

Sep 27, 2011

Dalail–I–Hayrat with English Translation by S. Ahmad Darwish. Third Hizb


Dalail-i Hayrat
Wa Shawarqi’l Anwar
Fi Zikris Salat ala Nabiyil-Mukhtahar
Guide of Good Deeds
and the Brilliant Burst of Light
in the Remembrance of Blessings on the Chosen Prophet
Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Suleiman Ibn Abu Bakr Al-Jazuli Al-Simlali


Third Hizb
(Wednesday begins here)

   Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim

Allahumma salli ala ruhi sayyidina
Muhammadin fil arwahi wa ala jasadihi
fil ajsadi wa ala qabrihi fil quburi wa ala
‘alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin kullama zakarahuz
zakiruna. Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin kullama gafala an zikrihil
Allahumma salli wa sallim ala sayyidina
Muhammadin nabiyyil ummiyyi wa
azwajihi ummahatil mu’minina wa
zurriyatihi wa ahli baytihi salatan wa
salaman la yuhsa adada huma wa la
yuqta‘u madadu huma.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin adada ma ahata bihi
‘ilmuka wa aysahu kitabuka salatan
taqunu laka riza’an walihakkihi ada‘an.
Wa a’tihil wasilati wal fazilati
wadarajatir-rafi‘ati. Wab‘ashhu
Allahummal maqama Mahmudallazi
wa’adtahu wa ajzihi ‘anna ma huwa
ahluhu. Wa ala jami'i ikhwanihi minan
nabiyyina wasiddiqina wash shuhada‘i


O Allah praise the soul of Muhammad
more than other souls in existence, and
his body more than other bodies in
existence, and his tomb more than other
tombs in existence, and praise and grant
peace to him, his family and his
O Allah, praise Muhammad whenever
those who remember him remember. O
Allah, praise Muhammad whenever
those who neglect to remember him
O Allah, praise and grant peace to
Muhammad the unlettered prophet, his
wives who are the Mothers of the
Believers, his descendants and the
people of his house with such blessings
and peace that are immeasurable and
grant of that which is continuous.
O Allah, praise Muhammad in all that is
encompassed by Your Knowledge, in all
that is contained in Your Book, with
blessings that are a pleasurable to You
and befit his legitimate right, and grant
him the nearest station, the pre-eminence
and the exalted rank, and raise him, O
Allah, to the most praised station which
You promised him, and reward him on
our behalf as he deserves and likewise
reward his brother prophets, as well as
the truthful, the martyrs and the


Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa anzilhul munzalal
mukar-raba yawmal kiyamati.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin. Allahumma tawwijhu
bitajir rizal wal karamati. Allahumma
a’ti lisayyidina Muhammadin afdala ma
saalaka linafsihi. Wa a’ti li sayyidina
Muhammadin afdala ma saalaka lahu
ahadan minkhalqika. Wa a’ti lisayyidina
Muhammadin afdala ma anta mas‘ulun
lahu ila yawmal qiyamati.
Allahumma salli ala ssayyidina
Muhammadin wa Adama wa Nuhin wa
Ibrahima wa Musa wa ‘Isa wa ma
baynahum minan nabiyyina wal
mursalina salawatullahi wa salamuhu
alayhim ajma'in.
Allahumma salli ala ssayyidina
Muhammadin wa Adama wa Nuhin wa
Ibrahima wa Musa wa ‘Isa wa ma
baynahum minan nabiyyina wal
mursalina salawatullahi wa salamuhu
alayhim ajma'in.
Allahumma salli ala ssayyidina
Muhammadin wa Adama wa Nuhin wa
Ibrahima wa Musa wa ‘Isa wa ma
baynahum minan nabiyyina wal
mursalina salawatullahi wa salamuhu
alayhim ajma'in.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad and bestow
upon him the nearest position on the Day
of Resurrection.
O Allah, praise Muhammad. O Allah,
crown him with the crown of Might,
satisfaction and honor. O Allah, grant
Muhammad better than anyone of Your
creation has ever asked for himself, and
grant Muhammad better than anyone of
Your creation has ever asked for him,
and grant Muhammad better than You
can be asked to grant him until Day of
O Allah, praise our masters Muhammad,
Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus as
well as all the other prophets and
messengers that were sent between them.
May the blessings and peace of Allah be
upon them.
O Allah, praise our masters Muhammad,
Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus as
well as all the other prophets and
messengers that were sent between them.
May the blessings and peace of Allah be
upon them.
O Allah, praise our masters Muhammad,
Adam, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus as
well as all the other prophets and
messengers that were sent between them.
May the blessings and peace of Allah be
upon them.


