

Jul 19, 2011

Victory or Defeat is from Allah



And there is no victory except from Allah, the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

If Allah helps you none will prevail over you; if He forsakes you then who can help you? It is in Allah that the believers should put their trust.

lt has often been that a small group has, by Allah's grace, defeated a large one: for Allah is with those who show fortitude.

You have already come across an instructive sign in the two armies that encountered each other in battle (at Badr): one army fighting in the way of Allah, and the other that of unbelievers. They saw with their own eyes that one party was twice the number of the other. But (the result of the battle has proved that) Allah succors with His victory whomsoever He wills. In this there is surely a lesson for all who have eyes to see.

Verily We bestowed Our favors on Moses and Aaron and We saved both of them and their people from the great calamity. We helped them, and they gained the upper hand (against their enemies).

We have already given Our promise to Our Messengers that they shall certainly be succored, and that Our soldiers will certainly be victorious.

Allah has written: “Surely I will prevail; I and My Messengers.” Verily Allah is Most Strong, Most Mighty.

Do not, then, either lose heart or grieve: for you wi ll surely gain the upper hand if you are true men of faith. If a wound has befallen you a similar wound has already befallen the people who are opposed to you. We make such movements to men in turn so that Allah might mark out those who are the true men of faith and select martyrs from among you (those who do really bear witness to the Truth): for Allah does not love the wrong-doers.

All those who take Allah and His Messenger and those who believe as their allies, should remember that the party of Allah will be victorious.

So if there are of you a hundred steadfast persons, they will overcome two hundred, and if there are a thousand of you, they will overcome two thousand with the Leave of Allah. Allah is with those who have patience.

If you are steadfast and you have piety, even though the enemy should suddenly fall upon you, your Lord will help you with five thousand marked angels.

Those who say “Allah is our Lord” and then remain steadfast, upon them descend angels (and say): “Do not fear nor grieve, and receive good tidings of Paradise which you were promised. We are your companions in this world and in the Hereafter. There you shall have all that you desire and all what you will ask for.

To Allah belong the legions of the heavens and the earth; Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise.

To Allah belong the forces of the heavens and the earth. Allah is Most Mighty, Most Wise.

And none knows the armies of your Lord but He.

He it is Who strengthened you with His succor and the believers and joined their hearts. Had you given away all the riches of the earth you could not have joined their hearts, but it is Allah Who joined their hearts. Indeed He is All-Mighty All-Wise. O Prophet! Allah is sufficient for you and the believers who follow you.

Allah surely fulfilled His promise (of succor) when you were slaying them by His leave until the moment when you flagged and quarreled among yourselves about the matter, and acted against the order of (the Prophet) when He showed you what you had intensely desired - for some among you sought this world and some of you sought the Afterlife. Thereupon, in order to put you to a test He turned you away from your foes. Still He pardoned you after that for Allah is Bounteous to those who believe. Recall when you were fleeing without casting even a side glance at anyone, and the Messenger was calling out to you from the rear. Then Allah requited you by inflicting grief after grief upon you so as to instruct you neither to grieve for the losses you might suffer nor for the afflictions that might befall you. Allah knows all that you do.

Surely those of them who turned their backs on the day when the two armies met (at Uhud) did so because Satan made them slip because of some of their lapses. But Allah has pardoned them; He is All-Forgiving, All-Forbearing.

And how come when a calamity befell you, you began to ask: 'How has this come about?' even though the enemy has suffered at your hands (in the Battle of Badr) double what you have suffered! Say: This calamity has been brought about by yourselves. Surely Allah is Ail-Powerful. What befell you on the day when the two armies met was by the leave of Allah, and in order that He might mark out those who believe and those who are hypocrites. And when these hypocrites were asked: 'Come and fight in the way of Allah', or (at least) 'defend yourselves', they answered: 'If we but knew that there would be fighting, we would certainly have followed. They were nearer then to infidelity than to faith. They utter from their mouths what is not in their hearts. Allah knows well what they conceal.

Believers! When you encounter (an enemy) force in battle, stand firm and remember Allah much that you may triumph. And obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not quarrel with one another lest you should lose courage and your power depart. Be steadfast, surely Allah is with those who remain steadfast. And be not like those who came forth from their homes exulting, with a desire to be seen of men, and hindering others from the way of Allah. Allah encompasses all that they do.

Do not be faint of heart in pursuing these people: if you happen to suffer harm they too are suffering just as you are, while you may hope from Allah what they cannot hope for. Allah is All-Knowing, All- Wise.

Allah has helped you on many occasions before this; (recently you witnessed the glory of His help on the day of the Battle of Hunain; you were proud of your great numbers which had deluded you but it availed you nothing and the earth, with all its vastness, became too narrow for you, and turning your backs, you fled. Then Allah sent down His saints (peace and tranquility) upon His Messenger and the Believers and sent to your aid forces which you could not see and chastised those who denied the Truth: for this is the due recompense of those who deny the Truth.

Say to them, "Nothing (good or bad) can befall us except that which Allah has destined for us: Allah is our Guardian and the Believers should put their trust in Him alone."

Make ready for an encounter against them all the forces and well-readied horses you can muster that you may overawe the enemies of Allah and your own enemies and others besides them of whom you are unaware but of whom Allah is aware. Whatever you may spend in the cause of Allah shall be fully repaid to you, and you shall not be wronged.

O Believers! obey Allah and obey the Messenger and do not cause your works to be nullified. Verily Allah will not forgive those who disbelieved and barred others from Allah's Way and clung to their unbelief until their death. So, be not faint-hearted and do not cry for peace (from the enemies of Islam). You shall prevail. Allah is with you and will not bring your works to ought

If they (enemies) incline to peace, incline you as well to it, and trust in Allah. Surely He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. And should they seek to deceive you, Allah is sufficient for you.

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