

Sep 28, 2011

Dalial-ul–Hayrat with English Translation by S. Ahmad Darwish


Dalail-i Hayrat
Wa Shawarqi’l Anwar
Fi Zikris Salat ala Nabiyil-Mukhtahar
Guide of Good Deeds
and the Brilliant Burst of Light
in the Remembrance of Blessings on the Chosen Prophet
Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Suleiman Ibn Abu Bakr Al-Jazuli Al-Simlali


Fourth Hizb
(Thursday starts here)
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
abdika wa rasulikan nabiyyil ummiyi wa
ala ali Muhammadin
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin salatan taqunu laka
riza’an wa lahu jaza‘an wa lihaqihi
ada‘an. Wa a’tihil wasilata wal fazilata
wa maqamal mahmudallazi wa adtaha
wa ajzihi anna ma huwa ahluhu. Wa
ajzihi afdala ma jazayta nabiyyan an
qawmihi wa Rasulan an ummatihi wa
salli ala jami‘i ikhwanihi minan
nabiyyina was sallihina ya arhamar
Allahummaj‘al faza‘ila salawatika wa
shara‘ifa zakawatika. Wa nawamiya
barakatika wa awatifa ra’fatika wa
rahmatika wa tahiyyatika wa faza‘ila
ala‘ika ala Muhammadin sayyidil
mursalina. Wa Rasuli Rabbil alamina.
Qa‘idil khayri wa fatihil barri wa
nabiyyil rahmati wa sayyidil ummati.
Allahumma ab‘ashu maqaman
mahmudan tuz lifu bihi qurbahu wa
tuqirru bihi aynuhu yagbutuhu bihil
awwaluna wal akhiruna. Allahumma
a’tihil fadla walfazilata wash sharafa wal
wasilata wad darajatar rafi’ata wal
manzilatash shamikhata. Allahumma a’ti
Muhammadinanal wasilata.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, Your
worshipper and Your Messenger, the
unlettered prophet, and the family of
O Allah, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad, with such
blessings that are pleasing to You, and
with a reward which is his dutiful right,
and grant him the nearest station, the
pre-eminence and the most praised
station which You promised him, and
reward him our behalf as he deserves,
and reward him on behalf of his nation
with that which is better than You have
rewarded any other prophet or on behalf
of his nation better than any other
messenger, and praise all his brothers,
the prophets and the righteous, O Most
Merciful of the Merciful.
O Allah, bestow the favors of Your
noble blessings and virtues, and the
increase of Your praise, and the
benevolence of Your Compassion, Your
Mercy, Your Greetings, and the favors
of Your bounties, upon Muhammad, the
master of the messengers, the messenger
of the Lord of the Worlds, the guide to
goodness, the opener of piety, the
prophet of mercy and the master of this
nation. O Allah, raise him to the most
praised station thereby advancing his
nearness, comforting his eyes, and
making him the envy of those who came
first and those who came last. O Allah,
grant him Divine Favor, Divine Grace,
Divine Honor, the nearest station, the
exalted rank and High standing.


Wa balligu mamulahu. Waj’alhu awwala
shafi‘in wa awwala mushaffa’in.
Allahumma azzim burhanahu wa saqil
mizan’ahu wa ablij hujatahu. Wa arfa’ fi
illiyina darajatahu wa fi a’lal
muqarabina manzilatahu. Allahumma
ahyina ala sunatihi wa tawaffana ala
millatihi wajalna min ahli shafa‘atihi.
Wahshurna fi zumratihi. Wa awridna
mawzahu. Wasqina min ka’sihi gayra
khazaya wala nadimina wala shakkina
wala mubaddilina wal mugayyirina wala
fatihina wala maftunina amin ya rabbal
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin wa a’tihil wasilata
wal fazilata waddarajatar rafi’ata
wab’ashul maqamal mahmudallazi wa
adtahu ma’a ikhwanihin nabiyyina.
Sallallahu ala Muhammadin nabiyyir
rahmati wa sayyidil ummati wa ala abina
Adama wa ummina Hawwa‘a wa man
walada minan nabiyyina wa siddiqina
wash shuhada‘i wasalihina. Wa salli ala
mala’ikatika ajma‘ina min ahli samawati
wal ardina wa alayna ma’ahum ya
arhamar rahimin.


