

Jul 17, 2011

Allah Determines The Destiny


Highly blessed is He, Who has sent down Al-Furqan, to His servant so that it may be a warner to all mankind: He to Whom belongs the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth: Who has begotten no son: Who has no partner in His Kingdom: Who created each and every thing and then ordained its destiny. Yet the people have set up, besides Him, deities, who do not create anything but are themselves created: who can neither harm nor help even themselves: who have no power over life or death, nor can they raise up the dead.

We have created everything in a determined measure. Our command consists of only one Word which is carried out in the twinkling of an eye. We did indeed destroy many like you. Is there, then, any who will heed? All their deeds are recorded in the Scrolls; everything large or small, is duly inscribed.

Allah will find a way out for him who fears Allah, and will provide him sustenance from whence he never even imagined. Whoever puts his trust in Allah, He shall suffice him. Surely Allah brings about what He decrees; Allah has set a measure (destiny) for everything.

There is no moving creature which He does not hold by its forelock. Surely, My Lord is on the straight path.

And the night is another Sign for them. We strip the day from it and they become plunged in darkness. The sun is running its course to its appointed place. That is the ordaining of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. We have appointed stages for the moon till it returns in the shape of a dry old branch of palm-tree. Neither does it lie in the sun's power to overtake the moon nor can the night outstrip the day. All glide along, each in its own orbit.

It is He Who causes the dawn to split forth, and has ordained the night for repose, and the sun and the moon for reckoning time. All this is determined by Allah the Almighty, the All-Knowing.

There is no animal that crawls on the earth, no bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you. We have neglected nothing in the Book (of decree).Then to their Lord will they all be mustered.

Allah knows what every female bears; and what the wombs fall short of (in gestation), and what they may add. With Him everything is in a fixed measure. He knows both what is hidden and what is manifest. He is the Supreme One, the Most High.

As for the earth, We have stretched it out and have cast on it firm mountains, and have caused to grow in it everything well-measured. And We have provided sustenance for you on it and also for those of whom you are not the providers. There is nothing except that its treasuries are with Us and We do not send it down except in a known measure.

And that the final end is with your Lord, and that He it is Who causes people to laugh and to cry, and that He it is Who causes death and grants life.

Should Allah touch you with affliction, there is none to remove it but He; and should He touch you with good, He has the power to do everything. He has the supreme hold over His servants. He is All-Wise, All-Aware.

Whatever Mercy Allah accords to people, none can withhold; and whatever He withholds, no other will be able to release after Him. He is Most Mighty, Most Wise.

They say: 'If what you promise is true, when will this threat be fulfilled? ' (O Prophet!) Tell them: 'I have no power to harm or benefit even myself, except what Allah may will. There is an appointed term for every people; and when the end of their term comes, neither can they put it off for an hour, nor can they bring it an hour before.

Do not call upon any apart from Allah on those who have no power to benefit or hurt you. For if you call upon others than Allah you will be reckoned among the wrong-doers. If Allah afflicts you with any hardship, none other than He can remove it; and if He wills any good for you, none can avert His bounty. He bestows good upon whomsoever of His servants He wills. He is AllForgiving, All-Merciful.'

Whatever good happens to you is from Allah; and whatever misfortune smites you is from yourself (because of your own action).

No misfortune ever befalls on earth, nor on yourselves but We have inscribed it in the Book before We make it manifest. Surely that is easy for Allah. ( (We do so) that you may not grieve over the loss you suffer, nor exult over what He gave you. Allah does not love the vainglorious, the boastful, those who are niggardly and bid others to be niggardly. And he who turns away, (should know that) Allah is Self-Sufficient, Immensely Praiseworthy.

Whatever misfortune befalls you is a consequence of your own deeds. But much of it He forgives.

No misfortune ever befalls unless it be by Allah's leave. And whosoever has faith in Allah, Allah directs his heart along the Right Path. Allah has knowledge of everything.

You have been enjoined to go to war, and you dislike it; it may be that you dislike a thing and the same is good for you, and you love a thing and the same is bad for you: Allah knows but you do not.

Live with your wives in a good manner. If you dislike them in any manner, it may be that you dislike something in which Allah has placed much good for you.

It is nothing but Good Counsel for everyone in the world, for everyone of you who wishes to follow the Straight Way; but your wishing will not avail unless Allah, the Lord of the Universe, so wishes.

Verily this is an Exhortation; so let him who so will take a way to his Lord. But your willing shall be of no avail until Allah Himself so wills. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, Most Wise. He admits to His Mercy whomsoever He pleases. As for the wrong-doers, He has prepared for them a grievous chastisement.

And never say about anything: "I shall certainly do this tomorrow " unless Allah should will it. And should you forget (and make such a statement), remember your Lord and say: "I expect my Lord to guide me to what is nearer to rectitude than this."

No one can believe except by Allah's leave, and Allah lays abomination on those who do not use their understanding and conduct.

We do not lay a burden on anyone beyond his capacity. We have a Book with Us that speaks the truth (about everyone); and they shall in no wise be wronged.

It is He Who created you out of a single being, and appointed for each of you a time-limit and a resting place. We have indeed spelled out Our signs for those who can understand.

Allah created you from dust, then from a drop of sperm, then He made you into pairs. No female conceives, nor delivers (a child) except with His knowledge. None is given a long life nor is any diminished in his life but it is written in a Book. Surely that is quite easy for Allah.

It is not given to any soul to die except with the leave of Allah, and at an appointed time.

Surely Allah alone has the knowledge of the Hour. It is He Who sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs, although no person knows what he will earn tomorrow, nor does he know in which land he will die. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.

Believers, do not behave like those who disbelieved and say to their brothers (who meet some mishap) in the course of their journey for fighting: 'Had they remained with us, they would not have died nor been slain.' Allah makes such thoughts the cause of deep regrets in their hearts. For in truth it is Allah alone who grants life and deals death. Allah sees all that you do. And were you to be slain or to die in the way of Allah, then surely Allah's forgiveness and mercy are better than all the goods they amass. And were you to die or be slain, it is to Allah that you will all be mustered.

They say: 'If we had any power of decision, we would not have been slain here.' Say: 'Even if you had been in your houses, those for whom slaying had been appointed would have gone forth to the places where they were to be slain.'

Say to them, "Nothing (good or bad) can befall us except that which Allah has destined for us: Allah is our Guardian and the Believers should put their trust in Him alone."

Accursed be man! How stubbornly he denies the Truth. Out of what did Allah create him? Out of a sperm-drop did He create him and then determined a measure for him, and then made the course of life easy for him, then He caused him to die and brought him to the grave, and then, whenever He wishes, He will raise him back to life.

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