

Sep 26, 2011

Dalail–I- Hayrat with English Translation By S.Ahmad Darwish,Sec.Hizb


Second Hizb

Allahumma inni as aluka min khayri ma
ta‘lamu. Wa a‘uzubika min sharri ma
ta’lamu. Wastagfiruka min kulli ma
ta’lamu. Innaka ta’lamu wala na’lamu
wa anta allamul guyyubi. Allahumma
arhamni min zamani haza. Wa ihdaqil
fitani wa tatawuli ahlil jur’ati alayya
wastid’a fihim iyyaya. Allahummajalni
minka fi iyazin mani‘in wa hirzin
hasinin min jami‘i khalqika hatta
tuballigani ajali mu‘afan.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin adada man salla
alayhi. Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala
ali Muhammadin adada man lam yusalli
alayhi wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala
ali Muhammadin kama tanbagis salatu
alayhi. Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala
ali Muhammadin kama tajibu salatu
alayhi. Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala
ali Muhammadin kama amarta an
yusalla alayhi.
Wa salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali
Muhammadinillazi nuruhu min nuril
anwari wa ashraqa bi shu‘a‘i sirrihil
asraru. Allahumma salli ala
Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammadin
wa ala ahli baytihil abrari ajma'ina.



In English

O Allah I ask You the good of that
which You know and I seek refuge in
You from the evil of that which You
know. I seek Your forgiveness for
everything You know, for You indeed
know and we do not know. Indeed You
are the Knower of the Unseen. O Allah,
have mercy on me in this time from the
encirclement of discord, from the
oppression of the insolent, and their
deficiencies and all such ills. O Allah,
give me an unassailable refuge in You,
an impenetrable protection with You
from all of Your creation until I reach a
virtuous end.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad as many times as
those who have asked for praises upon
him. O Allah, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad as many times as
those who have not asked for praises
upon him. And praise Muhammad and
the family of Muhammad with as many
praises as is fitting for him, and praise
Muhammad and the family of
Muhammad with as many praises as is
his due. And praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad as You have
ordered him to be praised.
And praise Muhammad and the family
of Muhammad whose light is from the
Light of Lights and who with a ray from
His Secrets illuminated all secrets. O
Allah, praise Muhammad and the family
of Muhammad and all the chosen people
of his house.



In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala alihi bahri anwarika wa ma’dini
asrarika wa lisani hujjatika wa arusi
mamlakatika wa imami hazratika wa
khatimi anbiya‘ika salatan tadumu
bidawamika wa tabqa bibaqa‘ika salatan
turdika wa turdihi ya arhamar rahimina.
Allahumma rabbal hilla wal haram. Wa
rabbil mash‘aril harami. Wa rabbal
baytil harami. Wa rabbar rukni wal
maqami. Ablig li sayyidina wa maulana
Muhammadin minnas salama.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin sayyiddil
awwalina wal akhirina. Allahumma salli
ala sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
fi kullin waqtin wa hinin. Allahumma
salli ala sayyidina wa maulana
Muhammadin fil mala‘il a’la ila
yawmiddini. Allahumma salli ala
sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
hatta tarisal arda waman alayha wa anta
khayrul warisina.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadinin
nabiyil ummiyyi wa ala ali
Muhammadin kama salayta ala Ibrahima
innaka hamidun majidun wa barik ala
Muhammadinin nabiyil ummiyyi kama
barakta ala Ibrahima innaka hamidun