In English

O Allah, grant Muhammad the nearest
station and send him what he hopes for
and make him the first intercessor and
the first whose intercession is accepted.
O Allah, strengthen his proof, make his
judgment sound, make his argument
shine and raise his rank among the
dwellers of the uppermost heaven, and
raise his standing among the heights of
those who are closest. O Allah, cause us
to live according to his way, and die
following his religion, and let us be
among the people of his intercession,
and resurrect us in his company and let
us be watered from his pool and to drink
from his bowl with neither disgrace nor
regrets, nor doubts, nor temptations, O
Lord of the Worlds. Amen.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad, and grant him the
nearest station, the pre-eminence and the
exalted rank, and raise him to the most
praised station which You promised him,
with his brother prophets. The blessings
of Allah be upon Muhammad, the
prophet of mercy and the master of his
nation, and upon our father, our master
Adam, and upon our mother, lady Eve,
and upon all the offspring of the
prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and
the righteous, and praise all Your angels
among the inhabitants of the heavens
and earths and us along with them, O
Most Merciful of the Merciful.

(First half ends here)

(Beginning of second half)

Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin nuril anwari wa sirril
asrari wa sayyidil abrari wa zaynil
mursalinal akhyari. Wa Akrami man
azlama alayhil laylu wa ashraqa alayhin
naharu. Wa adada ma nazala min
awwalid dunya ila akhiriha min qatril
amtari. Wa adad’a ma nabata min
awwalid dunya ila akhiriha minan nabati
wal ashjari. Salatan da’imatan bidawami
mulkillahil wahidil qahhar.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin salatan tukrimu biha
maswahu wa tusharifu biha uqbahu wa
tuballigu biha yawmal kiyamati munahu
wa rizahu. Hazihis salatu ta’ziman li
hakkika ya Muhammad.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
ha‘ur-rahma wa mimil mulki wa dalud
dawami as-sayyidil kamilil fatihil
khatimi. Adada ma fi ilmika ka‘inun wa
qadkana. Kullama zakaraka wa
zakarahuz zakiruna. Wa kullama Gafala
an zikrika wa zikrihil gafiluna. Salatan
da‘imatan bidawamika. Baqiyatan
bibaqa‘ika. La muntaha laha duna ilmika
innaka ala kulli shay‘in qadirun.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, the light of
Lights, the secret of secrets, the master
of the pious, the adornment of the
messengers, the chosen, the most noble
that the night has ever cloaked and the
day has ever bathed in light, in every
drop of rain that has fallen from the
beginning of this world until its end, and
in every plant and in every tree which
has grown from the beginning of this
world to its end, blessings which are
eternal, lasting as long as the Kingdom
of Allah, the One, the Powerful.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, blessings
which ennoble his place of rest, honor
his final destination, and on the Day of
Resurrection bring him his heart’s desire
and contentment. These great blessings
are your right, O Muhammad.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the ‘Ha’
(the middle letter of the Rahmah) of
Mercy, the (letter) ‘Mim’ of Sovereignty
(Mulk), and the ‘Dal’ of Eternity
(Dawaam), the perfect master, the
opener, the seal, as the fullness of Your
knowledge, now or before, and
whenever You are remembered and he is
remembered by whose who remember,
and whenever You are forgotten and he
is forgotten by those who forget.
Blessings which are eternal, lasting as
long as You last, enduring as long as
You endure, and with no end without
Your knowledge, for You are the Power
over all things



Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadinin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa
ala ali Muhammadinillazi huwa abha
shumusil huda nuran wa abharuha wa
asyarul anbiya‘i fakhran wa ashharuha
wa nuruhu azaru anwaril anbiya‘i wa
ashrakuha wa awdahuha wa azkal
khaliqati ikhlaqan wa atharuha wa
akramuha khalqan wa a’daluha.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
ha‘ur-rahma wa mimil mulki wa dalud
dawami as-sayyidil kamilil fatihil
khatimi. Adada ma fi ilmika ka‘inun wa
qadkana. Kullama zakaraka wa
zakarahuz zakiruna. Wa kullama Gafala
an zikrika wa zikrihil gafiluna. Salatan
da‘imatan bidawamika. Baqiyatan
bibaqa‘ika. La muntaha laha duna ilmika
innaka ala kulli shay‘in qadirun.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadinin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa
ala ali Muhammadinillazi huwa abha
shumusil huda nuran wa abharuha wa
asyarul anbiya‘i fakhran wa ashharuha
wa nuruhu azaru anwaril anbiya‘i wa
ashrakuha wa awdahuha wa azkal
khaliqati ikhlaqan wa atharuha wa
akramuha khalqan wa a’daluha.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, the
unlettered prophet, and the family of
Muhammad, he whose light is the most
beautiful and most dazzling of all the
suns of guidance., and whose conduct
and glory are the best and most
renowned of all the prophets, and whose
light is more radiant, nobler, and more
brilliant than the Lights of the prophets,
and who has the purest and most
immaculate manners of all creation, and
who is the most just and generous of all
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the ‘Ha’
(the middle letter of the Rahmah) of
Mercy, the (letter) ‘Mim’ of Sovereignty
(Mulk), and the ‘Dal’ of Eternity
(Dawaam), the perfect master, the
opener, the seal, as the fullness of Your
knowledge, now or before, and
whenever You are remembered and he is
remembered by whose who remember,
and whenever You are forgotten and he
is forgotten by those who forget.
Blessings which are eternal, lasting as
long as You last, enduring as long as
You endure, and with no end without
Your knowledge, for You are the Power
over all things
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the
unlettered prophet, and the family of
Muhammad, he whose light is the most
beautiful and most dazzling of all the
suns of guidance., and whose conduct
and glory are the best and most
renowned of all the prophets, and whose
light is more radiant, nobler, and more
brilliant than the Lights of the prophets,
and who has the purest and most
immaculate manners of all creation, and
who is the most just and generous of all


Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
ha‘ur-rahma wa mimil mulki wa dalud
dawami as-sayyidil kamilil fatihil
khatimi. Adada ma fi ilmika ka‘inun wa
qadkana. Kullama zakaraka wa
zakarahuz zakiruna. Wa kullama Gafala
an zikrika wa zikrihil gafiluna. Salatan
da‘imatan bidawamika. Baqiyatan
bibaqa‘ika. La muntaha laha duna ilmika
innaka ala kulli shay‘in qadirun.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadinin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa
ala ali Muhammadinillazi huwa abha
shumusil huda nuran wa abharuha wa
asyarul anbiya‘i fakhran wa ashharuha
wa nuruhu azaru anwaril anbiya‘i wa
ashrakuha wa awdahuha wa azkal
khaliqati ikhlaqan wa atharuha wa
akramuha khalqan wa a’daluha.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa ala
ali Muhammadinillazi huwa abha minal
qamarit tammi wa Akramu minas
sahabil mursalati wal bahril khatmi.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadinin nabiyil ummiyyi wa ala
ali Muhammadin nillazi qurinatil
barakatu bizatihi wa mahyahu wa
ta‘attaratil awalimu bitibi zikrihi wa


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, the ‘Ha’
(the middle letter of the Rahmah) of
Mercy, the (letter) ‘Mim’ of Sovereignty
(Mulk), and the ‘Dal’ of Eternity
(Dawaam), the perfect master, the
opener, the seal, as the fullness of Your
knowledge, now or before, and
whenever You are remembered and he is
remembered by whose who remember,
and whenever You are forgotten and he
is forgotten by those who forget.
Blessings which are eternal, lasting as
long as You last, enduring as long as
You endure, and with no end without
Your knowledge, for You are the Power
over all things
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the
unlettered prophet, and the family of
Muhammad, he whose light is the most
beautiful and most dazzling of all the
suns of guidance., and whose conduct
and glory are the best and most
renowned of all the prophets, and whose
light is more radiant, nobler, and more
brilliant than the Lights of the prophets,
and who has the purest and most
immaculate manners of all creation, and
who is the most just and generous of all
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the
unlettered prophet, and the family of
Muhammad, he who is more beautiful
than the full moon, nobler than the
floating clouds and the tempestuous sea.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the
unlettered prophet, and the family of
Muhammad, he whose face and essence
are diffused with praise, and the
remembrance of whom perfumes and
sweetens all the worlds.


Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sallim.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin wa barik ala
Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin
warham Muhammadin wa ali
Muhammadin kama sallayta wa barakta
wa tarahhamta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali
Ibrahima inaka hamidun majidun.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
abdika wa nabiyyika wa Rasulikan
nabiyyil ummiyyi wa ala ali
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammad mil‘ad dunya wa
mil‘al akhirati. Wa barik ala
Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin
mil‘ad dunya wa mil‘al akhirati.
Warham Muhammadin wa ali
Muhammadin mil‘ad dunya wa mil‘al
akhirati. W’ajzi Muhammadin wa ali
Muhammadin mil‘ad dunya wa mil‘al
akhirati. Wa sallim ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin mil‘ad dunya wa
mil‘al akhirati.


In English

O Allah, praise and grant peace to
Muhammad, and his family.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, and the
family of Muhammad, and bestow grace
upon Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, and bestow mercy upon
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, just as You blessed,
bestowed grace and bestowed mercy
upon Abraham and the family of
Abraham, for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, Your
worshipper, Your Prophet and Your
Messenger, the unlettered prophet, and
the family of Muhammad.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad to the fullness of
this world and to the fullness of the
Everlasting Life. O Allah, bless
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad to the fullness of this world
and to the fullness of the Everlasting
Life. O Allah, have mercy on
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad to the fullness of this world
and to the fullness of the Everlasting
Life. O Allah, reward Muhammad and
the family of Muhammad to the fullness
of this world and to the fullness of the
Everlasting Life. O Allah, grant peace to
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad to the fullness of this world
and to the fullness of the Everlasting


Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin kama
amartana an nusalli alayhi. Wa salli ala
Muhammadin kama yanbagi an yusalli
Allahumma salli ala nabiyyikal Mustafa
wa Rasulikal murtaza waliyikal mujtaba
wa Aminika ala wahyis sama’i.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
Akramil aslafil qa‘imi bil‘adli wal insafil
manuti fi suratil a’rafi. Al muntakhabi
min aslabish shirafi wal hutuniz zirafil
musaffa min musasi Abdul Muttalibi bin
abdi manafin-nilazi hadayta bihi minal
khilafi wa bawwanta bihi sahilal afafi.
Allahumma inni as’aluka bi afdali
mas’alatika wa bi ahabbi asma’ika
ilayka wa akramiha alayka wa bima
mananta alayna bi Muhammadin
nabiyyina sallallahu alayhi wa sallama.
Fastankaztana bihi minad dalalati wa
amartana bissalati alayhi wa ja‘alta
salatana alayhi darajatan wa kaffaratan
wa lutfan wa mannan min i’ta‘ika fa
ad‘uka ta’ziman liamrika watiba‘an li
wasiyyatika wa muntajizan li


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad as You
ordered us to ask for blessings upon him.
And praise Muhammad as he should be
O Allah, praise Your prophet, the
chosen, Your messenger, the satisfied,
Your friend, the elected, and Your
custodian of the Celestial Revelation.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the most
noble ancestor, the upholder of justice
and equity, the one described in chapter
the Ramparts, he who was chosen from
noble loins and refined wombs, and the
pure suckling, from Abdul Muttalib, son
of Abdi Manaf through whom You
guided from deviation and through
whom You made clear the path of
O Allah, I beseech You by the most
superior beseeching, in the most loved of
Your Names, in the most noble of Your
Names, and for the sake that You
blessed us with Muhammad, the praise
and peace of Allah, be upon him, saving
us through him from error. And that You
ordered us to ask for praise upon him
and that You made our asking for praise
upon him a means of raising our rank, an
expiation of our sins, and grace and
favor for us. Out of obedience to You, I
call on You, exalting Your command,
following Your instruction and fulfilling
Your promise.


