

Jun 24, 2011

The eighth part of Dalail ul Khairaate to be read on Monday


O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the ascetic Prophet, the Messenger of the Only Eternal King, and Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, blessings which are eternal, and which reach the farthest limit of eternity, with no break and depletion, blessings which save us from the heat of Hellfire, an evil resting place.

O Allah, bless and grant peace to our master Muhammad, the Unlettered Prophet, and his family, blessings which are uncountable and blessings whose supply is not impeded.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, blessings which ennoble his abode and blessings which procure on the Day of Judgment pleasure from his intercession.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Prophet of noble origin, the highbred master, who came with inspiration and revelation, and who clarified the meaning of interpretation, and to whom came the faithful one, our master Gabriel, peace be upon him, with honor and dignity and who journeyed wit him to the King, the Glorious One, on the long dark Night and revealed to him the Heights of Kingdoms of Heaven, and showed him the supremacy of the Omnipotence of the Heavens, and who saw the Power of the Living, the Eternal, the Abiding, the One Who never dies.

Allah’s blessings and peace be upon, blessings which are permeated with beauty, with charm with perfection, with goodness and with favor.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as there are drops of rain.

And, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as there are leaves on the trees.

And, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in as much abundance as there is foam upon the sea.

And, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as there are rivers.

And, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as there are grains of sand in the desert and in the wilderness.

And, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as much as the weight of all mountains and all rocks.

And, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as there are dwellers of The Garden and dwellers of The Fire.

And, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as there are righteous ones and many times as there are corrupt ones.

And, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad as many times as the night has alternated with the day.

And make, O Allah, our asking for blessings upon him a shield which gives us protection from the punishment of The Fire and a means of us gaining permission to enter the Abode of Permanence, for You are the Mighty, the Forgiving.

And Allah’s blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and upon our master Muhammad and upon his virtuous family, his blessed descendants, his honored Companions and his wives, Mothers of the Believers, blessings which are continual and frequent until the Day of Judgment.

O Allah, bless the Master of the righteous, Adornment of the Messengers, the Choicest and Noblest ever to have been cloaked in darkness of the night or bathed in the light of the day.(three times)

O Allah, O Master of Favor, whose strength and might are unequalled, and whose favor and virtue are beyond compare, we ask You and nobody else but You, to loosen our tongues in beseeching You, and grant us success in doing good works, and make us among the trustworthy ones on the Day of Convulsions and Earthquakes, O Maker of Might and Glory.

I ask You, O Light of the Light which was before Time and Eternity.

You are the Abiding with no ending, the Rich with no equal, the Holy, the Pure, the High, the Powerful, the One Who is neither encompassed by space nor contained by time.

I ask You in all of Your most beautiful names and in the Greatest of Your names, and for the sake of the rank most noble to You, and for the sake of the reward most plentiful with You, and for the sake of the promptest response from You, and in Your Protected and Hidden Name, the Most Exalted of the Exalted, the Greatest of the Great, the Most Magnificent of the Magnificent, the One Who responds to and satisfies him who calls upon You in them and whose prayer is accepted.

I ask You, O Allah, there is no god but You, the Compassionate, the Benefactor, the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Master of Glory and Honor, Knower of the Unseen and the Seen, the Great, the Exalted.

I ask You in Your Greatest Name in which when we pray, our prayer is granted, and in which when we make a request, our request is granted. And I ask You in the name which humbles with its might the mighty ones, the kings, the lions, the reptiles and every thing You have created. O Allah, O Lord, accept my prayer. O You to Whom is the majesty and omnipotence, O Master of Sovereignty and Kingdoms, You Who are the Living Who never dies, glory to You Lord, What is greater than Your Rank, higher than Your Position? You are my Lord. O Holy One in His Omnipotence, I beseech You and I fear You. O Great, O Majestic, O Powerful,. O Almighty, O Strong, You have blessed Yourself. O Great One, You have exalted Yourself. O Knowing One, glory to You, O Great One, glory to You. O Splendid One, I ask You in Your great, perfect and majestic name, not to give dominion over me to the tyrant, the stubborn one, the rebellious Satan, an envious man, the weak among Your creation, the oppressive one the ruinous one, the corrupt one, the enslaved one, or the willful one.

O Allah, I ask You and I bear witness that You are Allah, and there is no god but You, the One, the Only the Eternal, the One Who neither begets nor is begotten, and there is nothing like Him, O He. O the One Who there is no other he but He. O the One Who there is no god but He. O my Infinity. O my Eternity. O my Destiny. O my Everlasting. O the One Who is the Living Who does not die. O our God and God of everything God Alone there is no god but You.

O Allah, Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, knower, of the Unseen and the Seen, the Compassionate, the Merciful, the Living, the Everlasting, the Judge, the Benefactor, the Munificent, the Reviver, the Inheritor, the Master of Glory and Honor.

The hearts of all creatures are between Your hands, we entrust them to You, for You cause goodness to grow in their hearts and You erase the evil from them as You like.

So I ask You, O Allah, that You erase from my heart everything that You hate and fill my heart with fear of You, knowledge of You, awe of You, longing for what is with You, and security and well-being, and have pity on us with mercy and blessings from You, and inspire in us that which is proper and wise.

