

Jul 17, 2011

Allah is the Lord of Everything.


Your Lord is indeed the Creator of all, the All-Knowing.

He creates you in your mothers' wombs, giving you one form after another in threefold depths of darkness. That, then, is Allah, your Lord. His is the kingdom. There is no god but He. So, whence are you being turned astray?

And it is He, Who created man from water: then from him He caused two kinds of kindred, by blood and by marriage: your Lord is AI I-Powerful.

Your Lord creates what He wills.

Seek the forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him in repentance. Surely my Lord is Ever Merciful, Most Loving.

Verily Your Lord is Immensely Mighty, Most Compassionate.

And say, (O Muhammad): "My Lord, forgive us and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of those that are merciful."

Allah is your Lord and the Lord of your ancestors of yore.

O Mankind , submit to your Lord Who created you and those who were before you; in this way only you may expect to save yourselves. It is He Who has made the earth a bed for you and the sky a canopy; and it is He Who sends down rain from above for the growth of every kind of food products for your sustenance. So, when you know this, you should not set up equals to rank with Allah.

O Prophet, say to them, "Do you argue with us concerning AIIah, whereas He is our Lord and also your Lord? We shall be accountable to Him for our deeds and you for yours; so we have dedicated our worship to Him alone.

The Lord of the heavens and the earth and of all that is between them: if you would only have sure faith. There is no god but He: He gives life and causes death. He is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers of yore.

Lord of the two easts and of the two wests.

Surely your God is One, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and of whatever lies between the two, the Lord of the Easts.

Pharaoh said: "And who is this Lord of the Universe? "Moses answered: "The Lord of the heavens and the earth and of all that is between them, if you were only to believe." Pharaoh said to those around him: "Do you hear (what he says)?" Moses said: "(He is) Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers of yore." Pharaoh said to the audience: "This Messenger of yours who has been sent to you is simply mad." Moses continued: "(He is) the Lord of the east and the west, and all between them. If you only had any understanding!"

Allah - none is worthy of worship except He; He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne.

So, exalted be Allah, the True King! There is no god but He, the Lord of the Great Throne.

Ask them: "Who is the Lord of the seven heavens, the Lord of the Great Throne?" They will surely say: "Allah." Say: "Will you not, then, fear (Allah)?"

Had there been any gods in the heavens and the earth apart from Allah, the order of both the heavens and the earth would have gone to ruins. Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the Throne, Who is far above their false descriptions of Him.

Exalted be the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne, above what they attribute to Him.

Now if they turn away from you, say to them, O Prophet, "Allah suffices me: there is no god but He: in Him have I put my trust: He is the Lord of the Great Throne."

Surely your God is One, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and of whatever lies between the two, the Lord of the Easts.

The Lord of the heavens and the earth and of all that is between them: if you would only have sure faith. There is no god but He: He gives life and causes death. He is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers of yore.

(Hud said) I have put my trust in Allah, Who is my Lord and your Lord. There is no moving creature which He does not hold by its forelock. Surely, My Lord is on the straight path.

He (Abraham) said: "Nay, but your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth which He created and to that I bear witness before you.

When his Lord said to him, "Surrender," he promptly responded, "I have surrendered to the Lord of the Universe (and become a Muslim)."

But when Moses came to the fire, a call was sounded: "Blessed is He Who is in the fire and whatever is around it. Glory be to Allah, the Sustainer of all in the Universe.

But when he came to the fire, he was called from the right bank of the valley, from a tree in the hallowed ground: "O Moses, verily I am Allah, the Lord of the worlds."

Indeed We sent Moses with Our Signs to Pharaoh and his chiefs. He told them: “I am a Messenger of the Lord of the Universe."

Go, then, to Pharaoh and say to him: 'The Lord of the Universe has sent us.

Pharaoh said: "And who is this Lord of the Universe?"Moses answered: "The Lord of the heavens and the earth and of all that is between them, if you were only to believe." Pharaoh said to those around him: "Do you hear (what he says)?" Moses said: "(He is) Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers of yore." Pharaoh said to the audience: "This Messenger of yours who has been sent to you is simply mad." Moses continued: "(He is) the Lord of the east and the west, and all between them. If you only had any understanding!"

(Jesus said) Allah is my Lord and your Lord; therefore, serve Him. That is the Straight Way.

Surely, Allah is my Lord and your Lord; so serve Him alone. This is the straight way.'

And lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord. So serve Him. That is the right path.