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad, and his
family, the Sea of Your Lights, the Mine
of Your Secrets, the Tongue of Your
Proof, the Bridegroom of Your
Kingdom, the Leader of Your Presence,
and the Seal of Your Prophets with
praises which last as long as You last
and remain, praises that please You and
please him, and through which You are
pleased with us, O Most Merciful of the
O Allah, Lord of the Hill (common land)
and the Haram (forbidden land), Lord of
the Sanctuary, Lord of the Sacred House,
and Lord of the Corner and Station of
Abraham. Send peace from us to our
master Muhammad.
O Allah, praise our master Muhammad,
the master of the first and the last. O
Allah, praise our master Muhammad at
every moment and every instant. O
Allah, praise our master Muhammad in
the heavenly assembly until the Day of
Judgment. O Allah, praise our master
Muhammad until the earth bequeaths
itself and whatsoever is on it to You, and
You are the Best of inheritors.
O Allah, praise our master Muhammad,
the unlettered prophet, and the family of
Muhammad just as You praised
Abraham, for You are the Praiseworthy,
the Mighty. And praise our master
Muhammad, the unlettered prophet, and
the family of Muhammad just as You
praised Abraham, for You are the
Praiseworthy, the Mighty.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala ali sayyidina
Muhammadin adada ma ahata bihi
ilmuka wa jara bihi qalamuka wa sabqat
bihi mashiyyatuka wa sallat alayhi
mala‘ikatuka salatan da‘imatan bi
dawamika baqiyyatan bi fadlika wa
ihsanika ila abadil abadi abadan
lanihayata li’abadiyyatihi wa la fanaj
lidaymumiyyatihi. Allahumma salli ala
sayyidina Muhammadin wa ala ali
sayyidina Muhammadin adada ma ahata
bihi ilmuka wa ahsahu kitabuka wa
shahidat bihi mala‘ikatuka w’arda an
ashabihi warham ummatahu innaka
hamidun majidun.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin wa ala jami‘i
ashabi Muhammadin.
Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama salayta ala
Ibrahima wa barik ala Muhammadin wa
ala ali Muhammadin kama barakta ala
Ibrahima wa ala ali Ibrahima fil alamina
innaka hamidun majidun.


In English

O Allah, praise our master Muhammad
and the family of our master Muhammad
in all that Your knowledge encompasses,
in everything that Your pen writes, in all
that Your Will preordains, and as often
as Your angels have praised him, with
eternal praises, lasting as long as You
last, remaining, by Your Grace and Your
Generosity, until the end of eternity,
never ending, with neither beginning nor
disappearance of them, for ever and
ever. O Allah, praise our master
Muhammad and the family of our master
Muhammad as much as You know him,
as much as Your Book, as much as the
witnessing of Your angels, and be
pleased with his companions, and be
merciful to his nation, for You are the
Praiseworthy, the Mighty.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad, and all the
companions of Muhammad.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and the
family of Muhammad just as You
praised Abraham and bless Muhammad
and the family of Muhammad just as
You blessed Abraham in all the worlds,
for You are the Praiseworthy, the


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin adada ma ahata
bihi ilmuka. Allahumma salli ala
sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
adada ma ahsahu kitabuka. Allahumma
salli ala sayyidina wa maulana
Muhammadin adada ma nafazat bihi
qudratuka. Allahumma salli ala
sayyidina wa Maulana Muhammadin
adada ma khasasathu iradatuka.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin adada ma
tawajjaha ilayhi amruka wa nahyuka.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin adada ma
wasi‘ahu sam‘uka. Allahumma salli ala
sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
adada ma ahata bihi basaruka.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin adada ma
zakarahuz zakiruna. Allahumma salli ala
sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
adada ma gafala an zikrihil gafiluna.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin adada qatril
amtari. Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
wa maulana Muhammadin adada awraqil
ashjari. Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
wa maulana Muhammmadin adada
dawabil qifari. Allahumma salli ala
sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
adada dawabil bihari. Allahumma salli
ala sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
adada miyahil bihari. Allahumma salli
ala sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
adada ma azlama alayhil laylu wa ada‘a
alayhin nahar.


