

Jun 24, 2011

Dalail ul Khairaate in English Translations Part One

In the name of Allah, All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving

I ask Allah for forgiveness!(three times)!!!

Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah!(three times)!!!

Allah suffices me and He is the best Protector!(three times)!!

Surah Ikhlas !(three times)!!!

Surahs Al-Falaq and al-Naas (once each)!

Surah Al-fatihah (once each)!

The most Beautiful Names Of Allah

In the name of Allah, All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving

Allah The all-Merciful, The Mercy-Giving, The King, The Holy, The Source of Peace, The Guardian of Faith, The Protector, The Mighty, The Compeller, The Victorious, The Creator, The Inventor, The Designer, The Forgiver, The Subduer, The Bestower, The Provider, The Opener, The Knower, The Straitener, The Expander, The Abaser, The Exalter, The Honourer, The Dishonourer, The All-Hearing The All-seeing, The Judge, The Just, The Subtle, The Aware, The Forbearer, The Magnificent, The All-Forgiving, The Benefactor, The High, The Greatest, The Preserver, The Nourisher, The Reckoner, The Glorious, TheGenerous, The Observer, The Responsive, The All-Embracing, The Wise, The Loving, The Majestic, The Resurrector, The Witness, The Truth, The Provident, The Strong, The Firm, The Proctecting Friend, The Praiseworthy, The Calculator, The Originator, The Renewer, The Life-Giver, The Giver of Death, The living, The Self-Existing, The Present, The Most Glorious, The Unique, The One, the Eternal, The Able, The All-Powerful, The Expediter, The Delayer, the first, The last, The Manifest, The Hidden, The Governor, The Supreme, The Good, The Acceptor of Repentance, The Avenger, The Pardoner, The Gentle, The Eternal Sovereign, The Lord of Glory and Nobility, The Equitable, The Gatherer, The Self-Sufficient, The Enricher, The Giver, The Withholder, The Loss-Causer, The Favourer, The Light, The Guide, The Originator , The Everlasting, The Inheritor, The Guide to the Right Path, The Most Patient and great is His Majesty.

And if you see the Ego controlling you,

And it comes to lead you into the Fire of Desires,

Banish its desires by continuous blessing,

There is nothing to compare with Dala’il ul-Khayrat

With Dala’il ul-Khayrat you must be firm,

Read it to obtain your wishes,

Lights appear and blaze thereby,

O my Brother, it is never to be abandoned.

The Opening Supplication

In the name of Allah, All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving

The blessings and peace of Allah be upon our Master Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

O my God for the sake of the honour of Your Prophet, our master Muhammad. Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, in the sight of You and for the sake of his position in Your Presence, and for the sake of Your love for him and his for You and for the sake of the secret which is between You and him, I ask You to bless and grant peace to him, his family and his Companions, and that You double my love for him and acquaint me with his reality and rank, make me fit to follow him and uphold his manners and his way, join me with him and allow me a vision of him, and encourage me with his conversation free off all hindrances, attachments, means and veils pleasing my ears with the delights of his addressing me.

And prepare me to meet him and make me fit for his service.

And make my request for Your blessings him a perfect and absolutely pure and purified shining light which dispels all darkness and gloom, all doubt and association, all unbelief all falsehood and all iniquity and make it a means of my increasing in sincerity and a way of obtaining the Highest Station of Sincerity and Distinction so that there remains for me no lord but You and so that I am fit for Your Presence and I am one of Your Distinguished People holding firm to his manners and his way, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, his family, his Companions and all the People of his House at every moment and on every occasion.

O Allah O Light O Truth O Manifest One ( three times)!!!


Praise be to Allah and blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad, his family and his Companions.

The Shaykh, the Imam, the Great Saint, the Renowned Pole, the Sultan of the Near Ones and Pole of the True Ones, The Master of the Gnostics, the Possessor of Open Miracles and Abundant Secrets, Sayydi Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Suleyman Al-Jazuil, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

Praise be Allah who has guided us to faith and to Islam. And blessings and peace be upon our Master Muhammad, His prophet who has delivered us from worshipping graven images and idols.

The subject of this book is remembering to ask for blessings upon the Prophet, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, and its benefits. We mention the traditions without the chains of transmission in order to make it easier for the reader to memorize them, this being one of the important essentials for the one seeking nearness to the Lord of Lords.

