

Jun 24, 2011

The sixth part of Dalail ul Khairaate to be read on Saturday


O Allah, bless our lord Muhammad and the family of our lord Muhammad, and grant him the Closest Access, the Pre-eminence, the Lofty Rank, and send him to the Most Praised Station which You promised him for You so not renege on a promise.

O Allah, magnify his value, clarify his argument, embellish his proof make evident his excellent and accept his intercession for his Nation and establish us on his way, O Lord of the Worlds.

O Lord of the Mighty Throne.

O Allah, O Lord, gather us in his company and beneath his flag, have us drink from his drinking bowl and avail us of his love, Amen, O Lord of the Worlds.

O Allah, O Lord, bestow upon him, on our behalf, the best of peace and reward him, on our behalf, better than You have rewarded any Prophet on behalf of his Nation, O Lord of the Worlds.

O Allah, O Lord, I beseech You to forgive me, have mercy on me accept my repentance and remove from me all earthly and heavenly trials and tribulations, for You are the Power of all things.

Through Your Mercy forgive the believing men and women and the submitted men and women (i.e. Muslims), the living and the dead, and the Pleasure of Allah be with his pure wives, the Mothers of the believers, and the Pleasure of Allah be with his Companions, the Eminent Leaders of Guidance and Lamps of this Lower Life, and also with the Followers and the Followers of the Followers, salutations upon them until the Day of Resurrection, and praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds

(beginning of the third third)

O Allah, O Lord of souls and mortal flesh, I ask You for the sake the obedience of souls returning to their bodies (on the Day of Resurrection) and for the sake of the obedience of bodies becoming whole once again and for sake of Your Words which will order this and for the sake of Your exacting of Your rights over them, and for the sake of Your Creatures who are before You waiting for the apportioning of Your Decree, hoping for Your Mercy and fearing Your punishment, I ask that You bestow light in my eyes, remembrance of You during the day and the night upon my tongue, and provide me with good actions.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad just as You blessed our master Abraham and sanctify our master Muhammad just as You sanctified our master Abraham.

O Allah, grant Your blessings and Your favors to our master Muhammad and the family of our of our master Muhammad just as You grant them to our master Abraham and the family of our master Abraham, for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

And sanctify our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad just as You sanctified our master Abraham and the family of our master Abraham, for You are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad, Your slave and Your Messenger, and bless the believing men and women and the submitted men and women.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad and his family as much as all that is encompassed by Your Knowledge, all that is contained in Your Book and all that is witnessed by Your angels, blessings which are eternal and which last as long as the Kingdom of Allah lasts.

O Allah, I beseech You in Your Greatest Names, those which I Know and those which I do not know, and in the Names that You have named Yourself, names I know not and names I shall I never know.

That You bless our master Muhammad, Your slave, Your Prophet and Your Messenger, in all that You created before the sky was built, the earth was spread out, the mountains were anchored down, the springs burst forth, the rivers flowed out, the sun blazed forth, the moon shone out, the plants illuminated the sky, the oceans began to flow and the trees gave of their fruit.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad to the extent of Your Knowledge.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad to the extent of Your Forbearance.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad to the number of Your Words.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad to the number of Your Favors.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad to the extent of Your Grace.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad to the extent of Your Generosity.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad to the extent of Your Heavens

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad to the extent of Your Earth.

And bless our master Muhammad as many times as all the angels You have created in Your Seven Heavens.

And bless our master Muhammad as many times as all the jinn and humans and beings other than them, and the beasts and the birds and beings other them, that You have created in Your Earth.

And bless our master Muhammad in all that the Pen has written in the Knowledge of the Unseen and in all that the Pen will write until the Day of Resurrection and bless our master Muhammad in every dewdrop and in every raindrop and bless our master Muhammad as often as You are praised, as often as You are thanked, as often as Your Unity is declared, as often as You are magnified, as often as it is witnessed that You are indeed Allah, and bless our master Muhammad as many times as You and Your angels have already blessed him.

