

Sep 28, 2011

Dalail–ul–Hayrat with English Translations By S. Ahmad Darwish




Dalail-i Hayrat
Wa Shawarqi’l Anwar
Fi Zikris Salat ala Nabiyil-Mukhtahar
Guide of Good Deeds
and the Brilliant Burst of Light
in the Remembrance of Blessings on the Chosen Prophet
Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Suleiman ibn Abu Bakr Al-Jazuli Al-Simlali

(Friday begins here)

Allahumma inni as’aluka bihaqikal
azimi wa bihakki nuri wajhikal karimi
wa bihakki arshikal azimi. Wa bima
hamala kursiyyuka min azamatika wa
jalalika wa jamalika wa baha‘ika wa
qudratika wa sultanika. Wa bihakki
asma‘i kal makhzunatil maknunatillati
lam yattali’ alayha ahadun min khalqika.
Allahumma wa as’aluka bi’ismillazi wa
da’tahu alal layli fa’azlama wa alan
nahari fastanara wa alas samawati
fastaqallat wa alal ardi fasaqarat wa alal
jibali fa’arsat wa alal bihari wal awdiyati
fajarat wa alal uyuni fanaba‘at wa alas
sahabi fa’amtarat. Wa as’aluk
allahumma bil asma‘il maktubati fi
jabhati israfi’la alayhi salamu wa bil
asma‘il maktubati fi jabhati Jibrila alayhi
salamu. Wa alal mala‘ikatil muqarabina.
Wa as’aluk allahumma bil asma’il
maktubati hawlal arshi. Wa as’aluka bil
asma‘il maktubati hawlal kursiyyi. Wa
as’aluk allahumma bil ismil maktubi ala
waraqiz zaytuni.


In English

O Allah, I ask You for the sake of Your
Great Truth, and for the sake of the
Truth of the Light of Your Noble Face,
and for the sake of the Truth of Your
Great Throne and for the sake of that
which bears Your Seat from the strength
of Your oceans, the Glory of Your
oceans, the beauty of Your oceans, the
light of Your oceans, the Might of Your
oceans and the power of Your oceans
and for the sake of the truth of Your
Preserved and Hidden Names which
none from Your creation will ever come
to know.
O Allah, I ask You in the Name which
when laid upon the night, darkness falls,
and when laid upon the day, light
appears, and when laid upon the
heavens, they are raised on High, and
when laid upon the earth, it becomes
firm, and when laid upon the mountains,
they become fixed and when laid upon
the oceans and the rivers, they begin to
flow. And when laid upon the springs,
they burst forth, and when laid upon the
clouds, they shed their rain, and I ask
You, O Allah, in the Names written
upon the forehead of Israfil, peace be
upon him, and in the Names written
upon the forehead of Gabriel, peace be
upon him and upon all the angels of
nearness, and I ask You, O Allah, in
Names written around the Throne and in
the Names written around the Footstool,
and I ask You, O Allah, in the Name
written on the olive leaf.

(Thursday ends here)

Wa as’aluk allahumma bil asma‘il
izamillati sammayta biha nafsaka ma
alimtu minha wa malam a’lam.
O Allah, I ask You in the Majestic
Names with which You have named
Yourself, those of which I am aware and
those of which I am not aware.

Fifth Hizb

Wa as’aluk allahumma bil asma’illati
da‘aka biha Adamu alayhi salamu.
Wa bil asma’illati da‘aka biha
Sulaymanu alayhi salamu. Wa bil
asma’illati da‘aka biha Zakariyya alayhi
salamu. Wa bil asma’illati da‘aka biha
Yahya alayhi salamu. Wa bil asma’illati
da‘aka biha Armiya alayhi salamu.Wa
bil asma’illati da‘aka biha Sha’ya alayhi
salamu. Wa bil asma’illati da‘aka biha
Ilyasu alayhi salamu.
Wa bil asma’illati da ‘aka biha Alyasa’u
alayhi salamu. Wa bil asma’illati da‘aka
biha Zulkifli alayhi salamu. Wa bil
asma‘illati da‘aka biha Yusha‘u alayhi
salamu. Wa bil asma‘illati da‘aka biha
Isa alayhi salamu. Wa bil asma ‘illati
da‘aka biha Muhammadin sallallahu
alayhi wa salama wa ala jami’in
nabiyyina wal mursalina.