I have named this book The Index of Good Things and the Advent of Blazing Lights in the Remembering to ask for Blessings upon the Chosen Prophet desiring the pleasure of Allah the Exalted and love for His Noble Messenger, our master Muhammad, Allah’s blessings and abundant peace be upon him.

And Allah is responsible for making us follow his way, and making us love the perfect ones, for He is Able to do this. There is no god save He and there is no good save His good. And He is the best Protector and best Helper. And there is no help nor power save through Allah the High, the Mighty.

The Benefit of Requesting Blessings upon the Prophet, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him.

Allah, Mighty and Sublime is He, said:"Verily, Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. O you who believe, ask (Allah) to bless him and grant him abundant peace".

And it is related that the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, came one day with signs of good tidings visible upon his face. He said:"Lo, Gabriel, peace be upon him, said to me,"Are you not pleased, O Muhammad, that whenever one of your nation asks Allah to bless you, Allah will bless him tenfold and that whenever one of your nation asks Allah to grant you peace, Allah will grant peace tenfold."

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"The nearest person to me is the one who asks for blessings upon me the most".

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Whoever asks for blessings upon me, angels are blessings him for long as he asks, be it for a short time, be it for a long time".

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"A person is considered a miser if, when I am mentioned in his presence, he fails to ask blessings upon me".

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Ask for more blessings upon me on Fridays".

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Whoever of my nation asks for blessings upon me once, ten good deeds are written down for him and ten sins are erased."

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Whoever hears the call to Prayer and says, ‘O Allah, Lord of this perfect call and this established prayer grant Muhammad the Closet Access, the Pre-Eminence, the Lofty Rank and send him to the Most Praised Station which You have promised him’, my intercession for him will be binding on the Day of Resurrection."

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him: "Whoever asks for blessings upon me in a book, the angels bless him for as long as my name is in that book".

And Abu Suleiman Ad-Darani said:"Whoever wishes to request something from Allah, let him increase his asking for blessings upon the Prophet, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, and then he may ask Allah about his affair and then seal his request by once more asking for blessings upon the Prophet, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him. For Allah will accept the two requests for blessings upon the Prophet and this is something more noble than whatever he asks for in between".

And it is related that he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him: "Whoever asks Allah one hundred times to bless me on a Friday will be forgiven the sins of eighty years".

And Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, said:"The Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, said, ‘For the one asks for blessings upon me there is a light on the Bridge, and whoever is on the Bridge from the People of Light will not be among the People of the Fire".

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Whoever deliberately neglects to ask for blessings upon me has missed the path to The Garden, for the route to The Garden is barred for such a neglectful one, whereas it is open for him who asks blessings upon me".

It is related by ‘Abdurraham ibn’ Awf, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Gabriel, peace be upon be him said,’ O Muhammad, whenever someone from your nation asks for blessings upon you, seventy thousands angels bless him, and whoever is blessed by angels is one of the People of The Garden".

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him: "The more you ask for the blessings upon me, the more you will have in The Garden"

It is related that he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him: "Whenever someone asks for blessings upon me, extolling my right, Allah, Mighty and Sublime is He, creates from his words an angel with wings stretching from the East to the West, with feet connected to the nethermost part of the seventh earth and a neck bent beneath The Throne. Allah, Mighty and Sublime is He, Says to him, ‘Bless My slave as he asks for blessings upon My Prophet and thereupon the angel will bless him until the Day of Resurrection".

It is related that he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"There will come to my Pool on the Day of Resurrection nations I will only know because of their frequent asking for blessings upon me".

It is related that he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Whoever asks Allah to bless me, Allah will bless him ten times, and whoever asks ten times to bless me, Allah will bless him one hundred times, and whoever asks Allah one hundred times to bless me, Allah will bless him one thousand times, and whoever asks Allah to bless me one thousand times, Allah will prohibit The Fire from touching his body, his word on any matter will be made enduring in this world and the next, he will enter The Garden, on the Day of Resurrection his request for blessings upon me will be a light for him on The Bridge, a light visible at a distance of five hundred years, and Allah will grant him for every blessing upon me asked for a palace in The Garden, regardless of how many".

