

Jul 17, 2011

Allah Knows Everything:His Knowledge.


Not even an atom's weight escapes your Lord on the earth or in the heaven, nor is there anything smaller or bigger than that, except that it is on record in a Clear Book.

He has the keys to the realm of unseen (that lies beyond the reach of human perception); none knows them but He. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea; there is not a leaf which falls that He does not know about and there is not a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything green or dry which has not been recorded in a Clear Book. He recalls your souls by night, and knows what you do by day; and then He raises you back each day in order that the term appointed by Him is fulfilled. Then to Him you will return whereupon He will let you know what you have been doing.

(Luqman said): “Son, Allah will bring forth everything even if it is as small as the grain of a mustard seed even though it is hidden inside a rock or (anywhere) in the heavens or earth. Allah is Most Subtle, All-Aware.

Surely Allah knows the Unseen in the heavens and the earth. He even knows the secrets hidden in people's breasts.

All that is hidden in the heavens and the earth lies within the power of Allah. To Him are all matters referred for judgement. So do serve Him, and place in Him all your trust. Your Lord is not heedless of what you do.

To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and all that is in between, and all that is beneath the soil. Whether you speak out aloud (or in a low voice), He knows what is said secretly, and even that which is most hidden. Allah - there is no god but He. His are the most excellent names.

All praise be to Allah to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth, and all praise be to Him in the World to Come. He is Most Wise, All-Aware. He knows what penetrates into the earth and what goes forth from it, what descends from the heaven and what ascends to it. He is the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving. The unbelievers say: “How come the Hour is not coming upon us!” Say to them: “Yes indeed, by my Lord, by Him Who fully knows the unseen (realm beyond the ken of perception), that the Hour will inevitably come upon you. Nothing escapes Him, not even the smallest particle in the heavens or the earth; nor is anything smaller or bigger than that but is in a Manifest Book.”

He is the First and the Last, and the Manifest and the Hidden, and He has knowledge of everything. He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days and then established Himself on the Throne. He knows all that enters the earth and all that comes forth from it, and all that comes down from the heaven and all that goes up to it. He is with you wherever you are. Allah sees all that you do. His is the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to Him are all matters referred (for judgment). He causes the night to pass into the day, and causes the day to pass into the night, and He fully knows all that is hidden in the breasts of people.

Allah is the Creator of everything; He is the Guardian over everything. To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth. It is those who disbelieve in Allah's Signs who will be the losers.

Surely my Lord keeps a watch over everything.

Such is Allah, your Lord. There is no god but He - the Creator of all things. Serve Him alone - for it is He Who is the guardian of everything.

He is Allah: there is no god but He; the Knower of the unseen and the manifest, He is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

My Lord embraces all things within His knowledge.

Allah it is He Who created seven heavens, and, like them, the earth. His commandment descends among them. (All this is being stated so that you know) that Allah has power over everything, and that Allah encompasses all things in His knowledge.

O Muhammad, say to them, "This (Quran) has been sent down by Him, Who knows the secret of the heavens and the earth." The fact is that He is very Forgiving and Merciful.

Nothing in the earth and in the heavens is hidden from Allah. It is He Who fashions you in the wombs as He wills. There is no God but He; the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.

Surely Allah alone has the knowledge of the Hour. It is He Who sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs, although no person knows what he will earn tomorrow, nor does he know in which land he will die. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.

Allah created you from dust, then from a drop of sperm, then He made you into pairs. No female conceives, nor delivers (a child) except with His knowledge. None is given a long life nor is any diminished in his life but it is written in a Book. Surely that is quite easy for Allah.

Surely your Lord is abounding in His Forgiveness. Very well is He aware of you since He produced you from the earth, and while you were still in your mothers' wombs and not yet born.

Allah knows what every female bears; and what the wombs fall short of (in gestation), and what they may add. With Him everything is in a fixed measure. He knows both what is hidden and what is manifest. He is the Supreme One, the Most High. It is all the same for Him whether any of you says a thing secretly, or says it loudly, and whether one hides oneself in the darkness of night, or struts about in broad daylight.

The knowledge of the Hour rests solely with Him. Not a fruit comes forth from its sheath, nor does any female conceive nor give birth to a child but it is in His knowledge.

There is no moving creature which He does not hold by its forelock.

There is not a single moving creature on the earth but Allah is responsible for providing its sustenance. He knows where it dwells and where it will permanently rest. All this is recorded in a clear Book.

He watches over the deeds of every person.

Allah is well aware of all that you do.

Establish the prayer (Salat) and pay the Zakat. You will find with Allah whatever good you send forward for your future; Allah is watching everything you do.

Beware! whatever is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah. He knows whatever you are doing. On the Day you will return to Him, He will let you know what you have done: He has full knowledge of everything.

Believers! Respond to Allah, and respond to the Messenger when he calls you to that which gives you life. Know well that Allah stands between a man and his heart, and it is to Him that all of you will be mustered.

He is with you wherever you are. Allah sees all that you do.

Surely We have created man, and We know the promptings of his heart, and We are nearer to him than even his jugular vein.

And He it is Who is One True God in the heavens and in the earth. He knows your deeds - both secret and open - and knows fully whatever you earn.

He knows even the most stealthy glance of the eyes and all the secrets that hearts conceal.

