

Jun 24, 2011

The seventh path of Dalail ul Khairaate to be read on Sunday

And bless him and his family a many times as Your glorifies, Your worshippers, Your prostrated slaves and Your magnifiers, from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family as many times as the years in which You created them(i.e. those who glorify You, etc..), from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every sweeping cloud.

And bless him and his family in every gusting wind from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in the movement of every branch, every tree, every leaf, every fruit and every flower stirred by the wind, and in every wind-stirred movement of all created on the earth and within Your heavens from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every grain of sand, in every stone , in every rock and in every cloud You have created in the East and in the West, on the lowland and on the highland and in the valleys from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every trees, every fruit, every leaf and every plant of the earth, in the South and in the North, in the East and West, on the plains and in the hills, and in everything You have produced from it and in everything You will produce from it from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every human being, every jinn and every devil You have created from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every hair on their bodies, on their faces, and their heads since the time You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every one of their breaths, in every one of their utterances and in every one of their glances, from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every flight of a jinn and in every human heartbeat from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every large and every small creature created by You in the West and in the East of Your earth, those which are known and those of whom knowledge is Yours alone from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family as many times as those who have asked for blessings upon him as many times as those who have not and as many times as those who will ask until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every soul alive and dead, in every insect, in every bird, in every ant, in every bee and in every beast You have created.

And bless him and his family in every darkening night and in every brightening day.

And bless him and his family in the end in the beginning.

And bless him and his family from the time he was in the cradle until his time of maturity when You took him to Yourself, justly satisfied and until You finally send him as a welcome intercessor.

And bless him and his family in all of Your creation, to the extent of Your Pleasure, in the decoration of Your Throne, in the ink of Your Words, and grant him the Closest Access, the Pre-eminence, the Lofty Rank, the Oft-visited Pool. The Most Praised Station, and the Greatest Standing, and enhance his proof, ennoble his stature, raise his station, and have us, O Lord, follow his way and have us die following his religion.

And resurrect us in his company, beneath his flag, put us in his assembly, water us at is Pool, have us drink from his drinking bowl, grant us his love, accept our repentance, remove from us all trials and tribulations, inner and outer discord, and have mercy on us, pardon us and forgive us along with all the believing men and women and submitted men and women(i.e. Muslims) , the living and the dead and praised be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

And He suffices me and He is the best of Protectors and there is no help or power save in Allah, the High, the Mighty.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in the cooing of doves, in the circling of beasts around waterholes in the grazing of cattle, in the wearing of amulets, in the winding of turbans and in the sleeping of slumbers

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in the breaking dawns, in the blowing winds, in the creeping shades in the succeeding morns and eves, in the girding on the of armor, in the impounding of lances, and in the healing of bodies and souls.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in the rotation of the celestial bodies, in the overshadowing of darkness and in the glorifying of angels.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham, and sanctify our master Muhammad just as You sanctified our master Abraham in all the worlds, for You are indeed the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in the rising sun, in the performing of the five daily prayers, in lightning which strikes in the falling rain and in the pealing of the thunder.

O Allah bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad to the fullness of the heavens and the earth and to the fullness of whatever is between them and to the fullness of whatever You may have created elsewhere.

O Allah, as he bore the responsibility of the Message, delivered creation from ignorance, struggled against the people of unbelief and errors, called to Your Unity, endured hardships in guiding Your slaves. Then grant him, O Allah, his wishes, fulfill his hopes, and give him the Closest Access, the Pre-eminence, the Lofty Rank, and send him to the Most Praised Station which You promised him, for You never renege on a promise.

O Allah, make us the followers of his law, those known for their love of him, those guided by his guidance and life, and have us die following his way, and do not deny us the favor of his intercession, and resurrect us among his followers, those shining with light, his foremost companions, the companions of the right hand, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

O Allah bless Your angels, Your archangels, Your Prophets and Your Messengers, all the people obedient to You, and may our asking for such blessings be a mercy for us.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Envoy from Tehama, the Commander and Upholder of justice, the Intercessor for the people of sin on the courtyards of the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, send to our Prophet, our Advocate and our Beloved, on our behalf, the finest blessings and peace, and send him to the Most Praised and Noble Station, and grant him the Pre-eminence, the Closest Access and the Lofty Rank which You have promised him on the Great Day of Standing.

And bless him, O Allah, with blessings eternal, continual, continuous and everlasting.

O Allah, bless him and his family in the lightning which strikes, in the day which dawns, in the night which obscures and in the rain which pours.

And bless him and his family to the fullness of the Tablet and the Cosmos, and in the every star in the sky and in every raindrop and in every stone, and bless him and his family with blessings innumerable and incalculable.

O Allah, bless him in the decoration of Your Throne, to the full extent of Your Pleasure, in the Ink of Your Words and to the bounds of Your Mercy.

O Allah, bless him and his family, his wives and his descendants, and sanctify him and his family, his wives and descendants just as You blessed and sanctified our master Abraham and he family of our master Abraham, for You are indeed Praiseworthy, Mighty.

And reward him, on our behalf, better than You have rewarded any Prophet on behalf of his nation, and place us among those guided by the way of his law, guide us through his guidance, have us pass away following his religion, and resurrect us on the Day of the Greatest Terror among the faithful in his company and have us die loving him and loving his family, his companions and his descendants.