In English

And I ask You, Allah, in the Name in
which our master Adam, peace be upon
him, called You.
And I ask You, Allah, in the Name in
which our master Soloman, peace be
upon him, called You. And I ask You,
Allah, in the Name in which our master
Zachariah, peace be upon him, called
You. And I ask You, Allah, in the Name
in which our master John, peace be upon
him, called You. And I ask You, Allah,
in the Name in which our master
Jeremiah, peace be upon him, called
You. And I ask You, Allah, in the Name
in which our master Sha’ya (Shuayb),
peace be upon him, called You. And I
ask You, Allah, in the Name in which
our master Elias, peace be upon him,
called You.
And I ask You, Allah, in the Name in
which our master Elyasa, peace be upon
him, called You. And I ask You, Allah,
in the Name in which our master Zul
Kifli, peace be upon him, called You.
And I ask You, Allah, in the Name in
which our master Joshua, peace be upon
him, called You. And I ask You, Allah,
in the Name in which our master Jesus,
peace be upon him, called You. And I
ask You, Allah, in the Name in which
Muhammad, praise and veneration be
upon him, and the Names in which all
the prophets and messengers, called



Wa bil asma’illati da‘aka biha Nuh
alayhi salamu. Wa bil asma’illati da‘aka
biha Hudun alayhi salamu. Wa bil
asma’illati da‘aka biha Ibrahimu alayhi
salamu. Wa bil asma’illati da‘aka biha
Salihun alayhi salamu.Wa bil asma’illati
da‘aka biha Yunusu alayhi salamu.
Wa bil asma’illati da‘aka biha Ayyubu
alayhi salamu. Wa bil asma’illati da ‘aka
biha Yakubu alayhi salamu. Wa bil
asma’illati da‘aka biha Yusufu alayhi
salamu. Wa bil asma‘illati da‘aka biha
Musa alayhi salamu. Wa bil asma‘illati
da‘aka biha Harunu alayhi salamu. Wa
bil asma‘illati da‘aka biha Shu’aybun
alayhi salamu. Wa bil asma‘illati da‘aka
biha Ismay’ilu alayhi salamu. Wa bil
asma‘illati da‘aka biha Dawudu alayhi
An tusalli ala Muhammadin nabiyyika
adada ma khalaqtahu min qabli an
takunas sama‘u mabniyyatan wal ardu
madhiyyatan wal jibalu mursiyyatan wal
biharu mujratan wal uyunu munfajiratan
wal anharu munhamiratan wash shamsi
mudhiyatan wal qamaru mudi‘an wal
kawakibu mustaniratan kunta haysu
kunta la ya‘lamu ahadun.


In English

And I ask You, Allah, in the Name in
which Noah, peace be upon him, called
You. And I ask You, Allah, in the Name
in which Hud, peace be upon him, called
You. And I ask You, Allah, in the Name
in which Abraham, peace be upon him,
called You. And I ask You, Allah, in the
Name in which our master Salih, peace
be upon him, called You. And I ask You,
Allah, in the Name in which our master
Jonah, peace be upon him, called You.
And I ask You, Allah, in the Name in
which our master Job, peace be upon
him, called You. And I ask You, Allah,
in the Name in which our master Jacob,
peace be upon him, called You. And I
ask You, Allah, in the Name in which
our master Joseph, peace be upon him,
called You. And I ask You, Allah, in the
Name in which our master Moses, peace
be upon him, called You. And I ask You,
Allah, in the Name in which our master
Aaron, peace be upon him, called You.
And I ask You, Allah, in the Name in
which our master Shuayb, peace be upon
him, called You. And I ask You, Allah,
in the Name in which our master
Ishmael, peace be upon him, called You.
And I ask You, Allah, in the Name in
which our master David, peace be upon
him, called You.
That You praise Muhammad, Your
Prophet, in all that You created before
the sky was built, the earth was spread
out, before the mountains were made
stable, the seas began to flow, before the
springs burst forth, the rivers streamed
out, before the sun shone forth, before
the moon beamed and the planets were
illumined and where You were, and no
one knows where You were except You
alone, O You who have no partner.



Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin adada
hilmika. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
adada ‘ilmika. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin adada kalimatika. Wa salli
ala Muhammadin adada nimatika. Wa
salli ala Muhammadin mil‘a
samawatika. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
mil‘a ardika. Wa salli ala Muhammad
mil‘a arshika. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
zinata arshika. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin adada ma jara bihilqalam
fi ummilkitabi. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin adada ma khalaqta fi sab‘i
samawatika. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
adada ma anta khalikun fihinna ila
yawmil kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin adada
kulli qatratin qatarat min samawatika ila
ardika min yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila
yawmil kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
marratan. Allahumma salli ala
Muhammadin adada man yusabbihuka
wa yuhalliluka wa yukabbiruka wa
yu‘azzimuka min yawmi khalaqtad
dunya ila yawmil kiyamati fi kulli
yawmi alfa marratan. Allahumma salli
ala Muhammadin adada anfasihim wa
alfazihim. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
adada kulli nasamatin khalaqtaha fihim
min yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil
kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa marratan.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad to the
fullness of Your Forbearance. O Allah,
praise Muhammad to the fullness of
Your Knowledge. O Allah, praise
Muhammad as many times as Your
Words. O Allah, praise Muhammad to
the fullness of Your Favor. O Allah,
praise Muhammad to the fullness of
Your skies. O Allah, praise Muhammad
to the fullness of Your earth. O Allah,
praise Muhammad to the fullness of
Your Throne. O Allah, praise
Muhammad in the decoration of Your
Throne. O Allah, praise Muhammad in
all that the pen has written in the Mother
of the Book. O Allah, praise Muhammad
as much as You have created in Your
seven heavens. O Allah, praise
Muhammad as much as You will create
in them until the Day of Resurrection
and every day a thousand times.
O Allah, praise Muhammad in every
drop of rain that has fallen from Your
heavens to Your earth from the day You
created the world to the Day of
Resurrection and every day a thousand
times. O Allah, praise Muhammad as
many times as those who have exalted
You, declared Your Oneness, magnified
You and extolled You from the day You
created the world to the Day of
Resurrection, and every day a thousand
times. O Allah, praise Muhammad in
every one of their breaths and their
utterances, and praise Muhammad in
every one of their fragrant exhalings
from the day You created the world to
the Day of Resurrection, and every day a
thousand times.


In English

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
adadas sahabil jariyati. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin adadar riyahiz zariyati
min yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil
kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa marratan.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin adada
ma habbat alayhir riyahu wa harrakathu
minal agsani wal ashjari wal awraki was
simari wa jami‘i ma khalaqta ala ardika
wamabayna samawatika min yawmi
khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil kiyamati fi
kulli yawmin alfa marratin.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin adada
nujumis sama‘i min yawma khalaqtad
dunya ila yawmil kiyamati fi kulli
yawmin alfa marratin. Allahumma salli
ala Muhammadin adada mil‘a ardika
mimma hamalat wa aqallat min
qudratika. Allahumma salli ala
Muhammadin adada ma khalaqta fi sab‘i
biharika mimma la’ ya’lamu ilmahu illa
anta wama anta khaliquhu fiha ila
yawmil kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
Allahumma salli ala Muhammad adada
mil‘a sab‘i biharika. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin zinata sab‘i biharika
mimma hamalat wa aqqalat min
qudratika. Allahumma wa salli ala
Muhammadin adada amwaji biharika
min yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil
kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa marratin.
Allahumma wa salli ala Muhammadin
adadar Ramli wal hasa, fi mustaqaril
arazina wa saliha wa jibaliha min yawmi
khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil kiyamati fi
kulli yawmin alfa marratin.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad in every
rolling cloud and praise Muhammad in
every sweeping wind from the day You
created the world to the Day of
Resurrection, and every day a thousand
times. O Allah, praise Muhammad in the
movement of every branch, every tree,
every leaf and every fruit stirred by the
wind and in every wind-stirred
movement of everything You have
created on Your earth and between Your
heavens, from the day You created the
world to the Day of Resurrection, and
every day a thousand times.
O Allah, praise Muhammad in every star
in the sky from the day You created the
world to the Day of Resurrection, and
every day a thousand times. O Allah,
praise Muhammad as much as the entire
earth and what it holds and what it bears
of Your Creation. O Allah, praise
Muhammad in everything You have
created in the seven seas, knowledge of
which is Yours alone, and in everything
You will create in them until the Day of
Resurrection, and every day a thousand
O Allah, praise Muhammad to the
fullness of Your Seven Seas, and praise
Muhammad in the adornment of Your
Seven Seas in that which they hold and
bear of Your Creation. O Allah, praise
Muhammad in every wave on Your Seas
from the day You created the world to
the Day of Resurrection, and every day a
thousand times. O Allah, praise
Muhammad in every grain of sand and
in every pebble on the solid ground of
the earth, the soft ground of the earth
and the mountains of the earth from the
day You created the world to the Day of
Resurrection, and every day a thousand



Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
adadastirabil miyahil azbati wal milhati
min yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil
kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa marratin.
Wa salli ala Muhammadin adada ma
khalaqtahu ala jadidi ardika fi mustaqaril
aradina sharqiha wa garbiha saliha wa
jibaliha wa awdiyatiha wa tariqiha wa
amiriha wa gamiriha ila sa‘iri
makhalaqtahu alayha wa fiha min
hasatin wa madarin wa hajarin min
yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil
kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa marratin.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
nabiyyi adada nabatil ardi min qiblatiha
wa sharqiha wa garbiha wa sahliha wa
jibaliha wa awdiyatiha wa ashjariha wa
simariha wa awrakih wa zuru‘iha wa
jami‘i ma yakhruju min nabatiha wa
barakatiha min yawmi khalaqtad dunya
ila yawmil kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin adada
khafaqanit tayri wa tayaranil jinni wash
shayatini min yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila
yawmil kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
marratin. Allahumma salli ala
Muhammadin adada kulli bahimatin
khalaqtaha ala jadidi ardika min sagirin
awkabirin fi mashariqil ardi wa
magaribiha min insiha wa jinniha wa
mimma la ya’lamu ilmahu illa anta min
yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil
kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa marratin.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad in the
turbulence existing between salt water
and fresh water from the day You
created the world to the Day of
Resurrection, and every day a thousand
times. O Allah, praise Muhammad in
everything which You have created on
the face of Your earth on solid land, in
the west and in the east, on soft ground
and the mountains, in the streets and
ways, in populated areas and in waste
lands, and in what You have created on
it and in it elsewhere in every pebble, in
every lump of mud and in every stone,
from the day You created the world to
the Day of Resurrection, and every day a
thousand times.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, in every
plant on the earth in the direction of the
east and the west, on soft ground, on
mountains and in valleys, and may there
be blessings in every tree, in every fruit,
in every leaf, in every plant, and in any
other vegetation or herbage that grows
from the day You created the world to
the Day of Resurrection, and every day a
thousand times.
O Allah, praise Muhammad in the
flapping of the wings of birds, in the
flying of the jinn and devils from the day
You created the world to the Day of
Resurrection, and every day a thousand
times. O Allah, praise Muhammad in
every large and every small creature
created by You in the west and in the
east of Your earth, those which are
known and those which You alone have
knowledge, from the day You created
this world until the Day of Resurrection,
every day a thousand times.



Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin adada
ma khalaqta minal jinni wal insi wash
shayatini wa ma anta khaliquhu minhum
ila yawmil kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
marratin. Allahumma salli ala
Muhammadin adada kulli’ sha’ratin fi
abda’ihim wa fi wujuhihim wa ala
rususihim munzu khalaqtad dunya ila
yawmil kiyamati fi kulli yawmin alfa
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin adada
khutahum ala wajhil ardi min yawmi
khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil kiyamati fi
kulli yawmin alfa marratin. Allahumma
salli ala Muhammadin adada man yusalli
alayhi. Wa salli ala Muhammadin adada
man lam yusalli alayhi. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin adadal qatri wal matari
wannabati. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
adada kulli shay’in.
Allahumma wa salli ala Muhammadin
filayli iza yagsha. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin finnahari iza tajalla. Wa
salli ala Muhammadin fil akhirati
wal’ula. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
shabban zakiyyan. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin khahlan mardiyan. Wa
salli ala Muhammadin hatta la yabqa
minas salati shay‘un. Allahumma wa a’ti
Muhammadinan maqamal mahmudallazi
wa adtahulazi iza qala saddaqtahu wa iza
sala a’taytahu.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad in every
jinn, human and devil You have created
and in every one of them You will create
until the Day of Resurrection, and every
day a thousand times. O Allah bless our
master Muhammad in every follicle of
hair on their bodies, on their faces, and
on their heads from the movement You
created the world to the Day of
Resurrection and every day a thousand
O Allah, praise Muhammad in every
ridge on the face of the earth from the
day You created the world to the Day of
Resurrection, and every day a thousand
times. O Allah, praise Muhammad as
many times as those who ask for
blessings upon him, and praise
Muhammad as many times as those who
do not ask for blessings upon him., and
praise Muhammad in every raindrop, in
every rainfall and in every plant, and
praise Muhammad in everything that
And praise Muhammad at night when it
grows dark, and praise Muhammad in
the day when in grows light, and praise
Muhammad in the end and at the
beginning, and praise Muhammad in his
youth, and in his purity, and praise
Muhammad in his middle age, and
praise Muhammad even in the cradle,
and praise Muhammad until nothing
remains of the blessings. O Allah, grant
to Muhammad the most praised station
which You promised to him, the place
where when he speaks, You vindicate
him and when he asks, You give him.



Allahumma wa a’zim burhanahu wa
sharrif bunyanahu wa ahlij hujjatahu wa
bayyin fazilatahu. Allahumma wa
taqabbal shafa‘atahu fi ummatihu
wasta’milna bisunnatihi wa tawaffana
ala millatihi wahshurna fi zumratihi wa
tahta liwa‘ihi waj‘alna min rufaqa‘ihi wa
awridna hawzahu wasqina bi ka’sihi
wanfa’na bi mahabbatihi. Allahumma
Wa as’aluka bi asma’ikallati da‘awtuka
biha an tusalliya ala Muhammadin adada
ma wasaftu wa mimma la ya’lamu
ilmahu illa anta an tarhamani wa tatuba
alayya wa tu’afiyani min jami‘il bala‘i
wal balwa‘i wa an tagfirali wa tarhamal
mu’minina wal mu’minati wal
muslimina wal muslimatal, ahya‘i
minhum wal amwata wa an tagfira li
(abdika fulan ibni fulan) muznibil
khati’iz za’ifi wa an tatuba alayhi innaka
gafurun rahim.
Allahumma inni as’aluka bihakki ma
hamala kursiyyuka min azmatika wa
qudratika wa jalalika wa bahayka wa
sultanika. Wa Bihakkismikal makhzunil
maknunillazi sammayta bihi nafsaka wa
anzaltahu fil kitabika. Wasta’sarta bihi fi
ilmil gaybi indaka. An tusalliya ala
Muhammadin abdika wa rasulika.


In English

O Allah, exalt his proof, honour his
stature, make his proof radiant and make
his excellence clear. O Allah, accept his
intercession for his nation, and establish
us on his way, allow us to die in his
manner, resurrect us in his company
beneath his flag, and let us be among his
associates, water us at his pool, allow us
to drink from his drinking bowl, and
enjoy his love, O Allah, Amen.
And I ask You, in the Names in which I
have called on You to praise
Muhammad, as much as I have uttered
and as much as that of which You alone
have knowledge, to have mercy on me
and accept my repentance, absolve me
from all trials and tribulations, forgive
me and my (believing) parents and have
mercy on all believing men and women,
submissive men and women alike
(Muslims), the living among them and
the dead, and forgive the reader of this
Book, the sinner, the erroneous one, the
weak one, and accept his/her repentance
for You are the Forgiver, the Merciful.
O Allah, I ask You for the sake of the
truth that carries Your Throne from the
oceans of Your Might, the oceans of
Your Power, the oceans of Your Glory,
the oceans of Your Splendor and Your
oceans of Authority, and for the sake of
the truth of Your Names secret and
hidden, which You called Yourself and
which You sent down in Your Book and
which You alone take for Yourself in the
unseen world, that You praise
Muhammad, Your worshipper and Your
** One translation notes at this point: “The Messenger of Allah, may Allah praise and venerate him and grant him
peace, said ‘Whosoever reads this blessing once, Allah will write for him the reward of an accepted pilgrimage and
the reward of freeing a worshipper from the descendants of Ishmael, peace be upon him. And Allah the Exalted says,
"O My angels, this is one of My worshippers who asked for abundant blessings upon My Beloved Muhammad, so
through My Power, My Generosity, My Splendor, and My Sublimity, I grant him for every letter of the words he
utters asking for blessings, a castle in the Garden and I will make him come to me on the Day of Resurrection
beneath the Flag of Praise, and the light of his face will be like the full moon and he will be hand in hand with My
Beloved Muhammad.” ‘ And in another narration…”