And the Prophet said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Whenever a slave asks for blessings upon me, his request leaves him quickly and passes over land and sea, through East and West, saying ‘I am the blessing upon Muhammad, the Chosen One, the Best of Allah’s Creation, asked for by so and so’ and everything asks for blessings upon him. A bird is created from these blessings with seventy thousand wings, each of which has seventy thousand feathers. Each of the feathers has seventy thousand heads on each of which are seventy thousands faces. Each face has seventy thousands mouths and in every mouth there are seventy thousand tongues. Each tongue glorifies Allah the exalted in seventy thousand languages and Allah will then write for him the reward for all of that"

Ali ibn abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said:"The Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, said, ‘Whoever asks Allah one hundred times on a Friday to bless me, a light will come for him on the Day of Resurrection, a light which, were it to be divided among them, would be enough for the whole of creation"’.

It is mentioned in the good tidings:"It is written on the leg of The Throne ‘Whoever yearns for Me, I am merciful to him. Whoever asks Me, I will grant him wish. Whoever draws nearto Me, by asking for blessings upon My Beloved Muhammad, I will forgive him, even if his sins were as plentiful as the foam on the surface of the ocean"’.

And it is related by one of the Companions, may Allah be pleased with them all,: "There is no gathering in which blessings upon Muhammad, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, are asked for but that a beautiful fragrance rises from it which reaches the clouds in the sky and the angels say, ‘This is a gathering in which blessings upon Muhammad, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, are being asked for"’.

Other reports mention that:"The Gates of the Heavens are opened for a believing slave, male or female, who begins by asking for blessings upon Muhammad, and the Pavilions are opened as far as The Throne, and all the angels bless Muhammad, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, and ask for forgiveness for that slave for as long as Allah wishes".

And he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Whoever is troubled by some matter should increase his asking for the blessings upon me, and that will remove his anxieties, his sorrows and cares and will increase his provision and satisfy all his needs".

And one of the Righteous said:"A neighbour of mine was a scribe and he died. I saw him in a dream and asked him how Allah had treated him. He replied, ‘ He had forgiven me’. I said, ‘For what reason has He forgiven you?’and he replied,‘Whenever I wrote the name of Muhammad, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, in a book, I asked Allah to bless him and thus My Lord has given me what no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard and what no mortal has ever imagined’".

And it is related from Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"None of you truly believe until I am dearer to him than his own self, his wealth, his children, his parents and all other people".

And it is related in the Tradition of Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, that he said.

"You are dearer to me, O Messenger of Allah, than everything I possess except my own self which is within me". The Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, replied:"You will not be a believer until I am dearer to you than your own self" Umar said: "By Him who revealed to you the Book, you are dearer to me than my own self". The Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, said to him:

"Now, O Umar, your faith is complete".

And it was asked of the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him. "When will I attain faith?" (and in another version "When will I attain true faith") He replied:"When you love Allah" it was said:"And when will I love Allah?" He said:" When you love His Messenger?" it was said:"And when will I love His Messenger?" He said: "When you follow his path, adhere to his way, love what he loves and hate what he hates, befriend whom he befriends and oppose whom he opposes – and people will be distinguished one from another in their unbelief according to their hate for me".

Can there be faith for the one who has no love for him?

Can there be faith for the one who has no love for him?

Can there be faith for the one who has no love for him?

It was said to the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"We see believers who are humble and believers who are not humble. What is the reason for this?" He said:"The one finds his faith adorned with humility whilst the does not". It was said: "How can we find such faith, or obtain it or earn it?" He replied:"By sincerely loving Allah". It was said:"How can the love of Allah be found or earned?" He said:"By loving His Messenger. So seek out the pleasure of Allah and the pleasure of His Messenger by loving Them".

And it was said to the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him: "Who are the family of Muhammad whom we are ordered to love and honour and treat with reverence?" He replied:" The People of purity and fidelity, who believe in me sincerely". It was said:"What are their signs?" He said:"The traces of my love are on every lover and their inner life is busy with remembering me and remembering Allah" (In another version the words are:"Their signs are being addicted to remembering me and constantly asking for blessings upon me".)

It was said to the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Who is he who is strong in his love for you?" He replied:"The one who believes in me without seeing me for he is a believer in me through yearning and is sincere in his love for me. A sign of this is that he desires a vision of me more than anything he owns (in another version the words are:"…than all the gold in the world") This is a true believer in me whose love for me is true and sincere".