And surely they disbelieved when they said: 'Christ, the son of Mary, is indeed God'; whereas Christ had said: 'Children of Israel! Serve Allah, Who is your Lord and my Lord.' Allah has forbidden Paradise to those who associate anything with Him in His divinity and their refuge shall be the Fire. No one will be able to help such wrong-doers.

And imagine when thereafter Allah will say: 'Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to people: "Take me and my mother for gods beside Allah?" and he will answer: "Glory to You! It was not for me to say what I had no right to. Had I said so, You would surely have known it. You know all what is within my mind whereas I do not know what is within Yours. You, indeed You, know fully all that is beyond the reach of human perception. I said to them nothing except what You commanded me, that is: 'Serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord.' I watched over them as long as I remained among them; and when You did recall me, then You Yourself became the Watcher over them. Indeed, You are Witness over everything. If You chastise them, they are Your servants; and if You forgive them, You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.'

And We strengthened their hearts when they stood up and proclaimed: "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. We will call upon no other god beside Him; (for if we did so), we will be uttering a blasphemy."

Ask them: "Who is the Lord of the heavens and the earth?" Say: "Allah." Tell them: "Have you taken beside Him as your patrons those who do not have the power to benefit or to hurt even themselves?" Say: "Can the blind and the seeing be deemed equals? Or can light and darkness be deemed equals?" If that is not so, then have those whom they associate with Allah in His Divinity ever created anything like what Allah did so that the question of creation has become dubious to them? Say: "Allah is the creator of everything. He is the One, the Irresistible."

Tell them, (O Prophet): “Do you indeed disbelieve in Him and assign compeers to Him Who created the earth in two days? He is the Lord of the Universe.

Say: 'Surely my Prayer, all my acts of worship, and my living and my dying are for Allah alone, the Lord of the whole universe.

Surely your Lord is none other than Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, and then ascended His Throne; Who causes the night to cover the day and then the day swiftly pursues the night; Who created the sun and the moon and the stars making them all subservient to His command. Lo! His is the creation and His is the command. Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the universe.

O man, you are striving unto your Lord and you will meet Him.

He is your Lord, and to Him will you be returned.

Tell them: “The angel of death who has been given charge of you, will take your souls, and then you will be brought back to your Lord."

Say: 'Shall I seek someone other than Allah as Lord when He is the Lord of everything?' Everyone will bear the consequence of what he does, and no one shall bear the burden of another. Thereafter, your return will be to your Lord, whereupon He will let you know what you disagreed about.

Surely my Lord keeps a watch over everything.

But your wishing will not avail unless Allah, the Lord of the Universe, so wishes.

Shu'ayb said: 'My people! Are my kinsmen mightier with you than Allah that you (hold the kinsmen in awe while) you cast Allah behind your back? Surely my Lord encompasses all what you do.

There is no moving creature which He does not hold by its forelock.

And He alone holds sway over His servants.

Stern indeed is your Lord's punishment. He it is Who creates for the first time and He it is Who will create again, and He is the Ever Forgiving, the Most Loving – the Lord of the Glorious Throne, the Executor of what He wills.

(O Muhammad!) Follow the revelation which has come to you from your Lord, other than Whom there is no god, and turn away from those who associate others with Allah in His divinity.

Surely your God is One, the Lord of the heavens and the earth and of whatever lies between the two, the Lord of the Easts.

The Lord of the heavens and the earth and of all that is between them: if you would only have sure faith. There is no god but He: He gives life and causes death. He is your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers of yore.

He creates you in your mothers' wombs, giving you one form after another in threefold depths of darkness. That, then, is Allah, your Lord. His is the kingdom. There is no god but He. So, whence are you being turned astray?

Ask them: 'Who provides you with sustenance out of the heavens and the earth? Who holds mastery over your hearing and sight? Who brings forth the living from the dead and the dead from the living? Who governs all affairs of the universe?' They will surely say: 'Allah.' Tell them: 'Will you, then, not shun (going against reality)? Such, then, is Allah, your true Lord. And what is there after truth but error? How, then, are you being turned away?

Allah it is Who made the night so that you may seek repose in it, and made the day radiant. Surely Allah is Most Bounteous to people; but most people do not give thanks. Allah (Who bestowed all these favours upon you) is your Lord, the Creator of everything. There is no god but He. Whence are you, then, being led astray? Thus it is only those who had denied Allah's Signs that were led astray.

Allah it is Who made the earth a dwelling place for you and made the sky a canopy, Who shaped you – and shaped you exceedingly well – and gave you good things as sustenance. That is Allah, your Lord; blessed be Allah, the Lord of the Universe. He is the Ever-Living: there is no god but He. So call upon Him, consecrating to Him all your devotion. All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the whole Universe.