Allahumma salli ala abina Adama wa
ummina Hawwa‘a salata mala‘ikatika
wa a’tihima minar ridwani hatta
turdiyahuma wajzi hima. Allahumma ma
jazayta bihi aban wa umman an
Allahuma salli ala sayyidina Jibrila wa
Mika‘ila wa Israfila wa Azra‘ila wa
hamalatil arshi wa alal mala‘ikati wal
muqarrabina wa ala jami‘il anbiya‘i wal
mursalina salawatullahi wa salamuhu
alayhim ajma‘in.
Allahuma salli ala sayyidina Jibrila wa
Mika‘ila wa Israfila wa Azra‘ila wa
hamalatil arshi wa alal mala‘ikati wal
muqarrabina wa ala jami‘il anbiya‘i wal
mursalina salawatullahi wa salamuhu
alayhim ajma‘in.
Allahuma salli ala sayyidina Jibrila wa
Mika‘ila wa Israfila wa Azra‘ila wa
hamalatil arshi wa alal mala‘ikati wal
muqarrabina wa ala jami‘il anbiya‘i wal
mursalina salawatullahi wa salamuhu
alayhim ajma‘in.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin adada ma alimta wa mil‘a
ma alimta wa zinata ma alimta wa
midada kalimatika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin salatan mawsulatan bil
mazidi. Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin salatan la tanqati‘u abadal
abadi wa la tabidu.


In English

O Allah praise our father Adam and our
mother Eve, with the blessings of Your
angels, and grant them Your pleasure
until it pleases them and reward them,
better than You, O Allah, have rewarded
any father and mother on behalf of their
O Allah, praise our masters (Angels)
Gabriel, Mikhail (Michael), Israfil,
Azra’il, the bearers of the Throne, the
angels of the Nearness and all the
prophets and messengers, and may the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon
O Allah, praise our masters (Angels)
Gabriel, Mikhail (Michael), Israfil,
Azra’il, the bearers of the Throne, the
angels of the Nearness and all the
prophets and messengers, and may the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon
O Allah, praise our masters (Angels)
Gabriel, Mikhail (Michael), Israfil,
Azra’il, the bearers of the Throne, the
angels of the Nearness and all the
prophets and messengers, and may the
blessings and peace of Allah be upon
O Allah, praise Muhammad as much as
Your Knowledge, as much as the depths
of Your Knowledge, as much as the
weight of Your Knowledge and as much
as the ink of Your Words.
O Allah, praise Muhammad with
blessings that are continuously abundant.
O Allah, praise Muhammad with
blessings unending and unceasing.


Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin salatikallati sallita alayhi
wa sallim ala sayyidina Muhammadin
salamakallazi sallamta alayhi wa ajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu. Allahumma salli
ala sayyidina Muhammadin salatan
turdika wa turdihi wa tarda biha anna wa
ajzihi anna ma huwa ahluhu.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin bahri anwarika wa
ma’dini asrarika wa lisani hujatika wa
arusi mamlakatika wa imami hazratika
watirazi mulkika wa khaza‘ini rahmatika
wa tariqi shari‘atikal mutalazizi
bitawhidika insani aynil wujudi fi kulli
mawjudin ayni a’yani khalqikal
mutaqadimi min nuri ziya‘ika salatan
tadumu bidawamika wa tabqa bibaqa‘ika
la muntaha duna ‘ilmika salatan turdika
wa turdihi wa tarda biha anna ya Rabbal
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin adada ma fi ilmillahi
salatan da‘imatan bidawami mulkillahi.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad with as
many blessings as You have already
bestowed upon him, and grant as much
peace to Muhammad with the same
amount of peace You have already
granted him and reward him on our
behalf as he deserves. O Allah, praise
Muhammad with blessings that are
pleasing to You, that please him and by
which You are pleased with us, and
reward him on our behalf as he deserves.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, the ocean
of Your Lights, the mine of Your
secrets, the tongue of Your proof, the
bridegroom of Your kingdoms, the
leader of Your Presence, the embroidery
of Your dominion, the vault of Your
Mercy, the way of Your law, the delight
of Your Oneness, the pupil of the eye of
existence, the cause of all existence, the
most eminent of Your creation, the
representative of the light of Your
resplendence, with blessings lasting for
as long as You last and remaining as
long as You remain, blessings which are
limitless in Your knowledge, blessings
that please You, that please him and by
which You are pleased with us, O Lord
of the Worlds.
O Allah, praise Muhammad with as
much as all that which is within Your
Knowledge, blessings which are eternal
and that last as long as the duration of
Your kingdom.


Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin kama sallita ala sayyidina
Ibrahima wa barik ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala ali sayyidina
Muhammadin kama barakta‘ala ali
Ibrahima fil alamina innaka hamidun
majidun. Adada khalqika wa riza‘a
nafsika wa zinata arshika. Wa midada
kalimatika. Wa adada ma zikrika bihi
khalquka fima mada wa adada mahum
zakirunaka bihi fima baqa, fi kulli
sanatin wa sharin wa jumu‘atin. Wa
yawminwa laylatin wa sa‘atin
minassa‘ati. Wa shamin wa nafasin wa
tarfatin wa lamhatin minal abadi ilal
abadi wa abadid dunya wa abadil
akhirati wa aksara min zalika yanqati‘u
awwaluhu wala yanfazu akhiruhu.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin ala qadri hubika fihi.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin ala qadri inayatika bih.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin hakka qadrihi wa
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin salatan tunjina biha min
jami‘il ahwali wal afati. Wa taqzi lana
biha jami‘al hajati. Wa tutahiruna biha
min jami‘is sayyiati. Wa tarfa‘una biha
a’lad darajat. Wa tuballiguna biha
aqsalgayati. Min jami‘il Hayrati fil
hayati wa ba’dal mamat.


In English

O Allah, praise our master Muhammad
just as You praised our master Abraham
and sanctify Muhammad and the family
of Muhammad just as You sanctified the
family of Abraham, in all worlds, for
You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
(And praise him) as much as all of Your
creation, to the fullness of Your
Pleasure, in the decoration of Your
Throne and in the ink of Your Words,
and as often as Your creation has
remembered You in the past, and as
often as they will remember You
throughout the rest of time. And praise
him in every year, in every month, in
every week, in every day, in every night,
in every hour, in every inhaling, in every
breath, in every blink and in every
glance, for ever and ever, for the
duration of this world and the duration
of the Everlasting life, and for longer
than this, with a beginning that never
ends and an end which never finishes.
O Allah, praise our master Muhammad
as much as Your love for him. O Allah,
praise our master Muhammad as much
as Your solicitude to him. O Allah,
praise our master Muhammad as befits
his legitimate rank.
O Allah, praise Muhammad, with praises
that serve as a sanctuary for us from all
terrors and oppression, that settle all our
affairs, that purify us from all sins, that
raise our ranks in Your Presence, and
that allow us to attain ultimate goodness
in this life and after death.


Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin salatar riza’i warda an
ashabihi riza‘ar riza.
Allahuma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadinis-sabiqi lil khalqi nuruhu
wa rahmatun lil alamina zuhuruhu.
Adada man mada min khalqika wa man
baqiya wa man sa‘ida minhum wa man
shaqiya. Salatan tastagriqul adda wa
tuhitu bil haddi. Salatan la gayata laha
wala muntaha walanqida‘i. Salatan
da’imatan bi dawam ka wa ala alihi wa
sahbihi wa sallim tasliman misla zalika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin’illazi mala’ta qalbahu min
jalalika wa aynuhu minn jamalika fa
asbaha farihan mu‘ayadan mansuran wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman
wal hamdu lillahi ala zalika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin adada awraqiz
zaytuni wa jami‘is simari. Allahumma
salli ala sayyidina wa maulana
Muhammadin adada ma kana wayakunu
wa adada ma azlama alayhil laylu wa
ada‘a alayhinnaharu. Allahumma salli
ala sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
wa ala alihi wa azwajihi wa zuriyatihi
adada anfasi ummatihi.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, with
blessings of contentment, and be pleased
with his companions; a pleasure of
O Allah, praise Muhammad, whose light
preceded all creation, whose appearance
is a mercy to all the worlds, as much as
all Your Creation that has passed away
and as much as that which remains. And
as much as those of Your Creation who
are fortunate and those who are not, with
blessings that exceed all enumeration
and encompass all limits, blessings with
no utmost limit, boundless and ceaseless
blessings that are eternal, as long as
Your duration, and likewise praise his
family, his companions and grant him
and them abundant peace in like
O Allah, praise Muhammad, whose heart
is so full with Your Glory and whose
eyes are so full of Your Beauty that he
became overjoyed, supported and
victorious, and likewise praise his family
and companions and grant him and them
abundant peace, and praise be to Allah
for all of that.
O Allah, praise Muhammad as many
times as there are leaves on an olive tree
and all of its fruit. O Allah, praise
Muhammad as much as all that has been
and all that ever will be, and as much as
all that the night has enshrouded in
darkness and the day has enlightened
with its radiance. O Allah, praise
Muhammad, and his family, his wives
and his descendants as many times as all
the breaths of his nation.


Allahumma bibarakatis salati
alayhij’alna bisalati alayh min nalfazina
wa ala hawdihi minal waridinash
shharibina. Wa bisunnatihi wa ta‘atihi
minal amilina wa la tahul baynana wa
baynahu yawmal kiyamati ya rabbal
alamina. Wagfirlana wa liwalidayna wa
lijama‘il muslimina. Alhamdu lillahi
rabbil alamina.


In English

O Allah, through the grace of this asking
for blessings upon him, let us be among
those who are numbered, being among
the victorious and at the pool among the
drinkers. O Lord of the Worlds, make us
follow his way and obey him, and do not
untie the knot which binds us together
on the Day of Resurrection, O Lord of
the Worlds. And forgive us and our
(believing) parents and all those who are
submissive (Muslims) and praise be to
Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.



(2nd Third begins here)

Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala
sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala ali
sayyidina Muhammadin akrami khalqika
wa siraji ufuqika wa afdali qa‘imin
bihakkikal mab’usi bitaysirika wa rifqika
salatan yatawala takraruha wa taluhu alal
akwani anwaruha.
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala
sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala ali
sayyidina Muhammadin afdali
mamduhin biqawlika wa ashrafi da’in lil
i’tisami bihablika. Wa khatimi
anbiya'ika wa rusulika. Salatan
tuballiguna fidaraini amima fadlika. Wa
karamata ridwanika wa waslika.
Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala
sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala ali
sayyidina Muhammadin akramil
kurama‘i min ibadika. Wa ashrafil
munadina lituruqi rashadika. Wa siraji
aqtarika wa biladika. Salatan la tafna wa
la tabidu tuballiguna biha karamatal


In English

O Allah, praise and grant peace, and
sanctify Muhammad, and the family of
Muhammad, the noblest of Your
creation, the shining lamp of the
horizons, the best upholder of Your
reality, the envoy of Your relief and
kindness, with blessings that continue,
repeat and permeate with their light all
over the universe.
O Allah, praise and grant peace to, and
sanctify Muhammad, and the family of
Muhammad, the one most praised by
Your Words, the noble one calling to
adherence to Your Bond, and Seal of
Your prophets and messengers, with
blessings that permit us to attain Your
general favor and the honor of Your
pleasure and Oneness, both in this life
and in the Hereafter.
O Allah, praise and grant peace to, and
sanctify Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, the noblest of Your noble
worshippers, the most distinguished of
the callers to the paths of Your Guidance
and the shining lamp of all regions and
countries with unending blessings that
have no beginning and through which
bring us great favors.


Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala
sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala ali
sayyidina Muhammadinir rafi‘i
maqamuhul wajihi ta’zimuhu
wahtiramuhu. Salatan la tanqati‘u
abadan wa la tafna sarmadan wa la
tanhasiru adadan.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama salayta ala
Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima fil alamina
innaka hamidun majidun.
Wa salli Allahumma ala Muhammadin
wa ala ali Muhammadin kullama
zakarahur zakiruna. Wa gafala an
zikrihil gafiluna.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin warham
Muhammadin wa ali Muhammadin wa
barik ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadin kama sallita wa rahimta
wa barakta ala Ibrahima wa ala ali
Ibrahima innaka hamidun majidun.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin nabiyyil ummiyilt tahiril
mutahhari wa ala alihi wa sallim
Allahumma salli ala man khatamta bihir
risalata wa ayyadtahu binasri wal
kawsari wash shafa‘ati.


In English

O Allah, praise and grant peace to, and
sanctify Muhammad, and the family of
Muhammad, whose rank is High, whose
exaltation and esteem are incumbent
upon us, with blessings that are never
curtailed and never finish; blessings
which are endless and immeasurable.
O Allah, praise and grant peace to, and
sanctify Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, just as You praised
Abraham and the family of Abraham in
all the worlds, for You are the
Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
And praise, O Allah, Muhammad and
the family of Muhammad whenever
those who remember him remember, and
whenever those who neglect to
remember him neglect.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad, and have mercy
upon Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad, and sanctify Muhammad,
and the family of Muhammad just as
You blessed and had mercy upon and
sanctified Abraham, and the family of
Abraham, for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty.
O Allah, praise and grant peace to
Muhammad, the unlettered prophet, the
pure, the immaculate and his family.
O Allah, praise the one with whom You
sealed the Message, and the one to
whom You granted victory, the pool of
Al-Kawthar, and the intercession.



Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin nabiyyil huqmi
wal hiqmatissirajil wahhajil makhsusi bil
khuluqil azimi. Wa khatmir rasuli zil
mi’raji wa ala alihi wa ashabihi wa
atba'ihis salikina. ala manhajihil qawimi.
Fa a‘zimillahumma bihi minhaja nujumil
islami. Wa masahbihiz zalami.
Almuhtadi bihim fi zulmati laylish
shakkid daji. Salatan da'imatan
mustamirratan ma talatamat fil abhuril
amwaji wa tafa bil baytil atiqi min kulli
fajin amiq nil hujaj.
Wa afdalus salati wataslimi ala
Muhammadin rasulihil karimi. Wa
saffatihi manil ibadi wa shafi‘il khala‘iqi
fil mi’adi. Sahibil maqamil mahmudi
wal hawzil mawrudin nahidi bi a’bayr.
Risalati wattabligil ‘ammi wal makhsusi
bisharafis si'ayati fisalayhi’l-a’zami.
Sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi salatan
da‘imatan mustamiratad dawami ala
marrillayali wal ayyami.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, the just
prophet of wisdom, the brilliant lamp,
the one destined for the greatest
character, the seal of the messengers, the
master of the Night Journey, and
likewise praise his family, his
companions, his followers, the sincere
travelers on the true path. O Allah,
through him, magnify the path of the
stars of Islam (the companions) and the
lamps, (the followers), the path
signposted by them, the path that dispels
the darkness in the murky gloom of the
night of doubt, and send blessings which
are eternal and continuous and which
last for as long as the waves lash upon
the oceans and the Ancient House (the
Holy Kaba) is circumambulated by
throngs of pilgrims from all sides.
The best of all blessings and peace be
upon Muhammad, the generous
messenger, His friend among all the
worshippers, the intercessor for all
created beings at the appointed time.
Owner of the most praised station and
the oft-visited pool, the one who took on
the burden of the Message and the
responsibility of spreading it far and
wide, the one destined for honor and one
who strove for the greatest
righteousness. The blessings of Allah be
upon him and upon his family, eternal
and continuous blessings, lasting as long
as the passing of each and every night
and day.