Lima yujibu li nabiyyina Muhammadin
sallallahu alayhi wa sallama fi ada‘i
haqihi qibalana iz amanna bihi wa
saddaqnahu wataba’nan nurallazi unzila
ma’ahu wa qulta inallaha wa
mala‘ikatahu yusalluna alan nabiyyi ya
ayyuhallazina amanu sallu alayhi wa
sallimu tasliman. Wa amarital ibada
bisalati ala nabiyyihim farizatan
iftaradtaha wa amartahum biha
fanas’aluka bijalali wajhika wa nuri
azamatika wa bima awjabta ala nafsika
an tusalliya anta wa mala‘ikatuka ala
Muhammadin abdika wa rasulika wa
nabiyyika wa safiyyika wa khiratika min
khalqika afdala ma sallayta ala ahadin
min khalqika innaka hamidun majidun.
Allahumma arfa’ darajatahu wa akrim
maqamahu wa saqil mizanahu wa ablij
hujatahu wa azir millatahu wa ajzil
sawabahu wa adinurahu wa adim
karamatahu wa alhiq bihi min
zuriyyatihi wa ahli baytihi ma
tuqarribuhu aynahu wa azzimhu fin
nabiyyinallazina khalaw qablahu.
Allahummaj‘al Muhammadin aksaran
nabiyyina taba‘an wa aksarahum uzara‘a
wa afdalahum karamatan wa nuran wa
a’lahum darajatan wa afsahahum
filjannati manzilan.


In English

To render unto our Prophet Muhammad,
praise and venerations of Allah be upon
him, what is due from us, for we have
faith in him and believe in him, and we
follow the light which came down with
him and You said, and Your Word is the
truth, 'Allah and His angels praise and
venerate the Prophet. Believers, praise
and venerate him and pronounce peace
upon him in abundance.’ And for that
You made it obligatory for worshippers
to ask for praise upon their Prophet
making it an obligation and making it
binding on them, I ask You for the sake
of the Majesty of Your Face and the
Light of Your Greatness, and for the
sake of that which You have made
binding on You in respect of the
virtuous, that You and Your angels
praise Muhammad, Your worshipper,
Your Messenger, Your Prophet, Your
purified and Your treasure from Your
creation, the best of praise ever
bestowed upon anyone of Your creation,
for You are the Praiseworthy, the
O Allah, raise his rank, ennoble his
station, make his judgment sound, refine
his proof, make his religion triumph,
increase his reward, make his light
radiant, perpetuate his nobility, join him
with his descendants and the people of
his house which will be a comfort to his
eyes and exalt him among all the
prophets who do not have his power.
O Allah, Lord of all the prophets let
Muhammad have the greatest number of
followers, increase them in strength, and
give them the most perfect nobility and
light, and raise their Ranks, and widen
their abodes in the Garden.



Allahummaj‘al fissabiqina gayatahu wa
fil muntakhabina manzilahu wa fil
muqarabina darahu wa fil mustafayna
manzilahu. Allahummaj‘alhu akramal
akramina indaka manzilan wa afdalahum
sawaban wa aqraba-hum majlisan wa
asbatahum maqaman wa aswabahum
kalaman wa anjahahum mas‘ala-tan wa
afdalahum ladayka nasiban wa a’zamahum
fima indaka ragbatan wa anzilhu fi
gurufatil firdawsi minad darajatil ulallati
la darajata fawqaha.
Allahummaj‘al Muhammadin adaqa
qa‘aylin wa anjaha sa‘ilin wa awwala
shafi‘in wa afdala mushaffa‘in wa
shaffi’hu fi ummatihi bishafa‘atin
yagbituhu bihal awwaluna wal akhiruna.
Wa iza mayyazta ibadaka bifadli
kaza’ika faj‘al Muhammadin fil asdaqina
qilan wal ahsenina amalan wa fil
mahdiyyina sabilan.
Allahummaj‘al nabiyyana lana faratan
waj’al hawzahu lana maw’idan li
awwalina wa akhirina. Allahumma
ahshurna fi zumratihi wasta’milna fi
sunatihi wa tawaffana ala millatihi wa
arifna wajhah waj‘alna fi zumratihi wa