Say, (O Prophet): “I have been forbidden to worship those beside Allah whom you call upon. (How can I worship any beside Allah) when clear Signs have come to me from my Lord and I have been commanded to surrender to Allah, the Lord of the Universe"?

It is Allah Who sends forth winds which then set the clouds in motion, which We drive to some dead land giving a fresh life to earth after it had become dead . Such will be the resurrection of the dead. He who seeks glory, let him know that all glory belongs to Allah alone. To Him do good words go up, and righteous action uplifts them. But those who contrive evil deeds, a severe punishment lies in store for them, and their contriving will come to naught. Allah created you from dust, then from a drop of sperm, then He made you into pairs . No female conceives, nor delivers (a child) except with His knowledge. None is given a long life nor is any diminished in his life but it is written in a Book . Surely that is quite easy for Allah. The two masses of water are not alike. The one is sweet, sates thirst, and is pleasant to drink from, while the other is salt, bitter on the tongue. Yet from both you eat fresh meat, and extract from it ornaments that you wear; and you see ships cruising through it that you may seek of His Bounty and be thankful to Him. He causes the night to phase into the day and the day into the night, and He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running its course to an appointed term. That is Allah, your Lord; to Him belongs the Kingdom; but those whom you call upon, apart from Allah, possess not so much as the skin of a date-stone. If you call upon them, they cannot hear your prayer. And if they hear it, they cannot answer it. On the Day of Resurrection they will disown you for associating others with Allah in His Divinity. No one can inform you of the truth except the All-Aware.

O Mankind, submit to your Lord Who created you and those who were before you; in this way only you may expect to save yourselves. It is He Who has made the earth a bed for you and the sky a canopy; and it is He Who sends down rain from above for the growth of every kind of food products for your sustenance. So, when you know this, you should not set up equals to rank with Allah.

Truly it is Allah Who causes the grain and the fruit-kernel to sprout. He brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living. Such is Allah. So whither are you tending in error? It is He Who causes the dawn to split forth, and has ordained the night for repose, and the sun and the moon for reckoning time. All this is determined by Allah the Almighty, the All-Knowing. It is He Who has made for you the stars that you may follow the right direction in the darkness of the land and the sea. We have indeed spelled out signs for the people who have knowledge. It is He Who created you out of a single being, and appointed for each of you a time-limit and a resting place. We have indeed spelled out Our signs for those who can understand. And it is He Who has sent down water from the heavens, and thereby We have brought vegetation of every kind, and out of this We have brought forth green foliage and then from it close-packed ears of corn, and out of the palm-tree from the sheath of it - thick clustered dates, hanging down with heaviness, and gardens of vines, and the olive tree, and the pomegranate - all resembling one another and yet so different. Behold their fruit when they bear fruit and ripen! Surely, in all this there are signs for those who believe. And yet, some people have come to associate the jinn with Allah in His divinity, even though it is He Who created them; and in ignorance they impute to Him sons and daughters. He is Holy and Exalted far above that which they attribute to Him. He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have a son when He has had no mate? And He has created everything and He has full knowledge of all things. Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no god but He - the Creator of all things. Serve Him alone - for it is He Who is the guardian of everything. No visual perception can encompass Him, even though He encompasses all visual perception. He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware. The lights of clear perception have now come to you from your Lord. Then, he who chooses to see clearly, does so for his own good; and he who chooses to remain blind, does so to his own harm. I am not your keeper.

Surely your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established Himself on the Throne (of His Dominion), governing all affairs of the universe. None may intercede with Him except after obtaining His leave. Such is Allah, your Lord; do therefore serve Him. Will you not take heed?

Your Lord has decreed: Do not worship any but Him; Be good to your parents; and should both or any one of them attain old age with you, do not say to them even "fie" neither chide them, but speak to them with respect.

And worship your Lord until the last moment (of your life) that will most certainly come.

As for myself, Allah alone is my Lord, and I associate none with my Lord in His Divinity.

Say (O Muhammad): "I am no more than a human being like you; one to whom revelation is made: 'Your Lord is the One and Only God.' Hence, whoever looks forward to meet his Lord, let him do righteous works, and let him associate none with the worship of his Lord."

And surely they disbelieved when they said: 'Christ, the son of Mary, is indeed God'; whereas Christ had said: 'Children of Israel! Serve Allah, Who is your Lord and my Lord.' Allah has forbidden Paradise to those who associate anything with Him in His divinity and their refuge shall be the Fire. No one will be able to help such wrong-doers.