Fa huwa sayyidul awalina wal akirina
wa afdalul awalina wal akhirina. Alayhi
afdalu salatil musallina. Wa azka salamil
muslimina. Wa riyabu zikriz zakirina.
Wa afdalu salawatillahi. Wa ahsanu
salawatillahi. Wa akmalu salawatillahi.
Wa asbagu salawatillahi. Wa atammu
salawatillahi. Wa azaru salawatillahi.
Wa a’zamu salawatillahi.
Wa azka salawatillahi. Wa atyabu
salawatillahi. Wa abraku salawatillahi.
Wa azka salawatillahi. Wa anma
salawatillahi Wa awfa salawatillahi. Wa
asna salawatillahi wa a’la salawatillahi.
Wa aksaru salawatillahi. Wa ajma‘u
salawatillahi. Wa ‘ammu salawatillahi
wa adwamu salawatillahi. Wa abqa
salawatillahi. Wa a’azzu salawatillahi.
Wa arfa‘u salawatillahi. Wa azamu
Ala afzali khalqillahi. Wa ahsani
khalqillahi. Wa ajalli khalqillahi. Wa
akrami khalqillahi. Wa ajmali
khalqillahi. Wa akmali khalqillahi. Wa
atlammi khalqillahi. Wa a’zami
khalqillahi. Indallahi Rasulillahi. Wa
nabiyyillahi. Wa habibillahi. Wa
safiyyillahi. Wa najiyyillahi wa
khalilillahi. Wa waliyyillahi. Wa
aminillahi. Wa khayaratillahi min


In English

For he is the master of the first and the
last, and is the best of the first and the
last. The best blessings of those who ask
for blessings upon him are for him. The
purest peace of those who seek peace is
for him. And the finest thoughts of those
who remember him. And the finest
blessings of Allah. And the choicest
blessings of Allah. And the greatest
blessings of Allah. And the fairest
blessings of Allah. And the fullest
blessings of Allah. And the most
abundant blessings of Allah. And the
utmost blessings of Allah.
And the clearest blessings of Allah. And
the Mightiest blessings of Allah. And the
sweetest blessings of Allah. And the
freshest blessings of Allah. And the
holiest blessings of Allah. And the
purest blessings of Allah. And the
richest blessings of Allah. And the most
sincere blessings of Allah. And the
matchless blessings of Allah. And the
Highest blessings of Allah. And the most
lavish blessings of Allah. And the
myriad of blessings of Allah. And the
universal blessings of Allah. And the
longest lasting blessings of Allah. And
the longest remaining blessings of Allah.
And the strongest blessings of Allah.
And the Highest blessings of Allah. And
the Mightiest blessings of Allah.
Upon the best of the creation of Allah. The
finest of the creation of Allah. The greatest
of the creation of Allah. The noblest of the
creation of Allah. The fairest of the creation
of Allah. The most perfect of the creation of
Allah. The most complete of the creation of
Allah. The Mightiest of the creation of Allah
in His sight. The Messenger of Allah. The
Prophet of Allah. The Beloved of Allah. The
Intimate of Allah. The Confidant of Allah.
The Friend of Allah. The Loved one of
Allah. The Trustee of Allah.


Wa nukhbatillahi min bariatillahi. Wa
safwatillahi min anbiya’illahi. Wa
urwatillahi. Wa ismatillahi. Wa
nimatillahi. Wa miftahi rahmatillahi. Almukhtari,
min rusulillahi. Al muntakhabi
min khalkillahi. Al fa‘izi bil matlabi fil
marhabi wal margabil mukhlasi fima
Akrami mab’usin asdaqi qa'ilin anjahi
shafi’in afdali mushaffa’in nil amini
fimastudi‘as sadiqi fima ballagas sadiki
bi amri rabbihil mudtali‘i bima hummila
aqrabi rusulillahi ilallahi wasilatan wa
a’zamihim goodan indallahi manzilatan
wa fazilatan wa akrami anbiyayllahil
kiramis safwati alallahi wa ahabihim
ilallahi wa aqrabihim zulfa ladallahi wa
akramil khalqi alallahi wa ahzahum wa
ardahum ladallahi wa a’lannasi qadran
wa a’zamihim mahallan wa akmalihim
mahasinan wa fadlan wa afdalil anbiya‘i
darajatan wa akmalihim shari’atan.