It was said to the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him:"Are you aware of the blessings upon you asked for by those who are not with you or by those who will come after you? What is their state regarding you?" He replied:"I hear the blessings of the people who love me and I know them. And the blessings of others than them are presented to me".

Here are 201 Names of our master and Prophet, Muhammad, Allah’s blessing and peace and peace upon him.

O Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to one named Muhammad (the Praised One), Allah’s blessing and peace be upon.

O Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to one named Ahamd (the Most Praised ), Allah’s blessing and peace be upon.

O Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to one named Muhammad (the Praiser), Allah’s blessing and peace be upon.

O Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to one named Mahmud (the Most Highly Praised), Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Aheed (name of the Prophet in the Torah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Wahid (Unique) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mah (the Effacer) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Hashir (the Gatherer) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Aqib (the Last in Succession) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. TaHa (Surah of the Holy Qu’ran) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. YaSin (Surah of the Holy Qu’ran) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon Tahir (the Pure) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mutahir (the Purifier) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Taiyeb (the Good) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Saiyed (the Master) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Rasool (the Messenger) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Nabi (the Prophet) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Rasool ur-Rahmah (the Messenger of Mercy) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Qayim (the Straight One) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Jami (the Collector) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Muqt (the Selected) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Muqi (the Best Example) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Rasool al-Malahim (the Messenger of Fierce Battles) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Rasool ur-Rahah (the Messenger of Rest) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Kamil (the Perfect) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Ikil (the Crown) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mudathir (the Covered One) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Muzzamil (the One Wrapped One) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Abdullah (the Save of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Habibullah (the Beloved of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Safiyuallh (the Intimate of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Najiyullah (the Confidant of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Kalimullah (the Speaker of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Khatim ul-Ambiya (the Seal of the Prophets) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Khatim ur-Rasool (the Seal of the Messengers) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Muhyi (the Reviver) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Munj (the Rescuer) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Muthakkir (the Reminder) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Nasir (the Helper) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mansoor (the Victorious One) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Nabiy ur-Rahmah (the Prophet of Mercy) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Nabi ut-Tauba(the Prophet of Repentance) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Haris Alaykum (Watchful over You) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Ma’lum (the Known One) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Shahir (the Famous) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Shahid (the Witness) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Shaheed (Witnesser) Mashhood (the Attested) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Bashir (the Newsbringer) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mubashir (the Spreader of Good News) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Nathir (the Warner) Munthir (the Admonisher) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Nur (the Light) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Siraj(the Lamp) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Misbah (the Lantern) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon Huda (the Guidance) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mahdi (the Rightly Guided One) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Munir(the Illumined One) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Da’a (the Caller) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Madu’u (the Called One) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mujib (the Responsive) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mujab (the One responded to) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Hafiy (the Welcoming) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. ‘Afw (the Overlooker of Sins) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Wali (the Friend) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Haqq (the Truth) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Qowiy (the Powerful) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Amin (the Trustworthy) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Ma’mun (the Trusted) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Karim (the Noble) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mukarram (the Honoured) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Makin (the Firm) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Matin (the Stable) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mubin (the Evident) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Mu’mil (the Hoped for) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Wasul (the Connection) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Dhu Quwa (the Possessor of Power) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Dhu Hurmah (the Possessor of Honour) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Dhu Makana (the Possessor of Firmness) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Dhu ‘ Azz (the Possessor Of Might) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Dhu Fadl (the Possessor of Grace) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Muta’ (the One Obeyed) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Muti’ (the Obedient) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Qadim Sidq (the Foot of Sincerity) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Rahmah (Mercy) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Burshra (the Good News) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Ghawth (the Redeemer) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Ghayth (Succour) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Ghiyath (Help) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Ni'matullah (the Blessings of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Hadiyatullah (the Gift of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. 