Your Lord said: “Pray to Me, and I will accept your prayers. Surely those who wax too proud to worship Me shall enter Hell, utterly abased.”

Call upon your Lord with humility and in secret. Surely He does not love transgressors.

And remember your Lord by your tongue and within yourself, humbly and with fear without loudness in words in the mornings, and in the afternoons and be not of those who are neglectful.

Turn to your Lord and surrender yourselves to Him before the chastisement over-takes you; for then you will receive no help.

I shall withdraw from you and that unto which you pray beside Allah, and I shall pray unto my Lord. It may be that, in prayer unto my Lord, I shall not be unblest.

Those who say “Allah is our Lord” and then remain steadfast, upon them descend angels (and say): “Do not fear nor grieve, and receive good tidings of Paradise which you were promised. We are your companions in this world and in the Hereafter. There you shall have all that you desire and all what you will ask for.

Surely those who said: “Our Lord is Allah” and then remained steadfast shall have nothing to fear nor to grieve.

Men! Now there has come to you a good advice from your Lord, a healing for whatever diseases there are in the hearts, and a guidance and mercy for those who believe.

Indeed this is a revelation from the Lord of the Universe.

O men! A proof has come to you from your Lord, and We have sent down unto you a clear light.

This Book, beyond all doubt, was revealed by the Lord of the Universe.

That this indeed is a noble Qur'an, inscribed in a well-guarded Book, which none but the pure may touch; a revelation from the Lord of the Universe.

The Word of your Lord is perfect in truthfulness and justice; no one can change His words. He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing .

And this Qur'an is such that it could not be composed by any unless it be revealed from Allah. It is a confirmation of the revelation made before it and a detailed exposition of the Book. Beyond doubt it is from the Lord of the universe.

[O Prophet!] When you do not produce before them any miracle, they say: 'Why do you not choose for yourself a miracle?' Say to them: 'I follow only what is revealed to me by my Lord. This is nothing but a means of insight into the truth, and guidance and mercy from your Lord to the people who believe.

Thus have We sent you as a Messenger to a community before which many other communities have passed away that you may recite to them whatever We have revealed to you. And yet they deny the Lord of Mercy. Say to them: "He is my Lord, there is no god but Him. In Him I have placed all my trust and to Him is my return."

Nor may you claim that: 'Had the Book been revealed to us, we would have been better guided than them.' Surely clear evidence has come to you from your Lord, which is both a guidance and a mercy. Who, then, is more unjust than he who gave the lie to the signs of Allah and turned away from them? And We shall soon requite those who turn away from Our signs with a severe chastisement for having turned away.

[O people!] Follow what has been revealed to you from your Lord and follow no masters other than Him. Little are you admonished.

As for those who attained to faith and did righteous works and believed in what was revealed to Muhammad which indeed is th e Truth from their Lord, Allah has remitted their evil deeds and has set their condition right.

The lights of clear perception have now come to you from your Lord. Then, he who chooses to see clearly, does so for his own good; and he who chooses to remain blind, does so to his own harm. I am not your keeper.

Tell them (O Muhammad): 'Men! Truth has come to you from your Lord. Whosoever, then, follows the true guidance does so for his own good; and whosoever strays, his straying will be to his own hurt. I am no custodian over you.

Blessed is the name of your Lord, the Lord of Majesty and Glory.

Glorify, then, (O Prophet), the name of your Great Lord.

And remember the name of your Lord, morning and evening.

Glorify the name of your Lord, the Most High.

The angels near-stationed to your Lord glorify Him night and day, without ever tiring.

The angels proclaim the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on earth. Lo, it is Allah, and He alone, Who is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.

To Him belongs whosoever dwells in the heavens and on earth. Those (angels) that are with Him neither disdain to serve Him out of pride, nor do they weary of it. They glorify Him night and day, without flagging.

The angels that bear the Throne and those that are around it extol your Lord's glory with His praise, they believe in Him, and ask forgiveness for the believers, saying: “Our Lord! You encompass everything with Your Mercy and Knowledge. So forgive those that repent and follow Your Path, and guard them against the chastisement of Hell.

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the entire universe.

Exalted be your Lord, the Lord of Glory, above what they attribute to Him, and peace be upon the Messengers, and all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe.

So all praise be to Allah, the Lord of the heavens, the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the whole Universe.

You will see the angels surrounding the Throne, glorifying their Lord with His praise, and judgment will have been made among them with fairness, and it will be proclaimed: “All praise and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the whole Universe .”

Their prayer in it will be: 'Glory be to You, Our Lord!', and their greeting: 'Peace!'; and their talks will always end with: 'All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe'.

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