina. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
fil mursalina. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
fil malayl a’la yawmiddini. Allahumma
a’ti Muhammadinanil wasilata wal
fazilata washarafa wadarajatal kabirata.
Allahumma inni amantu bi
Muhammadin wa lam arahu fala
tahrimni fil jinani ru'yatahu war zuqni
subatahu wa tawaffani ala millatihi wa
wasqini min hawdihi masraban wa
rawiyyan saygan hanian la nazmaw
ba’dahu abadan innaka ala kulli shay’in
qadirun. Allahumma ablig ruha
Muhammadin minni tahiyyatan wa
salaman. Allahumma wa kama amantu
bihi wa lam arahu fala tahrimni fil jinani
Allahumma taqabbal shafa’ata
Muhammadinil kubra warfa darajatahul
ulya wa atihi su’lahu fil akhirati wal ula
kama atayta Ibrahima wa Musa.


********In English*****

O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad until not one
single drop of praise remains. O Allah
have mercy on Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad until not one
single drop of mercy remains. O Allah
bless Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad until not one single drop of
blessing remains. O Allah grant peace to
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad until not one single drop of
peace remains.
O Allah praise Muhammad among the
First. O Allah praise Muhammad among
the Last. O Allah praise Muhammad
among the prophets. O Allah praise
Muhammad among the messengers. O
Allah praise Muhammad in the heavenly
assembly until the Day of Reckoning. O
Allah grant Muhammad the position of
the nearest station, the pre-eminence and
the noblest and the greatest rank. O
Allah I have believed in Muhammad and
I have not seen him, so do not deprive
my heart of a vision of him and provide
me with his companionship. Let me die
upon his way, and lead me to drink from
his pool plentifully, blissfully, heartily,
the drink after which I will never thirst.
You are the Power of all things. O Allah
send to the soul of Muhammad my
greetings and my salutations. O Allah
just as I have believed in Muhammad
without seeing him, so do not deprive
my heart of a vision of him.
O Allah accept the great intercession of
Muhammad, exalt his rank and give him
that which asks for in the Hereafter and
in this present life, just as You gave to
Abraham and Moses.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama salayta ala
Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima wa barik
ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin kama barakta ala Ibrahima
wa ala ali Ibrahima innaka hamidun
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala
sayyidina Muhammadin nabiyyika wa
rasulika wa Ibrahima khalilika wa
safiyyika wa Musa kalimika wa
najiyyika wa Isa ruhika wa kalimatik wa
ala jami‘i malaykatika wa rusulika wa
anbiya‘ika wa khiyaratika min khalqika
wa asfiya‘ik wa khassatik wa awliya‘ika
min ahli ardika wa sama‘ika wa
sallallahu ala Muhammadin adada
khalqihi wa riza‘a nafsihi wa zinata
arshihi wa midada kalimatihi wa kama
huwa ahluhu wa kullama zakarahuz
zakiruna wa gafala an zikrihil gafiluina
wa ala ahli baytihi wa itratihit tahirina
wa sallimi tasliman