In English

O Allah, let their goal be among the
foremost in faith and their abode among
the elite, and let their dwelling place be
among those who are close and their
abode among the chosen. O Allah, let
their abode be the most noble of the
noble in Your presence and favor them
with Your reward, let them sit close to
You, strengthen their stations, reward
them with Your Word, give success to
their supplications, favor their share in
Your presence, strengthen their longing
for that which is with You and bring
them into the chambers of Firdaus (top
of paradise) in High ranks above which
there is no other rank.
O Allah, grant Muhammad, the truest
word, the most successful petitioning,
the first intercession, the most perfect
intercession, and let him intercede on his
behalf of his nation with an intercession
that will be the envy of those who came
first and those who came last, and
distinguish Your worshipper in the
discharge of Your Decree, and let
Muhammad be among the speakers of
truth, the doers of good, and the guides
to the path.
O Allah, grant excess to our Prophet and
make his Pool a promise for the first of
us and the last of us. O Allah, resurrect
us in his company, establish us on his
way, cause us to die following his way,
acquaint us with his face and let us be
among his company and party.



Allahummajma’ baynana wa baynahu
kama amanna bihi walam narahu wa la
tufarriq baynana wa baynahu hatta
tudkhilana madkhalahu wa turidana
hawzahu wa taj‘alana min Rufaqa‘ihi
ma‘almun‘ami alayhim mina nabiyyina
was siddiqina wash shuhada‘i wa
salihina wa hasuna ula‘ika ratiqan.
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alamin.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin nuril
huda. Wal qa‘idi ilal khayri wadda‘i ilar
rushdi nabiyyir rahmati wa imamil
muttaqina wa rasuli Rabbil Alamina. La
nabiyya ba’dahu kama ballaga risalataka
wa nasaha li ibadika wa tala ayatika wa
aqama hududaka wa waffa bi ahdika wa
anfaza hukmaka wa amara bi ta‘atika wa
naha an ma’siyatika wa wala
waliyakallazi tuhibu an tuwaliyahu wa
ada aduwakallazi tuhibbu an tu‘adiyahu
wa sallallahu ala Muhammadin.
Allahumma salli ala jasadihi fil ajsadi.
Wa ala ruhihi fil arwahi. Wa ala
mawqifihi fil mawaqifi. Wa ala
mashadihi fil mashahidi. Wa ala zikrihi
iza zukira salatan minna ala nabiyyina.
Allahumma ablighu minassalama kama
zukirassalamu wassalamu alannabiyyi
wa rahmatullahu ta’ala wa barakatuhu.


In English

O Allah, unite us with him for we have
believed in him without seeing him, do
not separate us from him until the Day
you cause us to enter into his entrance
hall, water us at his pool, and place us in
his company along with those favored
from among the prophets, the truthful,
the martyrs, and the righteous, and what
a beautiful company that is. Praise be to
Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the light of
guidance, the guide to goodness, the
caller to spiritual direction, the prophet
of mercy, the leader of the pious, the
messenger of the Lord of the Worlds,
there being no prophet after him, just as
he conveyed Your Message, advised
Your worshippers, recited Your verses,
upheld Your Divine Law, faithfully
discharged Your Covenant, carried out
Your Judgment, enjoined obedience to
You, forbidding disobedience to You,
befriended Your friend whom You chose
to befriend, and opposed Your enemy
whom You chose to oppose, and the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon
O Allah, of all the bodies in existence,
praise his body. Of all the souls in
existence, praise his soul. Of all the
places in existence, praise his place. Of
all the tombs in existence praise his
tomb, and praise his memory whenever
he is remembered, blessings from us on
our prophet. O Allah, convey to him
from us peace just as he invoked peace,
and mercy. And the praise of Allah be
upon the prophet.