'Urwatu Wuthqa (the Trusty Handhold) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Siratuallah (the Path of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon. Siratumustaqim (the Straight path) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Dhikrullah (Remembrance of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon, Sayfullah (the Sword of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Hizbullah (the party of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Al-Najm ath-thaqib (the Piercing Star) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mustafa (the Chosen One) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mujtaba (the Select) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Muntaqa (the Eloquent) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Umiy (the Unlettered) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mukhtar (the Chosen) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Ajeer (Allah’s Worker) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Jabbar (the Compelling) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Abu Qasim (Father of Qasim) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Abu at-Tahir (Father of Pure) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Abu at-Taiyeb (the Good Father) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Abu Ibrahim (Father of Ibrahim) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mushafa (the One Whose Intercession is Accepted) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Shafi' (the Interceder) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Salih (the Righteous) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Muslih (the Conciliator) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Muhaymin (the Guardian) Sadiq (the Truthful) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Musaddaq (the Confirmer) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sidq (the Sincerity) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Saiyed ul-Mursalin (the Master of the Messengers) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Imam ul-Mutaqim (the Leader of the God-Fearing) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Qayid ul-Ghur il-Muhajjilin (the Guide of the Brightly Shines Ones) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Khalil ur-Rahman (the Friends of the Merciful) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Barr (the Pious) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mubirr (the Venerated) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Wajih (the Eminent) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Nasseh (the Adviser) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Nasih (the Counsellor) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Wakeel (the Advocate) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mutawakil (the Reliant on Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Kafeel (the Guarantor) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Shafeeq (the Tender) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Muqeem as-Sunna (the Establisher of Way) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Muqaddis (the Sacred) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Ruh ul-Qudus (the Holy Spirit) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him Ruh ul-Haqq (the Spirit of Truth) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Ruh ul-Qist (the spirit of Justice) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Kaf (the Qualified) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Muktaf (the Broad-shouldered) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Baligh (the Proclaimer) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mubaligh (the Informer) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Shaf (the Healing) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Wasil (the Inseparable Friend) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mawsool (the One Bound to Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sabiq (the Foremost) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sa'iq (the Driver) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Had (the Guide) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Muhd (the Guided) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Muqaddam (the Overseer) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Aizz' (the Mighty) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Fadil (the Outstanding) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mufaddil (the Favoured) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Fatih (the Opener) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Miftah (the key) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Miftah ur-Rahman (the Key of Mercy) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Miftah ul-Jannah (the Key to the Garden ) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. 'Alam ul-Iman (He taught the Faith) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. 'Alm ul-Yaqeen( He Taught Certainty) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Dalail' ul-Khayrat (Guide to Good Things) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Musahih ul-Hasanat (the Verifier of Good Deeds) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Muqeel ul-'Atharat (the Forewarner of False Steps) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Safooh 'an az-Zallat (the Pardoner of Oppressions) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ush-Shafa'h (the Possessor of intercession) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Maqam (the Possessor of the Honoured Station) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Qadam (Owner of the Footprint) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Makhsoosun bil-'Azz (Distinguished with Might) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Makhsoosun bil-Majd (Distinguished with Glory) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Makhsoosun bish-Sharaf (Distinguished with Nobility) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Waseelah (the Possessor of the Closest Access) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib us-Sayf (the Owner of the Sword) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Fadeelah (the Possessor of Pre-eminence) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Izar (the Owner of the Cloth) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Hujjah (the Possessor of Proof) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him.Sahib us-Sultan (the Possessor of Authority) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ur-Rida' (the Owner of the Robe) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ud-Darajat ir-Rafi' (thePossessor of the Lofty Rank) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ut-Taj (the Possessor of Crown) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Maghir (the Possessor of Forgiveness) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Liwa' (the Possessor of the Flag) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Mi'raj (the Master of the Night Journey) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Qadeeb (the Possessor of the Staff) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Buraq (the Owner of Buraq) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Khatam (the Owner of the Ring) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Shahib ul-'Alamah (the Owner of the Sign) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Burhan (the Possessor of the Evidence) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Bayan (the Possessor of Evident Proofs) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Faseeh ul-Lisan (the Good Communicatior) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Mutahhir ul-Jannan (the Purifier the Soul) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Ra'uf (the Kind) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Raheem (the Mercy-giving) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Uthan Khayr (the Good Listener) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Saheeh ul-Islam (the Completer of Islam) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Saiyed ul-Khawnain (the Master of the Two Universes) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. 'Ayn ul-Na'eem (the Spring of Bliss) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. 'Ayn ul-Ghur (the Spring of Beauty) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sa'dullah (the Joy of Allah) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sa'd ul-Khalq (the joy of the Creator) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Khateeb ul-Umam (the Preacher of Nations) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. 'Alm ul-Huda (the Teacher of the Guidance) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Khashif ul-Kurb (the Remover of Worries) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Rafi'ur-Rutab (the Raiser of Ranks) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. 'Azz ul-'Arab (the Might of the Arabs) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him. Sahib ul-Farah (the Possessor of Happiness) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him.