Wa as’aluka bismikalazi iza du‘ita bihi
ajabta wa iza su‘ilta bihi a’tayta. Wa
as’aluka bismikallazi wa da’tahu alal
layli fa azlama. Wa alan nahari
fastanara. Wa alassamawati fastaqallat.
Wa alal ardi fastaqarrat. Wa alal jibali
farasat. Wa alassa’bati fazallat. Wa ala
ma‘issama‘i fasakabat. Wa ala
ma’issahabi fa’amtarat.
Wa as’aluka bima sa‘alaka bihi
Muhammadin nabiyyuka wa as’aluka
bima sa‘alaka bihi Adamu nabiyyuka
wa as’aluka bima sa‘alaka bihi
anbiya‘uka wa rusulika. Wa
mala’ikatukal muqarrabuna Sallallahu
alayhim ajma’ina. Wa as’aluka bima
sa‘alak bihi ahluta’atika ajma’ina. An
tusalliya ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin adada ma khalaqta min
qabli an takunassama‘u mabniyatan. Wal
ardu mathiyyatan. Wal jibalu
mursiyatan. Wal uyunu munfajiratan.
Wal anharu munhamiratan. Wash
shamsu muhdiyatan. Wal qamaru
mudi‘an. Wal kawakibu muniratan.


In English

And I ask You in the Name in which if
one should to call upon You, You would
answer, and in which if one were to ask
You something, You would grant it. And
I ask You in Your Name, which when
laid upon the night, darkness falls, and
when laid upon the day, light arises, and
when laid upon the heavens they are
raised up, and when laid upon the earth
it becomes solid and firm, and when laid
upon the mountains they form summits,
and when laid upon difficulties they are
overcome, and when laid upon the water
of the sky it pours forth, and when laid
upon the clouds they rain.
And I ask You, for the sake of that
which Muhammad, Your prophet, asked
You. And I ask You, for the sake of that
which our master Adam, Your prophet,
asked You. And I ask You, for the sake
of that which Your prophets and Your
messengers, and Your closest angels
asked You, may the blessings of Allah
be upon all of them. And I ask You, for
the sake of that which all Your obedient
people asked You, that You praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad in all that You created
before the sky was built, before the earth
was spread out, before the mountains
were made firm, before the seas began to
flow, before the springs burst open,
before the rivers poured forth, before the
sun shone forth, before the moon
beamed and the plants were illuminated.



Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adada ilmika.
Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin adada hilmika. Wa salli
ala Muhammad wa ala ali Muhammadin
adada ma ahsa’ul lawhul mahfuzu min
ilmika. Allahumma salli ala
Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin
adada ma jara bihil qalamu fi ummil
kitabi indaka. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
wa ala ali Muhammadin mil‘a
samawatika. Wa salli ala Muhammadin
wa ala ali Muhammadin mil‘a ardika.
Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin mil‘a ma anta khaliquhu
min yawmi khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adadas sahabil
jariyati. Warriyahiz zariyati. Min yawmi
khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil kiyamati.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adada kulli qatratin
taqturu min samawatika ila ardika wa ma
taqturu ila yawmil kiyamati. Allahumma
salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin adada mahabbatir riyahu
wa adada ma taharrakatil ashjaru wal
awraqu wazzuru‘u wa jami‘i ma
khalaqta fi qararil hifzi min yawmin
khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil kiyamati.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adadal qatri wal
matari wan nabati min yawmi khalaqtad
dunya ila yawmil kiyamati.


