

Jun 24, 2011

The Second part of Dalail ul Khairaate to be read on Tuesday


O Allah I ask You the good of what You know and I seek refuge in You from the evil of what You know and I seek Your forgiveness for everything You know, for You indeed know and we do not know and indeed You are the Knower of the Unseen.

O Allah, have mercy on me in this time from the encirclement of discord, from the oppression of the insolent and their deficiencies and all such ills.

O Allah, give me an unassailable refuge in You, an impenetrable protection with You from all of Your creation until I come to a virtuous end.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as those who have asked for blessings upon him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as those who have not asked for blessings upon him and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with as much blessings as is fitting for him and bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad with as much blessings as is his due.

And bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as You have ordered him to be blessed.

And, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad whose Light is from the Light of Lights and who with a ray from his Secrets illuminated all Secrets.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad and all the Chosen People of his House.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family, the Sea of Your Lights, the Mine of Your Secrets, the Tongue of Your Proof, the Bridegroom of Your Kingdom, the Leader of Your Presence and the Seal of Your Prophets with blessings which last as long as You last and remain as long as You remain, blessings which please You which please him, and which make You pleased with us, O Lord of the Worlds.

O Allah, Lord of the Hil and the Haram , Lord of the Sanctuary, Lord of the Sacred House, and Lord of the Corner and Station of Abraham (these are all places connected with pilgrimage of Mecca). Send peace from us to our liege-lord and master Muhammad.

O Allah, bless our liege-lord and master Muhammad the master of the First and the Last.

O Allah, bless our liege-lord and master Muhammad at every moment and every instant.

O Allah, bless our liege-lord and master Muhammad in the Heavenly Assembly until the Day of Judgement.

O Allah, bless our liege-lord and master Muhammad until the earth bequeaths itself and what is on it to You and You are the best of those who inherit.

O Allah, bless our liege-lord and master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham, for You are Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

And bless our liege-lord and master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and the family of Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham, for You are Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in all that Your knowledge encompasses, in everything that Your pen writes, in all that Your Will preordains, and as often as Your angels have blessed him, with eternal blessings, lasting as long as You last, remaining, by Your Grace and Your Generosity, until the end of eternity, never-ending, with no beginning to them, and no disappearing of them, for ever and ever.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as much as You know him, as much as Your Book as much as the witnessing of Your angels and be pleased with his Companions and be merciful on his nations for You are Praiseworthy the Mighty.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of the lord Muhammad, and all the Companions of our master Muhammad.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of the lord Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham and bless our master Muhammad and the family of the lord Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham in all the worlds for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah, with heart humbled in prostration before You, You my Lord, with no unbelief, and for Your sake, O Allah, O Sublime.

Nothing can match You in inviolable promises.

And for the sake of Your Footstool adorned with light as far as Your Mighty and Powerful Throne.

And for the sake of that which lay beneath Your Throne truly before You created the Heavens and the sound of Your thunder.

And since You are infinite, a deity to be known only through Unity, then count me among Your Lovers, Your Beloved ones, Your Near ones, Your Knowers and Your Desires, O Allah. O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Bestower of Love.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as You know him.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as Your Book.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much that would exhaust Your powers by doing so.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as he is distinguished by your will.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as he is crowned by Your command and Your prohibition.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as all that is within range of Your Hearing.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as all that is encompassed by Your Vision.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as many times as those who remember him do so.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as many times as those who neglect to remember him do so.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as many times as there are drops of rain.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as many times as there are leaves on the trees.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as many times as there are beasts of the dessert.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as many times as there are creatures in the sea.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as all there is water in the sea.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as all that the night has covered and the day has illuminated.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad by morn and by the eve.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as many times as there are grains of sand.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as many times as there are men and women.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as pleases You.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as much as the ink of Your words.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad to the fullness of Your heavens and Your earth.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad in the decoration of Your Throne.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad as many times as there are created beings.

O Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad with the very best of Your blessings.

O Allah, bless the Prophet of Mercy.

O Allah, bless the Intercessor of his nation.

O Allah, bless the Remover of grief.

O Allah, bless the Clarifier of darkness.

O Allah, bless the Master of Happiness.

O Allah, bless the Granter of mercy.

O Allah, bless the Owner of the Visited Pool.

O Allah, bless the Owner of the Most Praised Station.

O Allah, bless the Owner of the Flag.

O Allah, bless the Owner of the site of Witnessing.

O Allah, bless the One dressed in nobility and generosity.