O Allah, O Lord, for the honors of Your Prophet, Al-Mustafa, and Your Messenger, Al-Murtada, Purify our hearts from every characteristic which keeps us away from Your Presence and Your Love, and have us pass away following his way and in his community, longing to meet You, O Owner of Majesty and Nobility.

And the Blessings and abundant peace of Allah be upon our master Muhammad, his family and his Companions and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

The Supplication Of Intention

In the name of Allah, All-Merciful. The Mercy-Giving

Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Allah suffices me, and He is the best Protector. There is no help or power save in Allah, the high, the Mighty.

O Allah, I rid myself of reliance upon any help or power save Your Help and Your Power O Allah, I intend to ask for blessings upon the Prophet, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, in obedience to Your Command and with faith in Your Prophet, our master Muhammad, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, loving him and longing for him, extolling the greatness of his rank and because is he deserving of this. Accept this from us through Your Favours and Your Grace, and make the veil of forgetfulness fall from my heart and make me one of Your Righteous Slaves.

O Allah make him more noble than he is already.

And make him mightier than he is already.

And make his light greater than the light from which You created him.

And make his station higher than all the stations of the Messengers.

And his rank higher than all the ranks of the Prophets.

And I ask You for Your Pleasure and his pleasure. O Lord of the Worlds and eternal well-being and a death following The Book and the Sunna and that my Witnessing of Faith is truly without modification or innovation. Forgive me, through Your Grace, Your Favour Your Generosity and Your Nobility for what I have done, O Merciful of the Merciful and the blessings and peace of Allah be upon our master Muhammad his family and his Companions.

The Description of the Rawdah

(the tomb of the Prophet, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him)

This is a description of the Rawdah (Paradisal Garden) in the which are buried the Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, and his Companions, Abu Bakr and Umar, may Allah be pleased with them both. Thus Urwa ibn az-Zubaiyr, may Allah be pleased with him, mentioned :"The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, is buried in an alcove, and Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, is behind the Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Umar ibn Khattab, May Allah be pleased wit him, is buried at the feet of the Abu Bakr and the eastern side of the alcove is left empty. There is a place for another tomb. They say, and Allah Knows Best, that 'Isa ibn Mariam , peace be upon him, will be buried there, and this part of the good news brought by the Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him".

'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said:"I saw three moons falling into my room. I told my vision to Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him. He told me, 'O 'Aisha, there will be three buried in your house. They are better than all the people of the earth'. When the Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, passed away, he was buried in my house, Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him, said to me, 'This is one your moons and he is the best of them, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him and his family"

The Method of Requesting Blessings upon the Prophet, Allah's Blessings and peace be upon him and his family.

Allah's blessings and peace be upon our Lord and master Muhammad and on his family and Companions.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and his wives and his descendants just as You blessed our master Abraham and sanctify our master Muhammad and his wives and descendants just as You sanctify our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and his family just as You blessed our master Abraham and sanctify our master Muhammad and the family of Muhammad just as You sanctify our master Abraham and the family of Abraham in all worlds for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family our master Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham and sanctify our master Muhammad and the family of Muhammad just as You sanctify our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet and the family of our master Muhammad.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad, Your slave Your Messenger.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You bless our master Abraham and the family of our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah sanctify our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You sanctified our master Abraham and the family of our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah be merciful to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You were merciful to our master Abraham and the family of our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah be kind our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You were kind to our master Abraham and the family of our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah grant peace to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You granted peace to our master Abraham and the family of our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad, and be merciful to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad and sanctify our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You blessed, and were merciful to and sanctified our master Abraham and the family of our master Abraham in the worlds for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad the Prophet, and his wives the Mothers of the Believers and his descendants and the People of his House just as You blessed our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You bless our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah, the Leveler of the Plains, the Maker of the Firmament, and the Mulder of Heats into the good and the bad, grant Your noblest blessings, most fruitful favors and most loving kindness to our master Muhammad, Your Slave and Your Messenger, the Opener of what was locked and the Seal of what has gone before, the Announcer of Truth with Truth, and the Refuter of the forces of Falsehood. He took upon himself the responsibility of Your order in obedience to You, speedily seeking Your Pleasure, earnestly heeding Your Revelation, keeping Your Promise, carrying out and executing your Command so that, by kindling a burning brand for the seeker, his family gain access through him to the blessings of Allah. Hearts were guided through him after having entered into discord and sin, and he gladdened with evident signs, with enlightening laws and illuminating Islam. And he is Your Trustworthy One and Safe Custodian of Your Secret Knowledge, Your Witness on the Day of Judgment and Your Envoy, a Favor for us and Your Messenger, in truth, a Mercy for us.