In English

O Allah, praise our Master Muhammad
with the fullness of Your Knowledge of
him. O Allah, praise our Master
Muhammad as much as Your Book. O
Allah, praise our Master Muhammad to
the fullness of Your power. O Allah,
praise our Master Muhammad as much
as he is distinguished by Your will. O
Allah, praise our Master Muhammad as
much as he is crowned by Your
command and Your prohibitions. O
Allah, praise our Master Muhammad as
much as Your hearing. O Allah, praise
our Master Muhammad as much as all
that is encompassed by Your Vision.
O Allah, praise our Master Muhammad
as many times as those who remember
him. O Allah, praise our Master
Muhammad as many times as those who
neglect to remember him.
O Allah, praise Muhammad as many
times as there are drops of rain. O Allah,
praise Muhammad as many times as
there are leaves on the trees. O Allah,
praise Muhammad as many times as
there are beasts of the dessert. O Allah,
praise Muhammad as many times as
there are creatures in the sea. O Allah,
praise Muhammad as much as there is
water in the sea. O Allah, praise
Muhammad as much as all that the night
has covered and the day illuminated.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin bil guduwwi wal
asali. Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin adadar rimali.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin adadan nisa‘i
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin riza‘a nafsika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadinim midada
kalimatika. Allahumma salli ala
sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
mil‘a samawatika wa ardika. Allahumma
salli ala sayyidina wa maulana
Muhammadin zinata arshika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina wa
maulana Muhammadin adada
makhluqatika. Allahumma salli ala
sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin
afdala salawatika.
Allahumma salli ala nabiyyir rahmati.
Allahumma salli ala shafi‘il ummati.
Allahumma salli ala kashifil gummati.
Allahumma salli ala mujliz zulmati.
Allahumma salli ala mulin ni’mati.
Allahumma salli ala mu’tir rahmati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil hawzil
mawrudi. Allahumma salli ala sahibil
maqamil mahmudi. Allahumma salli ala
sahibil liwa‘il ma‘qudi. Allahumma salli
ala sahibil makanil mashudi. Allahumma
salli alal mawsufi bil karami wal judi.
Allahumma salli ala man huwa fissama‘i
mahmudun wa fil ardi Muhammadun.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad by morning
and by the evening. O Allah, praise
Muhammad as many times as there are
grains of sand. O Allah, praise
Muhammad as many times as there are
males and females.
O Allah, praise Muhammad as much as
it pleases You. O Allah, praise
Muhammad as much as the ink of Your
Words. O Allah, praise our master
Muhammad to the fullness of Your
heavens and Your earth. O Allah, praise
our master Muhammad in the decoration
of Your Throne. O Allah, praise our
master Muhammad as many times as
there are created beings. O Allah, praise
our master Muhammad with the very
best of Your blessings.
O Allah, praise the prophet of mercy. O
Allah, praise the intercessor of his
nation. O Allah, praise the remover of
grief. O Allah, praise the clarifier of
darkness. O Allah, praise the master of
happiness. O Allah, praise the granter of
O Allah, praise the owner of the visited
pool. O Allah, praise the owner of the
most praised station. O Allah, praise the
owner of the flag. O Allah, praise the
owner of the site of witnessing. O Allah,
praise the one dressed in nobility and
generosity. O Allah, praise the one
called Mahmud in the heavens and
Muhammad on the earth.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala sahibish shamati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil alamati.
Allahumma salli alal Mawsufi bil
karamati. Allahumma salli alal makhsusi
bizza‘amati. Allahumma salli ala man
kana tuzzillahul gamamati. Allahumma
salli ala man kana yara man khalfahu
kama yara man amamahu. Allahumma
salli alash shafi‘il mushaffa‘il yawmal
Allahumma salli ala sahibid dara’ati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibi shafa‘ati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil wasilati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil fazilati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibid darajatir
rafi‘ati. Allahumma salli ala sahibil
hirawati. Allahumma salli ala sahibin
na’layni. Allahumma salli ala sahibil
hujjati. Allahumma salli ala sahibil
burhani. Allahumma salli ala sahibis
sultani. Allahumma salli ala sahibit taji.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil mi’raji.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil qadibi.
Allahumma salli ala rakibin najibi.
Allahumma salli ala rakibul buraqi.
Allahumma salli ala mukhtariqis sab‘it
Allahumma salli alashafi’i fi jami‘il
anami. Allahumma salli ala man sabbaha
fi kaffihit ta’amu. Allahumma salli ala
man baka ilayhil jiz‘u wa hanna
lifiraqihi. Allahumma salli ala man
tawassala bihi tayrul falati. Allahumma
salli ala man sabbahat fi kaffihil hasatu.
Allahumma salli ala man tashaffa‘a
ilayhiz zabyu bi’afsahi kalamin.
Allahumma salli ala man kallamahuz
zabbu fi majlisihi ma‘a ashabihil a’lami.