And bless our master Muhammad as many times as all those from Your creation who have already asked for blessings upon him and as many times as all those creation who have not asked for blessings upon him.

And bless our master Muhammad in every mountain in every grain of sand and in every stone.

And bless our master Muhammad in every tree and in every one of their leaves and in the soil and in its weight.

And bless our master Muhammad as many times as there have been years and that which You have created in them and that which dies in them.

And bless our master Muhammad in all that You create every day and in all that dies every day until the Day of Resurrection.

O Allah, bless our master Muhammad in every cloud sailing between the Heavens and the Earth and in every drop of their rain.

And bless our master Muhammad in every swirling wind in the East of the Earth and in the West, in the North and in the South.

And bless our master Muhammad as many times as there are stars in the sky.

And bless our master Muhammad as many times as all the fish, all the sea-creatures, all the water and all grains of sand and whatever else there is.

And bless our master Muhammad in every plant and in every stone.

And bless our master Muhammad as abundantly as there is fresh water


And bless our master Muhammad as abundantly as there is saltwater.

And bless our master Muhammad as much as the entire Favor shown to the whole of Your creation.

And bless our master Muhammad as much as Your vengeance and Your punishment on those who deny our master Muhammad, Allah’s blessings and peace upon him.

And bless our master Muhammad for as long as the duration of this world and the next.

And bless our master Muhammad for as long as the Your creatures will stay in The Garden.

And bless our master Muhammad for as long as the Your creatures will stay in The Hell.

And bless our master Muhammad equal to Your love for him and Your satisfaction with him.

And bless our master Muhammad equal to his love for You and his satisfaction with You and bless our bless our master Muhammad forever and ever and award him the Closest Position in Your Presence and grant him the Closest Access, the Pre-eminence, the Intercession and the Lofty Rank and send him to the Most Praised Station which You promised him, for You do not renege a promise.

O Allah, I beseech You, for the sake of the fact that You are my King my Lord, my Master, my Trust and my Hope, I beseech You for the honor of the Holy Month, the Holy Land, the Holy Sanctuary, and the tomb of Your Prophet, peace be upon him, that You bestow upon me Good, knowledge of which is Yours alone and that You remove from me Evil, knowledge of which is Yours alone.

O Allah, Who gave to our master Adam our master Seth.

And to our master Abraham our master Ismail and our master Isaac.

And Who returned our master Joseph to our master Jacob and Who removed the trials from our master Job.

And Who returned our Moses to his nation and Who increased our master Khidr in knowledge.

And Who gave our master David our master Solomon and to our master Zachariah our master John the Baptist.

And who gave to our Lady Mariam our master Jesus and Who protected the daughter of Shua’ib.

I ask you to bless our master Muhammad and all the Prophets and Messengers.

And You Who gave to our master Muhammad, Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, the Great Intercession and the Lofty Rank, I ask You to forgive me my sins, conceal all failings, give me sanctuary from the Fire, grant me Your Pleasure and Your Safety and Your Forgiveness and Your Beneficence, and admit me into Your Garden along with those You have favored, the Prophets, the true ones, the martyrs and the righteous, for You are the Power of all existence.

And the blessings of Allah be upon our master Muhammad and upon his family as often as the wind has stirred the gathered clouds and as often as everything possessed of a soul has tasted death and send abundant peace and salutations to the People of Peace in the Abode

of Peace.

O Allah, keep me for what You created me for and do not let me be occupied with what You provide me with and do not deprive me and I ask You not to punish me and I seek You Forgiveness (repeat three times)

O Allah, bless and grant peace to our master Muhammad and his family.

O Allah, I ask You and turn my face to You, for the sake of Your Beloved Mustafa in Your Presence, O our Beloved, O our master Muhammad, I seek your mediation to Your Lord to intercede for us with the Great Master, O what a Pure Messenger.

O Allah, grant us his intercession for the sake of his honor in Your Presence. (repeat three times)

And make us the best of those who ask blessings and peace upon him.

And make us the best of those who are near to him and who are received by him.

And the best of those who are in love with him and are loved in his presence.