O Allah, widen for him his place in Your Eden and reward him doubly with the goodness of Your Favor granting him untarnished felicitations from the victory of Your Reward, which is plentiful and fitting and from Your Lofty Gift.

O Allah raise that which he built up over all that mankind has built up and ennoble his place and his sojourn with You, and complete for him his light and reward him with Your approval so that his testimony is accepted and his word is Pleasing to You, making him the one whose utterance is just and whose course is distinct and whose argument mighty.

Verily, Allah and His Angels bless the Prophet, O you who believe, ask (Allah) to bless him and grant him abundant peace.

I am here, O Allah at Your service and at Your Command, my Lord. The blessings of Allah, the Good, the Merciful, and of his closest angels and of the Prophets and of the sincere ones, and of the martyrs and of the good ones and whatever else exists which glorifies You. O Lord of the Worlds, are for our master Muhammad, son of Abdullah, the Seal of the Prophets and Master of the Messengers, the Leader of the Pious and the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, the Witness, the Bringer of Good Tidings, the Caller to You by Your leave, the Lamp, the Illuminated one, on him may there be peace.

O Allah, grant Your blessings and your favors and Your Mercy to the Master of the Messengers and the Leader of the pious and Seal of the Prophets, our master Muhammad, Your slave and Your Messenger, the Pioneer of Goodness and Guide to the Goodness, the Messenger of Mercy.

O Allah, send him to the Most Praised Station, the envy of those who came first and those who came last.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah, sanctify our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You sanctified our Abraham for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad his family, his Companions, his children, his wives, his descendants, the People of his House his relations by marriage, his Helpers. His adherents, his lovers, his nation and all of us along with them, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as many times those who have asked for his blessings upon him and bless our master Muhammad as many times as those who have not asked for his blessings upon him.

And bless him as we have been ordered to ask You to bless him and bless him just as You like him to be blessed.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as we have been ordered to ask for blessings upon him.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as he deserves.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You like and just as You are pleased with him.

O Allah, O Lord of our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad grant to our master Muhammad the rank of the Closest Access in The Garden.

O Allah, O Lord of our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad, reward our master Muhammad, may Allah bless him and give him peace, just as he is deserving.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad and the People of his House.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad until there remains not a single drop of blessings.

O Allah favor master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad until there remains not a single drop of favors.

O Allah have our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad until there remains not a single drop of mercy.

O Allah grant peace to our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad until there remains not a single drop of peace.

O Allah bless our Muhammad among the First.

O Allah bless our Muhammad among the Last.

O Allah bless our Muhammad among the Prophets.

O Allah bless our Muhammad among the Messengers.

O Allah bless our Muhammad in the Heavenly Assembly until the Day of Reckoning.

O Allah grant our master Muhammad the position of the Closest Access the Pre-eminence and the noblest and greatest rank.

O Allah I have believed in our master Muhammad and I have not seen him so do not deprive my heart of a vision of him and provide me with his companionship and have me die on his way and lead me to drink after from his Pool plentifully, blissfully, heartily, a drink after which we will never feel thirst. You are the Power of all things.

O Allah send to the soul of our master Muhammad my greetings and my salutations.

O Allah just as I have believed in our master Muhammad without seeing him, so do not deprive my heart of a vision of him.

