

Jul 19, 2011

Allah gives honor to whom he wants & humiliates whom he wants


Honor altogether belongs to Allah.

Indeed all honor is Allah's. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

He who seeks glory, let him know that all glory belongs to Allah. To Him do good words go up, and righteous action uplifts them.

Give tidings of painful chastisement to the hypocrites, who take the unbelievers for their allies in preference to the believers. Do they seek honor from them whereas honor altogether belongs to Allah alone? Allah has enjoined upon you in the-Book that when you hear the signs of Allah being rejected and scoffed at, do not sit with them until they engage in some other talk, or else you will become like them. Know well, Allah will gather the hypocrites and the unbelievers in Hell - all together.

In truth, all honor belongs to Allah, and to His Messenger, and to the believers.

O Human beings! We created you all from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another. Verily the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah is the most God-fearing of you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.

Say: 'O Allah, Owner of the Kingdom! You give the Kingdom to whom You will, and take the Kingdom from whom You will, and You give honor to whom You want, and humiliate whom You want. In Your Hand is all good. Surely You are All-Powerful. You cause the night to pass into the day and the day to pass into the night. You bring forth the living out of the dead, and You bring the dead out of the living, and You give sustenance to whom You will beyond all reckoning.'

And he whom Allah humiliates, none can give him honor. Allah does whatever He wills.

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