In English

O Allah, praise the possessor of the
mole. O Allah, praise the possessor of
the distinguishing mark. O Allah, praise
the one dressed in miracles. O Allah,
praise the one with special leadership. O
Allah, praise the one shaded by the
clouds. O Allah, praise the one who can
see equally from behind him as in front
of him. O Allah, praise the one whose
intercession is accepted on the Day of
O Allah, praise the possessor of
humility. O Allah, praise the possessor
of intercession. O Allah, praise the
possessor of the nearest station. O Allah,
praise the possessor of pre-eminence. O
Allah, praise the possessor of the exalted
rank. O Allah, praise the owner of the
stalwart staff. O Allah, praise the owner
of the sandals. O Allah, praise the
possessor of sound argument. O Allah,
praise the possessor of convincing
reason. O Allah, praise the possessor of
authority. O Allah, praise the owner of
the turban. O Allah, praise the master of
the night journey. O Allah, praise the
owner of the scepter. O Allah, praise the
noble rider. O Allah, praise the rider of
Buraq. O Allah, praise the one who
traversed the seven heavens.

O Allah, praise the intercessor for all
creatures. O Allah, praise the one who
held food in his hand that exalted Allah.
O Allah, praise the one for whom a palm
trunk wept and sighed at its separation
from him. O Allah, praise the one whose
mediation was sought by the birds of the
desert. O Allah, praise the one who held
stones in his hand that exalted Allah. O
Allah, praise the one whose intercession was
sought by the gazelle and whose request was
made in human speech. O Allah, praise the
one to whom a lizard spoke at an open
gathering of the most learned companions.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli alal bashirin naziri.
Allahumma salli alas sirajil muniri.
Allahumma salli ala man shaka ilayhil
ba'iru. Allahuma salli ala man tafajjara
min bayni asabi‘ihil ma’un namiru.
Allahumma salli alattahiril mutahhari.
Allahumma salli ala nuril anwari.
Allahumma salli ala manin shakka lahul
qamaru. Allahumma salli alat tayyibil
mutayyabi. Allahumma salli alar rasulil
muqarrabi. Allahumma salli alal fajris
sati'i. Allahumma salli alan najmis
saqibi. Allahumma salli ala urwatil
wusqa. Allahumma salli ala naziri ahlil
arzi. Allahumma salli alash shafi‘i
yawmil ardi. Allahumma salli alas saqi
linnasi minal hawzi. Allahumma salli ala
sahibi liwa‘il hamdi. Allahumma salli
alal musta’mili fi mardatika gayata
Allahumma salli alan nabiyyil khatimi.
Allahumma salli alar rasulil khatimi.
Allahumma salli alal Mustafal qa’imi.
Allahumma salli ala rasulika Abil
Allahumma salli ala sahibil ayati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibid dalalati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil isharati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil karamati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil alamati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil bayyinati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil mu’jizati.
Allahumma salli ala sahibil khawariqil