****In English******

O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad just as You
praised Abraham and the family of
Abraham and bless Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad just as You
blessed Abraham and the family of
Abraham, for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty.
O Allah, praise, grant peace to, and bless
our master Muhammad, Your prophet
and Your messenger, and also Abraham,
Your friend and the pure in faith, and
our master Moses, Your interlocutor and
intimate, and also our master Jesus, Your
spirit and word, all the angels,
Messengers and Prophets, the righteous
of Your creation, the pure, the elected,
and Your friends from the nations of
Your earth and Your heaven. And may
the blessings of Allah be upon
Muhammad in all of His creation, to the
fullness of His pleasure in the decoration
of the Throne, in the ink of His Words,
to the measure that he deserves. And
whenever those who remember him ask
and whenever those who neglect to
remember him, neglect, and may these
blessings be also for the people of his
house and his pure, perfumed
descendants, on whom may there be
peace in abundance.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala azwajihi wa zuriyatihi wa ala jami‘in
nabiyyina wal mursalina. Wal malaykati
wal muqarrabina wa jami‘i ibadillahis
salihina. Adada ma amtaratis-sama‘u
munzu baynataha wa salli ala
Muhammadin adada ma anbatatil ardi
munzu dahawtaha. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin adadan nujumi fissama‘i
fa innaka ahsaytaha. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin adada ma tanfasatil
arwahu munzu khalaqtaha. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin adada ma khalaqta wa ma
takhluqu wa ma ahata bihi ilmuka wa
ad‘afa zalika. Allahumma salli alayhim
adada khalqika wa riza‘a nafsika wa
zinata arshika wa midada kalimatika wa
mablaga ilmika wa ayatika. Allahumma
salli alayhim salatan tafuqu wa tafdulu
salatal musallina alayhim minal khalqi
ajma‘ina kafadlika ala jami‘i khalqika.
Allahumma salli alayhim salatan
da‘imatan mustamirratad dawami ala
marril layali wal ayyami muttasilatad
dawami lanqida‘a laha walansirama ala
marrilliyali wal ayyami adada kulli
wabilin wa tallin.


*****In English****

O Allah, praise Muhammad, and his
wives and children, and all the prophets
and messengers, and closest angels, and
all the righteous worshippers of Allah, in
all the rain the sky has ever rained since
it was formed, and praise Muhammad in
everything the earth has produced since
it was spread out. And praise
Muhammad as many times as there are
stars in the sky and You alone are their
Counter, And praise Muhammad in
every breath of every soul from the
moment You created them. And praise
Muhammad in everything You have
already created and in what You will
create, and in whatever is encompassed
by Your Knowledge, and then double all
of that. O Allah, praise them in all of
Your Creation and as much as it pleases
You, in the decoration of Your Throne,
in the ink Your Words and to the
fullness of Your knowledge and signs. O
Allah, praise them, with excellent and
more gracious blessings, with blessings
equal to all requests for blessings ever
uttered by the entire creation just as, in
like measure, the whole of creation
enjoys Your Favor. O Allah, praise
them, with eternal and permanent
blessings, for as long as the duration of
all future nights and days, never-ending
and perpetual, with blessings equal to
the duration of all the days and nights
which have already passed with
blessings as copious as the rain
contained in every downpour, and in
every shower that has ever fallen.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
Nabiyyika wa Ibrahima Khalilika wa ala
jami‘i anbiya‘ika wa asfiya‘ika min ahli
ardika wa sama‘ik adada khalqika wa
riza‘a nafsika wa zinata arshika wa
midada kalimatika wa muntaha ilmika
wa zinata jami‘i makhluqatika salatan
mukarratan abadan adada ma ahsa
ilmuka wa mila ma ahsa ilmuka wa
ad‘afa ma ahsa ilmuka salatan tazidu wa
tafuqu wa tafdulu salatal musallina
alayhim minal khalqi ajma‘ina kafadlika
ala jami‘il khalqika.


************In English***************

O Allah praise Muhammad, Your
prophet, and Abraham, Your friend, and
all the prophets, and pure people of Your
earth and Your heaven, in all of Your
creation and as it pleases You, in the
decoration of Your Throne, in the ink of
Your Words, to the fullness of Your
knowledge and adornment of Your
created beings, with blessings repeated
eternally to the fullness of Your
knowledge, and to the depth of Your
Knowledge and then double this with
blessings abundant and excellent and
gracious, blessings equal to all the
requests for blessings ever uttered by all
of creation just, as in like measure, the
whole of creation enjoys Your Favor.