Allahumma salli ala mala‘ikatikal
muqarabin. Wa ala anbiya‘ikal
mutahharina wa ala rusulikal mursalina.
Wa ala hamalati arshika. Wa ala Jibrila
wa Mika‘ila wa Israfila wa
Malakilmawti. Wa Ridwana khazini
jannatika wa Malikin. Wa salli ala
kiramil katibina. Wa salli ala ahli
ta‘atika ajma‘ina min ahli samawati wal
Allahumma ati ahli bayti nabiyyika
afdala ma atayta ahadan min ahli buyutil
mursalina. Wa ajzi ashaba nabiyyika
afdala ma jazayta ahadan min ashabil
mursalina. Allahummagfir lil mu’minina
wal mu’minati wal muslimina wal
muslimati ahya‘i minhum wal amwati
wagfirlana wali ikhwaninal lazina
sabaquna bil imani wala taj‘al fi
qulubina gillan lillazina amanu rabbana
innaka ra‘ufun rahimun.
Allahumma salli alan nabiyyil
hashimiyyi Muhammadin wa ala alihi
wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin
khayril bariyyati. Salatan turdika wa
turdihi wa tardha biha anna ya arhamar
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim kasiran
tasliman tayyiban mubarakan fihi jazilan
jamilan da‘iman bidawami mulkillahi.


In English

O Allah, praise Your closest angels,
Your purest prophets, Your Divine
messengers, the bearers of Your Throne,
our master Gabriel, our master Mika'il
(Angel Michael), our master Israfil, our
master the angel of death, our master
Ridwan (the Angel charged of Paradise),
the guardian of Your garden, our master
Malek (the Angel charged of Hell), and
praise the noble recording angels, and
praise all the people obedient to You,
those in the earths and heavens.
O Allah, give the people of the house of
Your prophet the best ever given to any
of the people of the houses of the
messenger, and reward the companions
of Your prophet with the best ever given
to any of the companions of the
messengers. O Allah, forgive all
believing men and women, and
submissive men and women (Muslims),
the living among them and the dead, and
forgive us and our believing brothers
who came before us, and do not leave
any rancor in our hearts against those
who believe, our Lord, You are full of
Kindness, Most Merciful.
O Allah, praise and grant abundant
peace to the Prophet of Hashim (great
Arabic tribe), Muhammad, and to his
family and companions.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the best of
all creation, blessings which are pleasing
to You, pleasing to him and by which
You are pleased with us, O Most
Merciful of the Merciful.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, his family,
and companions and grant them peace,
abundantly, profusely, agreeably,
graciously, generously, beautifully, and
eternally to the fullness of the Kingdom
of Allah.



Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala alihi mil‘al faza‘i wa adadan nujumi
fissama‘i. Salatan tuwazinu’s samawati
wal arda wa adada ma khalaqta wama
anta khaliquhu ila yawmil qiyamati.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama sallayta ala
Ibrahima wa barik ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama barakta ala
Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima fil alamina
inaka hamidun majidun.
Allahumma ini as’alukal afwa wal
afiyata fiddini wad dunya wal akhirati.
Allahummasturna bi satrikal jamili.
Allahumma ini as’alukal afwa wal
afiyata fiddini wad dunya wal akhirati.
Allahummasturna bi satrikal jamili.
Allahumma ini as’alukal afwa wal
afiyata fiddini wad dunya wal akhirati.
Allahummasturna bi satrikal jamili.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, and the
family of Muhammad, to the fullness of
the cosmic space, and as many times as
there are stars in the sky. Blessings that
outweigh the heavens and the earth, as
much as You have created and as much
as You will create until the Day of
O Allah, praise Muhammad, and the
family of Muhammad just as You
blessed Abraham, and favor
Muhammad, and the family of
Muhammad just as You favored
Abraham and the family of Abraham in
the Worlds, for You are Praiseworthy,
the Mighty.
O Allah, I beg You for forgiveness and
well-being in my religion, in this life and
in the Everlasting life. O Allah, cover
my faults with a beautiful covering.
O Allah, I beg You for forgiveness and
well-being in my religion, in this life and
in the Everlasting life. O Allah, cover
my faults with a beautiful covering.
O Allah, I beg You for forgiveness and
well-being in my religion, in this life and
in the Everlasting life. O Allah, cover
my faults with a beautiful covering.


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