O Allah, bless the One called Mahmud in the Heaven and Muhammad on the earth.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of the mole.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of the distinguishing mark.

O Allah, bless the One dressed in miracles.

O Allah, bless the One with special leadership.

O Allah, bless the One shaded by the clouds.

O Allah, bless the One who can see equally from behind him as before him.

O Allah, bless the One whose intercession is accepted on the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of humility.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of Intercession.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of the Closest Access.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of Pre-eminence.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of the Lofty Rank.

O Allah, bless the Owner of the stalwart staff.

O Allah, bless the Owner of the sandals.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of sound argument.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of convincing reason.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of authority.

O Allah, bless the Owner of the turban.

O Allah, bless the Master of the night journey.

O Allah, bless the Owner of the sceptre.

O Allah, bless the Noble Rider.

O Allah, bless the Rider of Buraq.

O Allah, bless the One who traversed the seven heavens.

O Allah , bless the Intercession for all creatures.

O Allah, bless the One for who held food in his hand which glorified Allah.

O Allah, bless the One for whom a palm trunk wept and sighed at its separation from him.

O Allah, bless the One whose mediation was sought by the birds of the desert.

O Allah, bless the One who held stones in his hand which glorified Allah.

O Allah, bless the One for whose intercession was sought by the gazelles and whose request was made in human speech.

O Allah, bless the One to whom a lizard spoke at an open gathering of the most learned Companions.

O Allah, bless the Bearer of glad tidings and the Warner.

O Allah, bless the Brilliant Lamp.

O Allah, bless the One to whom a camel made its complaint.

O Allah, bless the One for whom sparking water burst forth from his fingertips for his Companions.

O Allah, bless the Pure one, the Purifier.

O Allah, bless the Lights of Lights.

O Allah, bless the One for whom the moon was split open.

O Allah, bless the One who was good and did good.

O Allah, bless the Messenger close to Allah.

O Allah, bless the Breaking Dawn.

O Allah, bless the Shining Star.

O Allah, bless the Trusty Handhold.

O Allah, bless the Warner of the folk of the earth.

O Allah, bless the Intercessor of the Day of Petition.

O Allah, bless the One who will give people to drink from the Pool.

O Allah, bless the Owner of the Flag of happiness.

O Allah, bless the One who was ever ready for Your service.

O Allah, bless the One who starved his utmost for Your Pleasure.

O Allah, bless the Prophet, the Seal.

O Allah, bless Your Messenger, the Seal.

O Allah, bless the Chosen one the Upright one.

O Allah, bless the Messenger, father of Qasim.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of signs.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of portents.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of indicators.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of miracles.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of marks.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of proofs.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of marvels.

O Allah, bless the Possessor of wondrous events.

O Allah, bless the One who was greeted by rocks.

O Allah, bless the One before whom trees prostrated.

O Allah, bless the One from whose light blossom unfolds.

O Allah, bless the One from whose blessings fruit ripens.

O Allah, bless the One from whose leftover ablution water trees become green.

O Allah, bless the One whose light engulfs all other lights.

O Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom lightens our every load.

O Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom grants mercy to young and old.

O Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom brings favour to this house and that house.

O Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom brings mercy from the Almighty, the Forgiving.

O Allah, bless the Victorious one, the Confirmer.

O Allah, bless the Chosen one, the Extolled.

O Allah, bless the One when he walked in the desert wild creatures would cling to the hem of his cloak.

O Allah, bless and grant abundant peace to him and his family and Companions, and praise be to Allah, Lord of all the worlds.

(beginning of the second quarter)

Praise be to Allah for His forbearance in spite of His knowledge and His clemency in spite of His power.

O Allah, I seek refuge in You from all thought which is not directed towards You.

And from all humility which is not for You and from all fear which is not fear of You.

And I seek refuge in You from telling lies.

Or from being dishonest and immoral.

Or that I be proud in front of You.

And I seek refuge in You from gloating over my enemies, from disease, malady and despair, from the waning of favour and from sudden catastrophes.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and grant him peace and reward him as much as he deserves, and he is Your Beloved. (three times)

O Allah, bless our master Abraham and grant him peace and reward him as much as he deserves and he is Your Friend. (three times)

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You blessed and were merciful to and blessed our master Abraham in all the worlds, for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

As much as all of Your creation, to the extent of Your Pleasure in the decoration of Your throne and in the ink of Your words.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as many times as those who have asked for blessings upon him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as many times as those who have not asked for blessings upon him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as many times as he has been blessed.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad as twice many times as he has been blessed.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad just as he deserves.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad just as You love and You desire for him.

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