In English

The Boon of Allah from the creation of
Allah. The Choice of Allah from the
innocent of Allah. The Confidant of
Allah from Prophets of Allah. The
Handhold of Allah. The Modesty of
Allah. The Favor of Allah. The Key to
the Mercy of Allah. The one chosen
from the Messengers of Allah. The one
elected from the Creation of Allah and
the one who succeeds with his requests
in times of fear and dread. The one who
is sincere in what he is granted.
Most Honored Envoy. Truest Speaker.
Most Successful Intercessor. The Best
Intercessor, the one faithful to his
pledge, the one true to his mission, the
one who complied with the order of his
Lord, the one who bore his
responsibility. The Messenger of Allah
with the nearest station to Allah and the
one whose position and pre-eminence in
the sight of Allah is greater than that of
all prophets and messengers. The most
honored of the honored prophets of
Allah and the beloved Allah. More in
love with Allah than whosoever is closer
to Allah than them. The Most honored
creation in the sight of Allah. More
fortunate and more satisfied than them in
the presence of Allah. The most exalted
human being, with a position greater
than theirs, and a kindness and favor
more perfect than theirs, and a rank
better than all the prophets with a law
greater than theirs


Wa ashrafil anbiya‘i nisaban wa
abyanihim bayanan wa khitaban wa
afdalihim mawlidan wa muhajiran wa
itratan wa ashaban wa akraminnasi
arumatan wa ashrafihim jursumatan wa
khayrihim nafsan wa atharihim qalban
wa asdaqihim qawlan wa azkahum fi’lan
wa asbatihim aslan wa awfahum ahdan
wa amkanihim majdan wa akramihim
tab‘an wa ahsenihim sun‘an wa
atyabihim far‘an wa aksarihim ta‘atan
wa sam‘an wa a’lahum maqaman.
Wa ahllahum kalaman wa azkahum
salaman. Wa ajalihim qadran wa
a’zamihim fakhran. Wa asnahum
fakhran. Wa arfa‘ihim fil mala‘il a’la
zikran. Wa awfahum ahdan. Wa
asdaqihim wa’dan. Wa aksarihim
shukran. Wa a’lahum amran. Wa
ajmalihim sabran. Wa ahsenihim
khayran. Wa aqrabihim yusran. Wa
ab'adihim makanan. Wa a’zamihim
sha’nan. Wa asbatihim burhanan. Wa
arjahihim mizanan. Wa awwalihim
imanan. Wa awdahihim bayanan. Wa
afsahihim lisanan. Wa azarihim sultanan.


In English

And whose origin is more noble than all
prophets. Whose evidence and preaching
were clearer than theirs, and whose birth,
migration, perfumed descendants and
companions were more gracious than
theirs. The most tender human being,
whose origin was nobler than theirs,
whose soul was better than theirs, whose
heart was purer than theirs, whose word
was truer than theirs, whose deeds were
purer than theirs, whose descent was
more solid than theirs, who was more
faithful to his pledge than them, whose
distinction was more weighty than
theirs, whose disposition was more
honored than theirs, whose design was
finer than theirs, whose branch was
better than theirs, whose obedience and
dutifulness were greater than theirs,
whose station was higher than theirs.
Whose speech was more beautiful than
theirs, whose peace was purer than
theirs, whose rank was more splendid
than theirs, whose glory was greater than
theirs, whose glory was more
resplendent than theirs, whose mention
in the Celestial Realm was loftier than
theirs, whose promise was more sincere
than theirs, whose gratitude was more
profuse than theirs, whose authority was
Higher than theirs, whose patience was
more beautiful than theirs, whose
goodness was finer than theirs, whose
ease was more accessible than theirs,
whose position was loftier than theirs,
whose value was greater than theirs,
whose argument was more sound than
theirs, whose judgment was more
balanced than theirs, whose faith was
more advanced than theirs, whose
evidence was clearer than theirs, whose
tongue was more eloquent than theirs,
and whose authority was more obvious
than theirs.


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