In Arabic

(Tuesday begins here)
Allahummaj‘alni mimman lazima
millata nabiyyika Muhammadin
sallallahu alayhi wa sallama. Wa azzama
hurmatahu. Wa azza kalimatahu. Wa
hafiza ahdahu wa zimmatahu wa nasara
hizbahu wa da'watahu. Wa qassara
tabi’ihi wa firqatahu. Wa wafa
zumratahu wa lam yukhalifu sabilahu wa
sannatahu. Allahumma inni as‘alukal
istimsaka bisunnatihi. Wa a‘uzu bika
minal inhirafi amma ja‘a bihi.


***********In English**************

O Allah grant me to be from among
those who adhere closely to the way of
Your prophet, Muhammad, may the
blessings of Allah always be upon him.
Strengthen his holiness, empower his
words, protect his promise and security,
and give victory to his party and calling.
Increase those who make their pledge to
him and his company, and grant that we
may die in his company and do not allow
us to stray from his path and way. O
Allah, I ask You for loyalty to his way
and seek refuge in You from each
deviation from it.


In Arabic

Allahumma inni as‘aluka min khayri ma
salaka minhu Muhammadin nabiyyuka
wa rasuluka sallallahu alayhi wa
sallama. Wa a‘uzu bika min sharri
masta'azaka minhu Muhammadun
nabiyyuka wa rasuluka sallallahu alayhi
wa sallama. Allahumma’simni min
sharril fitani. Wa afini min jami‘il
mihani. Wa aslih minni ma zahara wa
ma batana. Wa naqqi qalbi minal haqdi
wal basadi. Wa la taj‘al alayya tiba‘atan
li ahadin.
Allahumma inni as'alakal ahza biahsani
ma ta’lamu. Wattarka lisayi ma ta’lamu.
Wa as‘alukat takaffula birrizqi.
Wazzuhda filkafafi. Wal makhraja bil
bayani min kulli shubuhatin. Wal falaja
bissawabi fi kulli hujjatin. Wal adla fil
gadabi wa rida’i wa taslima lima yajri
bihil qaza‘u. Wal iqtisada fil faqri wal
gina. Wattawazu‘a filqawli wal fi‘li
wassidqi fil jiddi wal hazli. Allahumma
inna li zunuban fima bayni wa baynaka
wa zunuban fima bayni wa bawna
Allahumma ma kana laka minha
fagfirhu. Wa ma kana minha likhalqika
fatahammalhu anni. Wa agnini bi fadlika
innaka wasi‘ul magfirati. Allahumma
nawwir bil ilmi qalbi wasta’mil
bita’atika badani. Wa khallis minal fitani
sirri. Washgal bil‘itibari fiqri. Wa qini
sharra wasawisish shaytani. Wa ajirni
minhu ya rahmanu. Hatta layaquna lahu
alayya sultanun.


**********In English************

O Allah I ask of You the good that
Muhammad, Your prophet and Your
messenger, asked of You, may Allah
grant him peace and praise him, and I
seek refuge in You from the evil from
which Muhammad, Your prophet and
Your messenger, sought refuge, may
Allah grant him peace and praise him. O
Allah protect me from the evil of discord
and absolve me from all trials, and
cleanse me from within and without, and
purify my heart from hatred and envy,
and do not allow anyone to oppress me.
O Allah I ask You for the good that You
know, and to let me pass by the evil that
You know, and I ask You to provide me
with provision, for indifference to being
physically satisfied, a clear way out from
every uncertainty, a proper stance in
every argument, justice in anger and
pleasure, peace in whatever fate ordains,
providence in thought and wealth,
humility in my words and actions, and
sincerity in my seriousness and in my
jesting. O Allah, indeed there are sins
between You and me and there are sins
between Your creation and me.
O Allah, what is this for You, so forgive
me my sins and whatever arises from
them, bear them for me and enrich me
with Your Favor, for Your forgiveness is
widespread. O Allah, enlighten the
knowledge of my heart and render my
body obedient to You and purify me
from inner discord and occupy me with
contemplation. O Merciful One, protect
me from the whisperings of satan, and
save me from him, until he no longer has
any power over me.
(Monday ends here)


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