In English

O Allah, praise the bearer of glad tidings
and the warner. O Allah, praise the
brilliant lamp. O Allah, praise the one to
whom a camel made its complaint. O
Allah, praise the one for whom sparkling
water burst forth from his fingertips for
his companions. O Allah, praise the pure
one, the purifier. O Allah, praise the
Lights of Lights. O Allah, praise the one
for whom the moon split in two. O
Allah, praise the one who was good and
did good. O Allah, praise the messenger
close to Allah. O Allah, praise the
breaking dawn. O Allah, praise the
shining star. O Allah, praise the trusty
handhold. O Allah, praise the warner of
the people of the earth. O Allah, praise
the intercessor of the day of petition. O
Allah, praise the one who will give
people to drink from the pool. O Allah,
praise the owner of the flag of happiness.
O Allah, praise the one who was always
ready for Your service.
O Allah, praise the prophet, the seal.
O Allah, praise Your messenger, the
seal. O Allah, praise the chosen one, the
upright one. O Allah, praise the
messenger, father of Qasim.
O Allah, praise the possessor of signs.
O Allah, praise the possessor of portents.
O Allah, praise the possessor of
indicators. O Allah, praise the possessor
of miracles. O Allah, praise the
possessor of marks. O Allah, praise the
possessor of proofs. O Allah, praise the
possessor of marvels. O Allah, praise the
possessor of wondrous events.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala man sallamat
alayhil ahjaru. Allahumma salli ala man
sajadat bayna yadayhil ashjaru.
Allahumma salli ala man tafattaqat min
nurihil azharu. Allahumma salli ala man
tabat bi barkatihis simaru. Allahumma
salli ala manikhdarrat min baqiyyati
wadulihil ashjaru. Allahumma salli ala
man fadat min nurihi jami‘ul anwari.
Allahumma salli ala man bissalati alayhi
tuhattul awzaru. Allahumma salli ala
man bissalati alayhi tunalu manazilul
abrari. Allahumma salli ala man bissalati
alayhi yurhamul kibaru wassigaru.
Allahumma salli ala man bissalati alayhi
natana’amu fil hazihid dari wa fi tilkad
dari. Allahumma salli ala man bissalati
alayhi tunalu rahmatul azizil gaffari.
Allahumma salli alal mansuril
mu’ayyadi. Allahumma salli alal
mukhtaril mumajjadi. Allahumma salli
ala sayyidina wa maulana Muhammadin.
Allahumma salli ala man kana iza masha
fil barril aqfari ta’allaqatil wuhushu
bi’az yalihi. Allahumma salli alayhi wa
ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman.
Alhamdu lillahi rabbil alamina.


In English

O Allah, praise the one who was greeted
by rocks. O Allah, praise the one before
whom trees prostrated. O Allah, praise
the one from whose light blossoms
unfold. O Allah, praise the one from
whose blessings fruit ripens. O Allah,
praise the one from whose leftover
ablution water trees become green. O
Allah, praise the one whose light engulfs
all other Lights. O Allah, praise the one,
for whom the request for praises lightens
our every load. O Allah, praise the one,
for whom the request for praises confers
the mansions of the righteous. O Allah,
praise the one, for whom the request for
praises grants mercy to young and old. O
Allah, praise the one, for whom the
request for praises brings favor to this
house and that house. O Allah, praise the
one, for whom the request for praises
brings mercy from the All-Mighty, the
O Allah, praise the victorious one, the
confirmer. O Allah, praise the chosen
one, the extolled. O Allah, praise the one
who when he walked in the desert wild
creatures would cling to the hem of his
cloak. O Allah, praise and grant
abundant peace to him and his family
and companions, and praise be to Allah,
Lord of all the worlds.



Alhamdulillahi ala hilmih. Ba'da ilmihi.
Wa ala afwihi ba'da qudratihi.
Allahumma inni a’uzu bika minal faqri
illa illayka. Wa minazzulli illa laka wa
minal khawfi illa minka. Wa a’uzu bika
an aqula zuran. Aw agsha fujuran. Aw
akuna bika magruran. Wa a’uzu bika
min shamatatil a’da‘i. Wa udaliddal. Wa
khaybatir raja‘i. Zawalin ni’mati wa
fuja’atin niqmati.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa sallam alayhi wajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu habibika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa sallam alayhi wajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu habibika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa sallam alayhi wajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu habibika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Ibrahima
wa sallim alayhi wajhihi anna ma huwa
ahluhu khalilika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Ibrahima
wa sallim alayhi wajhihi anna ma huwa
ahluhu khalilika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Ibrahima
wa sallim alayhi wajhihi anna ma huwa
ahluhu khalilika.