And have mercy on us because of him in the courtyards of the Day of Resurrection.

And make him a sign for us to Garden of delights, burden less, trouble-free, unopposed and make him our welcome.

Let him not be angry with us.

And forgive us and our parents and all the submitted ones (the Muslims), living and dead, and our final prayer is praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

(beginning of the fourth quarter)

So I ask You, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Life, O Everlasting, O Master of Majesty and Honor, there is no god but You, Glory to You I am one lost in the darkness.

I ask You for the sake of that which shoulders Your Throne from Your Might Oceans, Your Majesty Oceans, Your Beauty Oceans, Your Power Oceans, Your Strength Oceans, and for the sake of the reality of Your guarded and hidden and pure Names, which no created being can attain to, and for the sake of the reality of the Name which when laid upon the night it darkens, when laid upon the day it lightens, when laid upon the heavens they rise, when laid upon the earth it is made laid firm, when laid upon the seas they rolls, when laid upon the springs they burst forth and when laid upon the clouds they rain.

I ask You in the names written on the forehead of our master Gabriel peace be upon him.

I ask You in the names written on the forehead of our master Israfil peace be upon him.

And upon all the angels, and I ask You in the Names written around the Throne and in the Names written around the Footstool.

O Allah, I ask You in the most majestic names with which You have named Yourself, and in the reality of all Your Names those of which I am aware and those of which I am not aware.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Adam peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Noah peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Salih peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Jacob peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Joseph peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Jonah peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Moses peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Aaron peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Shua’ib peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Abraham peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Ishmael peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master David peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Soloman peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Zacharaia peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master John the Baptist peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Joshua peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Khidr peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Elias peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Esau peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Dhu Kifl peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Jesus son of Mary, peace be upon him called You.

And I You, O Allah, in the name in which our master Muhammad, the blessings and peace be Allah be upon him, called You, Your Prophet, Your Messenger, Your Friend.

O He who said, His word is true, ‘And Allah created You and what you do. There is no action, no word, no movement and no inactivity which originates from His slaves, but that it has already been preordained in His knowledge, His Destiny and His Decree. As I was inspired and destined to compile this book and the method and means were facilitated for me, and all doubts and misgivings about this noble Prophet were removed from my heart, and love for him overcame the love for all relations and loved ones, I ask You, O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, that you grant me, and all who love him and follow, his intercession and his company on the Day of Account, without any disputing, any punishment, any reproach, any censure and forgive me my sins and conceal my failings, O Granter, O Forgiver.

And favor me with a glance at Your Noble Face among the dear ones on the Day of Excess and Reward.

And accept from me my actions and annul all of my failings, lapses and mistakes which You have knowledge of and grant me a visit to his tomb and peace be upon him and his Companions to the utmost limit of my hope from Your Favor, Your Grace, Your Generosity, Your Nobility, O Gracious, O Merciful, O Sovereign.

And reward his on my behalf and on behalf of every Muslim man and Woman, living or dead, who believes in him and follows him, better than, more perfect than and more extensively than You have rewarded anyone from Your creation, O Powerful, O Mighty, O Sublime. And I ask You O Allah, by the reality of my swearing by You, that You bless our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad in all that You created before the sky was built, the earth was spread out the mountains were raised, the springs burst forth, the oceans were subdued the rivers streamed out, the sun shone forth, the moon beamed and the stars illuminated the sky and no one know where You were but You.

And bless him and his family as many times the number of Your words.

And bless him and his family as many times as there are verses and letters in the Qur’an.

And bless him and his family as many times as those who ask You to bless him and his family as many times as those who neglect to ask You to bless him.

And bless him and his family as much as the earth and bless him and his family as much as the Pen has written in the Mother of the Book.

And bless him and his family as much as You have created in Your Seven Heavens.

And bless him and his family as much as You will create in them until the Day of Resurrection and every day a thousand times.

And bless him and his family in every single drop of rain and in the total of all the rain which has fallen from Your sky to the earth from the day You created this world until the Day of Resurrection and every day a thousand times.

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