Say: 'Whether you conceal what is in your hearts or disclose it, Allah knows it. Allah knows what is in the heavens and in the earth and He has power over everything.'

Whoever surrenders himself to Allah and lives righteously grasps the most firm handle. The ultimate decision of all matters rests with Allah. So let the unbelief of the unbeliever not grieve you. To Us is their return and then We shall inform them of all that they did. Surely Allah knows well even the secrets that are hidden in the breasts (of people).

Verily your Lord knows all that their hearts conceal as well as all that they reveal. There is nothing that is hidden in the heaven or in the earth-but is recorded in a Clear Book.

No visual perception can encompass Him, even though He encompasses all visual perception. He is the All-Subtle, the All-Aware.

Or do they think that We do not hear their secret talks and their whispering counsels? Yes, indeed We do and Our messengers [i.e., angels) are with them, writing.

They can hide (their deeds) from men but they cannot hide (them) from Allah for He is with them even when they hold nightly counsels that are unpleasing to Allah. Allah encompasses all their doings.

Are you not aware that Allah knows whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth? Never is there any whispering among three but He is their fourth; nor among five but He is their sixth; nor fewer nor more but He is with them wherever they may be. And then He will tell them on the Day of Judgement all that they have done. Surely Allah knows everything.

Verily Allah is well aware of His servants and sees everything.

Whether you speak in secrecy or aloud, (it is all the same to Allah). He even knows the secrets that lie hidden in the breasts of people. Would He not know, He Who has created, when He is All-Subtle, All-Aware?

It is all the same for Him whether any of you says a thing secretly, or says it loudly, and whether one hides oneself in the darkness of night, or struts about in broad daylight.

"My Lord knows well all that is spoken in the heavens and the earth. He is All-Hearing, All- Knowing."

It is indeed We Who grant life and cause death and it is We who will be the sole Inheritors of all. Surely We know those of you who have passed before and those who will come later. Indeed your Lord will gather them all together. Surely He is All-Wise, All-Knowing.

There is none in the heavens and the earth but must come to the Beneficent as a slave. Verily He knows them and has numbered them with (right) numbering. And each one of them will come to Him on the Day of Resurrection, alone.

We will surely raise the dead to life and We record what they did and the traces of their deeds that they have left behind. We have encompassed that in a Clear Book.

Qaf. By the glorious Qur'an. Nay; they wondered that a warner should have come to them from among themselves. The unbelievers said: “This indeed is a strange thing. What! When we are dead and reduced to mere dust, (shall we be raised to life)? Such a return is far-fetched)." Thus do they imagine, although) We know well what the earth diminishes of them. With Us is a Record that preserves everything.

My Lord does not err, nor does He forget.

To Him belongs all that is before us and all that is behind us and all that is between those two, and your Lord is never forgetful.

When Allah will raise them all to a new life and will inform them of their deeds. Allah has recorded it all while they have forgotten it. Allah is a witness over everything.

He is All-Hearing, Ever Near.

Verily He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

Surely my Lord hears all prayers.

Indeed My Lord is near, responsive to prayers.

Who is it Who heeds the prayers of the distressed when he calls out to Him and Who removes his affliction? And who is it Who makes you inheritors (successors) of the earth? Is there any god associated with Allah (in this task)? How little do you reflect!

And if My servants ask you, O Prophet, concerning Me, tell them that I am quite near to them. I hear and answer the prayer of the suppliant, when he calls to Me. So let them respond to My call and believe in Me. Convey this to them, O Prophet; perhaps they may be guided aright.

Your Lord says: “Pray to Me, and I will accept your prayers. Surely those who wax too proud to worship Me will enter Hell, utterly abased.”

So remember Me and I will remember you, and give thanks to Me and don't be ungrateful.

And above all those who know is the One Who truly knows.

From among His servants, it is only those who have knowledge fear Allah.

Allah: the Everlasting, the Sustainer of the whole Universe; there is no god but He. He does neither slumber nor sleep. Whatsoever is in the heavens and in the earth is His. Who is there that can intercede with Him except by His own permission? He knows what is before the people and also what is hidden from them. And they cannot comprehend anything of His knowledge except whatever He Himself pleases to reveal. His Kingdom spreads over the heavens and the earth and the guarding of these does not weary Him. He alone is the Supreme and the Exalted.

He is Allah: there is no god but He; the Knower of the unseen and the manifest, He is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. He is Allah: there is no god but He: the King, the Holy, the All-Peace, the Giver of security, the Overseer, the Most Mighty, the Overpowering, the All-Great. Exalted be He from whatever they associate with Him. He is Allah, the Planner, Executer and Fashioner of creation. His are the names most beautiful. Whatever is in the heavens and the earth extols His Glory. He is the Most Mighty, the Most Wise.

And He is witness over everything.

We will call to account those to whom Messengers were sent, and We will call to account the Messengers (to see how dutifully they conveyed the Message, and how people responded to it). Then We shall narrate to them with knowledge the whole account. For surely, We were not absent from them.

We will set up just scales on the Day of Resurrection so that none will be wronged in the least. We will bring forth the acts of everyone, even if it be the weight of a grain of mustard seed. And sufficient are We to take account.

When you used to conceal yourselves (while committing misdeeds) you never thought that your ears or your eyes or your skins would ever bear witness against you; you rather fancied that Allah does not know a great deal of what you do. This thought of yours about your Lord has led to your perdition and you have become among the losers.”

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