O Allah accept the great intercession of our master Muhammad, raise his rank high and give him that which asks for in the Hereafter and in this Present life just as You gave to our master Abraham and our liege-lord Moses.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham and the family of Abraham and sanctify our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You sanctified our master Abraham and the family of Abraham for are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to our master Muhammad Your prophet, Your Prophet, Your Messenger.

And also our master Abraham, Your Friend and Pure one and our liege-lord Moses, Your Interlocutor and Intimate.

And also our liege-lord Jesus, Your Spirit and Word, all the angels, Messengers and Prophets, the righteous ones from Your creation, the pure ones, the elected ones and Your saints from the folk of Your earth and Your heaven.

And may Allah’s blessings be for our master Muhammad in all of His creation, to the extent of His pleasure in the decoration of the Throne in the ink of His words, to the measure that he deserves, and whenever those who remember him do so and whenever those who neglect to remember him do so, and may these blessings be also for the People of his House and the pure perfumed descendants, on whom may there be peace, over and over again.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his wives and progeny and all the Prophets and Messengers and closest angels and all the righteous slaves of Allah in all the rain sky has rained since it was formed and bless our master Muhammad in everything the Earth has produced since it was spread out.

And bless our master Muhammad as many times as there are stars in the sky and You alone are their counter.

And bless our master Muhammad in every breath of every soul from the moment You created them.

And bless our master Muhammad in everything You have already created and in what You will create and in whatever is encompassed by Your Knowledge and then double all of that.

O Allah, bless them in all of Your Creation and as much as it pleases Yourself, in the decoration of Your Throne, in the ink Your Words and to the extent of Your Knowledge and Signs.

O Allah, bless them, with blessings excellent and more gracious, with blessings equal to all requests for blessings ever uttered by the whole of creation just as in like measure the whole of creation enjoys Your favour.

O Allah, bless them, with eternal and permanent blessings, for as long as the duration of all future nights and days, never-ending and perpetual, with blessings equal to the duration of all the days and nights which have already passed with blessings as copious as the rain contained in every downpour and in every shower which have ever fallen.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad Your Prophet, and our master Abraham, your Friend, and all the Prophets and pure ones from the folk of Your earth and Your heaven, in all of Your creation and as it pleases Yourself, in the decoration of Your Throne, in the ink of Your words, to the extent of Your Knowledge and Adornment of Your created beings with blessings repeated eternally as much as Your knowledge and to the depth of Your Knowledge and then double this with blessings, abundant and excellent and gracious, blessings equal to all the requests for blessings ever uttered by all of creation just as in like measure the whole of creation enjoy favors.

Then make this supplication, for it is to be hoped it will be answered, Allah willing after asking for blessings upon the Prophet, may Allah grant him peace.

O Allah grant me to be from among those who stick close to the way of Your Prophet, our master Muhammad, the blessings of Allah be always upon him. Strengthen his holiness, empower his words, protect his promise and security, and give victory to his party and calling and increase those who pledge him and his company allegiance. And grant that we may die in his company and do not allow us to stray from his path and way.

O Allah, I ask You the for loyalty to his way and seek refuge in You from all deviation from it.

O Allah I ask of You the good that our master Muhammad, Your Prophet and Your Messenger asked of You, and in seek refuge in You from the evil from which our master Muhammad Your Prophet and Your, sought refuge, may Allah grant him peace and bless him.

O Allah protect me from evil of discord and absolve me from all tests and purify me from within and without and cleanse my heart from hatred and envy and do not allow anyone to oppress me.

O Allah I ask You for the good that You know and to let me pass by the evil that You know and I ask You to provide me with provision, for indifference to begin physically satisfied, a clear way out from every uncertainty, a proper stance in every argument, justice in anger and pleasure, peace whatever fate ordains, providence in thought and wealth, humility in my words and actions and sincerity in my seriousness and in my jesting.

O Allah, indeed there are sins between me and You and there are sins between me and Your creation.

O Allah, what is this for You, so forgive me my sins and whatever arises from them, bear them for me and enrich me with Your favors, for Your forgiveness spreads wide.

O Allah, enlighten the knowledge of my heart

and render my body obedient to You

and purify me from inner discord

and occupy me with contemplation

and protect me from the whisperings of Satan

and save me from him, O Compassionate One, until he no longer has any power over me.

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