In English

O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad to the fullness of
Your knowledge. O Allah praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad to the fullness of Your
forbearance. O Allah praise Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad to the
fullness of Your knowledge recorded on
the Preserved Tablets. O Allah praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad to the fullness of the Pen
that has flowed in the mother of the
Book lodged with You. And praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad to the fullness of Your
heavens. And praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad to the fullness of
Your earth. And praise Muhammad and
the family of Muhammad in all that You
have created from the day You created
this world until the Day of Resurrection.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in every floating
cloud and sweeping wind from the day
You created this world until the Day of
Resurrection. O Allah praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad in every drop of rain falling
from Your heavens to Your earth and in
all the rain that will fall until the Day of
Resurrection. O Allah praise
Muhammad in the movement of every
branch, every tree, every leaf and every
plant stirred by the wind and in the
wind-stirred movement of everything
else You have created in the Abode of
Safety from the day You created the
world to the Day of Resurrection.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in every dew
drop, in every drop of rain and in every
plant from the day You created the
world to the Day of Resurrection.



Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adada nujumi
fissama‘i min yawmi khalaqtad dunya
ila yawmil kiyamati Allahumma salli
ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin adada ma khalaqta fi
biharikas sab‘ati mimma la ya’lamu
ilmahu illa anta wa ma’anta khaliquhu
ila yawmil kiyamati.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adadar ramli wal
hasa fi mashariqil ardi wa magaribiha.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adada ma khalaqta
minal jinni wal insi wa ma anta
khaliquhu ila yawmil kiyamati.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adada anfasihim wa
alfazihim min yawmi khalaqtad dunya
ila yawmil kiyamati.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adada tayaranil
jinni wal mala’ikati min yawmi
khalaqtad dunya ila yawmil kiyamati.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammad adada tuyuri wal
hawammi wa adadal wuhushi wal akami
fi mashariqil ardi wa magaribiha.



O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in every star in the
sky from the day You created this world
until the Day of Resurrection. O Allah
praise Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad as much as You have
created in Your seven seas, the
knowledge of which is Yours alone, and
as much as that You will create in it until
the Day of Resurrection.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in every grain of
sand and in every pebble on the earth,
east and west from the day You created
this world until the Day of Resurrection.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in every jinn and
human being You have created and in
every one them that You will create until
the Day of Resurrection. O Allah praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad in every one of their
breaths, their utterances and glances
from the day You created them until the
Day of Resurrection.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad in the flying of the
jinn and the angels from the day You
created this world until the Day of
Resurrection. O Allah praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad in every bird and pest, in
every wild beast and in every hill on the
earth, east and west.



Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin adada
man salla alayhi minal jinni wal insi wal
mala‘ikati min yawmi khalaqtad dunya
ila yawmil kiyamati Allahumma salli
ala Muhammadin adada man lam yusalli
alayhi. Allahumma salli ala
Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin
kama yajibu an yusalla alayhi.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama yanbagi an
yusalla alayhi.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin hatta la yabqa
shay‘un minas salati‘alayhi. Allahumma
salli ala Muhammadin fil awwalina. Wa
salli ala Muhammadin fil akhirina.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin fil
mala‘il a’la ila yawmiddini. Mashallahu
la quwwata illa billahil aliyyil azimi.


In English

O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad as many times as
the jinn, human beings and angels have
asked You to praise him from the day
You created this world until the Day of
Resurrection. O Allah praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad as many times as those who
ask for blessings upon him. O Allah
praise Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad as many times as those who
have not asked for blessings upon him.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad as it is incumbent
upon us to ask You to praise him. O
Allah praise Muhammad and the family
of Muhammad as it is fitting for him to
be blessed.
O Allah praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad until all blessings
are exhausted. O Allah praise
Muhammad among the first, and praise
Muhammad among the last, and praise
Muhammad in the heavenly assembly
until the Day of Reckoning. And
whatsoever Allah wills. There is no
power except through Allah, the High
the Great.



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