O Allah. Bless our master Muhammad, the Finest of Your Prophets, the Noblest of Your Friends, the Leader of Your Saints, the Seal of Your Prophets the Beloved of the Lord of the Worlds, the Witness for the Messengers, the Advocate of the sinners, the Master of all the Children of Adam, the one mentioned highly among the Highest Angels, the New bringer, the Warner, the Shining Lamp, the Truthful One, the Trustworthy One, the Clear Truth, the Compassionate and Merciful One, the Guide to the Straight Path and to whom You granted the Seven Oft-mentioned verses and the Mighty Qur’an, the Prophet of Mercy, the Guide of the Nation, the First to upon whom the earth breathed and the First to enter the Garden, the One supported by our master Gabriel and our master Michael, the One announced in the Torah and in the Gospel, the Chosen One, the Elected One, the Selected One, Farther of Qasim, our Master Muhammad, son of Abdullah, son of AbdulMuttalib, son of Hashim.

O Allah, bless Your highest angles who glorify you ceaselessly , night and day, and who never disobey Allah in what He has ordered and who carry out what they have been ordered to do.

O Allah, just as You have chosen them to the envoys to Your Messengers, Guardians of Your Revelations and Witnesses over Your Creation, and have allowed them to pass through the folds of Your Veils, and have given access to Your hidden Unseen Realms and have chosen them to be the Guardians of Your Garden and Bearers of Your Throne, and have made them the most numerous of Your soldiers, and have favored them over mortal men, and have populated the High Heavens with them, and have freed them from disobedience and baseness, and have sanctified them from shortcoming and misfortunes, so bless them eternally and may this request serve as a means of increasing their favor and a means of their asking forgiveness for us.

O Allah, bless all of Your Prophets and Messengers whose hearts You have opened, to whom You have entrusted Your Wisdom, whom You have empowered with Your Prophet hood, to Whom You have revealed Your Books, by whom Your Creation has been guided, who have called to Your Unity, who have looked forward to Your Promise and feared Your Threat, who have guided to Your Path, who have upheld Your Proof and Your Evidence, and grant them abundant peace, O Allah an through this request for them bestow upon us a mighty reward.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad blessings eternally acceptable and which discharge us of his overwhelming rights over us.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, the Possessor of beauty and handsomeness, of splendor and perfection, of radiance and light, of youthful servants and hour is, of chambers and palaces, of a grateful tongue and a praiseworthy heart, of renowned knowledge and the victorious army, of sons and daughters, of pure wives, of the highest of ranks, of the spring of Zamzam, of the Maqam Ibrahim, of the Holy Sanctuary, of infallibility, of an orphan’s upbringing, of the Hajj, of the Qur’anic recitation, of glorification of the All-Merciful, of the Ramadan fast, of the Flag, of nobility and generosity, the Fulfiller of promises the Possessor of longing for Allah, the one kindled such longing in others, the Owner of mule (his mount), of noble birth, of the Pool, of the Scepter, the Prophet of Return, the Speaker with Reward, the One mentioned in the Book, the Prophet-Slave of Allah, the Prophet-Treasure of Allah, the Prophet-Proof of Allah, the Prophet obedience to whom is the same as obedience to Allah, and to whom disobedience is the same as disobedience to Allah, the Arabian Prophet, the Quraishi Prophet, the Zamzami Prophet, the Meccan Prophet, the Tihami Prophet, the Possessor of the handsome face, the naturally mascared eyebrows, the noble cheeks, and springs of Kawthar and Salsabil, the Conqueror of the Arabic Specking peoples, the Destroyer of the unbelievers, the Slayer of the polytheists, the Guide to the Divine Garden and Vicinity of the Benevolent (Allah) for those with shining faces and shining limbs, the companion of our master Gabriel peace be upon him, the Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds, the Advocate for sinners even though their sins reach the limits of the clouds, the Lamp of the Darkness and the Full Moon, may Allah’s blessings be upon him and his most purely chosen family blessings eternal and everlasting, never diminishing, the blessings of Allah be upon him and his family.

Blessings by means of which his happiness is renewed, his sending and his resurrection on the Promised Day are honored.

Bless him and his family, the Rising Stars, blessings more generous than abundant pouring rains.

Send them to the one who of all Arabs is more just, more eloquent, greater in faith. Higher in station, more articulate in words, more careful of the rights of others and purer in his aversion for others (i.e. his enemies)

For he enlightened the Path and Advised creation, made Islam known and smashed the idols, made justice appear and forbid the prohibited, and spread favors to the whole world, the blessings of Allah be upon him and his family at every gathering and every spot the best of Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him and his family over and over again.

Blessings which are a source of treasure, the blessings of Allah be upon him and his family, complete and pure blessings, and the blessings Allah be upon him and his family, blessings ensured by fragrances and scents, succeeded by forgiveness and satisfaction.

And the blessings of Allah be upon the one through whom the lineage (of mankind) was most permeated with goodness and because of whom (the notion of) Glory was exalted, and through the light of whose cheeks the moon were illuminated.

And the generosity of his right hand illuminated the clouds and seas, our master and Prophet Muhammad, who by the splendor of his signs illuminated the highlands and the lowlands, and by the miracles of his signs the Book was enunciated and the Good News was transmitted, the blessings of Allah be upon him and his family, and his Companions who emigrated to help him and helped him to emigrate, and blessed be the Emigrants and blessed be the Helpers, blessings which grow and are eternal for as long as birds coo in the forests, rain streams down in abundance, and multiply the eternal blessings upon him.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his good and noble family with blessings which are perpetual and eternally bound up with the duration of the Owner of Majesty and Nobility.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad who is the Pole of Majesty, the Sun of Prophet hood and the Message, the Guide away from error and the Critic of ignorance, the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, eternal blessings bound up with, and successively repeating in accordance with, the alternation of days and nights.

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