In English

Praise be to Allah for His forbearance in
spite of His Knowledge and His
Clemency in spite of His Power. O
Allah, I seek refuge in You from all
thoughts that are not directed towards
You, and from all humility which is not
for You and from all fear which is not
fear of You, and I seek refuge in You
from telling lies, or from being dishonest
and immoral, or that I should be proud in
front of You. And I seek refuge in You
from gloating over my enemies, from
disease, sickness and despair, from the
waning of favor and from sudden

O Allah, praise Muhammad and grant
him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and grant
him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and grant
him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved.
O Allah, praise Abraham and grant him
peace and reward him as much as he
deserves and he is Your Friend.
O Allah, praise Abraham and grant him
peace and reward him as much as he
deserves and he is Your Friend.
O Allah, praise Abraham and grant him
peace and reward him as much as he
deserves and he is Your Friend.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa sallam alayhi wajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu habibika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa sallam alayhi wajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu habibika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa sallam alayhi wajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu habibika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Ibrahima
wa sallim alayhi wajhihi anna ma huwa
ahluhu khalilika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Ibrahima
wa sallim alayhi wajhihi anna ma huwa
ahluhu khalilika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Ibrahima
wa sallim alayhi wajhihi anna ma huwa
ahluhu khalilika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa sallam alayhi wajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu habibika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa sallam alayhi wajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu habibika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa sallam alayhi wajzihi
anna ma huwa ahluhu habibika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Ibrahima
wa sallim alayhi wajhihi anna ma huwa
ahluhu khalilika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Ibrahima
wa sallim alayhi wajhihi anna ma huwa
ahluhu khalilika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina Ibrahima
wa sallim alayhi wajhihi anna ma huwa
ahluhu khalilika.


In English

O Allah, praise Muhammad and grant
him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and grant
him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and grant
him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved.
O Allah, praise Abraham and grant him
peace and reward him as much as he
deserves and he is Your Friend.
O Allah, praise Abraham and grant him
peace and reward him as much as he
deserves and he is Your Friend.
O Allah, praise Abraham and grant him
peace and reward him as much as he
deserves and he is Your Friend.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and grant
him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and grant
him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved.
O Allah, praise Muhammad and grant
him peace, and reward him as much as
he deserves, and he is Your Beloved.
O Allah, praise Abraham and grant him
peace and reward him as much as he
deserves and he is Your Friend.
O Allah, praise Abraham and grant him
peace and reward him as much as he
deserves and he is Your Friend.
O Allah, praise Abraham and grant him
peace and reward him as much as he
deserves and he is Your Friend.


In Arabic

Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin wa ala ali sayyidina
Muhammadin kama sallayta wa rahimta
wa barakta ala Ibrahima fil alamina
innaka hamidun majidun. Adada
khalqika wa rida’a nafsika. Wa zinata
arshika wa midada kalimatika.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin adada man salla alayhi.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin adada man lam yusalli
alayhi. Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin adada ma sulliya alayhi.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin kama huwa ahluhu.
Allahumma salli ala sayyidina
Muhammadin kama tuhibbu wa


In English

O Allah praise our master Muhammad
and the family of our master Muhammad
just as You praised and were merciful to
and blessed Abraham in all the worlds,
for You are the Praiseworthy, the
Mighty, as much as all of Your creation,
to the fullness of Your Pleasure in the
decoration of Your Throne and in the ink
of Your Words.
O Allah, praise our master Muhammad
as many times as those who have asked
for praises upon him. O Allah, praise our
master Muhammad as many times as
those who have not asked for praises
upon him. O Allah, praise our master
Muhammad as many times as he has
been praised. O Allah, praise our master
Muhammad as he deserves. O Allah,
praise our master Muhammad just as
You love and willed for him.
(Tuesday ends here)


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