And I ask You, O Allah, for the knowledge of those who fear, the repentance of the humble, the sincerity of those who are certain, the gratitude of the patient, and the penitence of the truthful ones.

And we ask You, O Allah, by the light of Your Face which fills every corner of Your Throne, that You cause to grow in my heart knowledge of You until I know You, Your True Knowledge, in a way that You should be known, and the blessings and abundant peace of Allah be upon our master Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets and Leader of the Messengers, and upon his family and Companions, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

O Allah, forgive the author and have mercy upon him and make him among those who are gathered together in the company of the Prophets and truthful ones, and martyrs and righteous ones, through Your favor, O Compassionate One.

And forgive us, O Allah, and our parents, our masters, our shaykhs, and all the believing men and women, and surrendering men and women, alive and dead, through Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

And accept his repentance for you are the Forgiving, the Merciful.

O Allah, Ameen, O Lord of the Worlds.

(Then read the following phases Fourteen times each..!!!)

O Allah, bless the Perfect Full Moon.

O Allah, bless the Light of the Darkness.

O Allah, bless the Key to the Abode of Peace.

O Allah, bless the Intercessor of all of creation.

(Then read the following verses ascribed to the author)

O Mercy of Allah. I am afraid filled with dread

O Grace of Allah. I am ruined help me.

And I have no good acts with which to meet The All Knowing.

But great love for You and my faith.

Be my protection from the evil of life and from

The evil of death and from the burning of my mortal frame.

And fulfill my every need saving me from ruin.

And be my release from the fetters of disobedience.

Salutations of the Eternal the Master and His Mercy

As abundant as the leaves in the leafiness of the boughs

Upon you O Trusty Handhold O my Support.

The Faithful One and whoever praises him spiritually and fragrantly.

(Then read the Al-Fatiha for the author and the following supplication which is the seal of The Index of Good Things)

In the of Allah, All-Merciful. The Mercy Giving.

O Allah, through our asking for blessings upon him expand our hearts.

And thereby ease our affairs.

And dispel our anxieties.

And remove our sorrows.

And thereby forgive our sins.

And relieve our debts.

And improve our states.

And thereby fulfill our hopes.

And accept our repentance.

And cleanse our misdeeds.

And thereby help our pleas.

And purify our tongues.

And end our loneliness.

And thereby relieve our separation.

And make it a light in front of us and behind us.

To our right. And to our left. And above us and beneath us.

And in our lives and in our deaths.

And in our graves and in our gathering and in our resurrection and shade for us on the Day Judgment over our heads.

And weigh down the scales there by with good actions.

And repeat its blessing on us until we meet with our Prophet our master Muhammad, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him and his family and we are believing, we are certain, we are overjoyed and we are the receivers of good news.

And do not separate us from him until You make us enter through his entrance hall and accommodate us in his noble neighborhood with those You have favored among the Prophets, the Truthful Ones, the Martyrs and the Righteous Ones, and what a fine company they are.

O Allah, we have believed in him, the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, without seeing him, so make us enjoy, O Allah, a vision of him in the two realms and keep our hearts always in love with him.

And establish us upon his way.

And cause us to die following his religion.

And resurrect us in his secure com[any and party of success.

And avail us of that love of him, the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, which is locked away in our hearts on the day when there will be no ancestors, no wealth and no sons (that is, to speck up for us).

And have us drink at his Purest Pool.

To drink from his Fullest Chalice.

And facilitate for us a visit to Your Sacred Place (Mecca) and his Sacred Place (Medina) before You cause us to die.

And make our stay at Your Sacred Place and His Sacred Place the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, last until we pass away.

O Allah, we seek his intercession with You, for his is the most lauded intercession with You.

And we entreat You through him for he is the greatest one to entreat You.

We seek access to You through him for his is the closest access to You.

We complain to You, O Lord, about the hardness of our hearts.

And the abundance of our sins.

And extent of our hopes.

And the imperfection of our actions.

And our laziness to do good deeds.

And our haste to commit bad deeds.

Bestow upon this plaintiff, You, O Lord, victory over our enemies.

And help our souls.

And through Your Grace make us rely solely on our good acts and not upon anything else, O our Lord.

O Allah, we associate ourselves with the honor of Your messenger, the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, so do not distance us.

And we stop at Your Door so do not turn us away.

And we ask You alone so do not disappoint us.

O Allah, have mercy upon our imploring and allay our fear.

Accept our actions and make us righteous.

Make obedience to You our main occupation.

And make us use our wealth only for good.

And fulfill our hopes and more.

And seal our final destinations with happiness.

Thus is our lowliness made clear before You and our condition is not hidden from You.

You have commanded us and we have been heedless.

You have forbidden us and we have been transgressed.

Nothing is wider than Your Clemency.

So pardon us, O Best Fulfiller of Hopes.

And Most Generous Requested.

For You are the Pardoner, the Forgiver, the Merciful, O Most Merciful of the Merciful

And the blessings and abundant peace of Allah be upon master Muhammad and upon his family and Companions and praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

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