

Jul 17, 2011

Only Allah Knows The Unseen.


The realm of the Unseen belongs to Allah.

All that is hidden in the heavens and the earth lies within the power of Allah. To Him are all matters referred for judgement. So do serve Him, and place in Him all your trust. Your Lord is not heedless of what you do.

Allah has full knowledge of the truths beyond the reach of perception both in the heavens and the earth.

He knows all that lies beyond the reach of human perception as well as all that is visible to man; He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware.

He knows both what is hidden and what is manifest. He is the Supreme One, the Most High.

He knows all that is hidden in the heavens and the earth. How well He sees; how well He hears! The creatures have no other guardian than Him; He allows none to share His authority.

The unbelievers say: “How come the Hour is not coming upon us!” Say to them: “Yes indeed, by my Lord, by Him Who fully knows the realm beyond the ken of perception, that the Hour shall inevitably come upon you. Nothing is hidden from Him, not even the smallest particle in the heavens or the earth; nor is anything smaller or bigger than that but is in a Manifest Book.

Surely Allah knows the Unseen in the heavens and the earth. He even knows the secrets hidden in the breasts.

Surely Allah knows every hidden thing of the heavens and the earth. Allah sees all that you do.

He is Allah: there is no god but He; the Knower of the unseen and the manifest, He is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.

Tell them: “The death from which you flee will certainly overtake you. Then you will be returned to Him Who fully knows what is hidden and what is manifest. Thereupon He will let you know all that you used to do."

O Muhammad, say to them, "This has been sent down by Him, Who knows the secret of the heavens and the earth." The fact is that He is very Forgiving and Merciful.

Do these people not know that Allah knows fully well even their secrets and their conspiracies and that Allah knows fully well all that is hidden.

Surely Allah alone has the knowledge of the Hour. It is He Who sends down the rain and knows what is in the wombs, although no person knows what he will earn tomorrow, nor does he know in which land he will die. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware.

Say: "None in the heavens or on the earth has knowledge of the Unseen except Allah. They do not know when they will be raised to life."

He has the keys to the unseen (realm that lies beyond the reach of human perception); none knows them but He. And He knows what is on the land and in the sea; there is not a leaf which falls that He does not know about and there is not a grain in the darkness of the earth or anything green or dry which has not been recorded in a Clear Book.

When We executed Our decree of death on Solomon, nothing indicated to the jinn that he was dead except a worm eating away his staff. So when Solomon fell down, the jinn realized that had they known the unseen (what lies in the realm beyond perception), they would not have continued to be in this humiliating chastisement.

The Day when Allah will gather together the Messengers and say: 'What answer were you given?' They will reply: 'We have no real knowledge of it. You are the only One who has knowledge of all that is unseen (hidden).

(O Muhammad!) Say: 'I do not say to you I have the treasures of Allah. Nor do I have knowledge of the unseen (what is beyond the reach of human perception). Nor do say to you: I am an angel. I only follow what is revealed to me.' Then ask them: 'Are the blind and the seeing alike?' Do you not then reflect?

Tell them: “I am not a new thing among the Messengers; and I do not know what will be done with me or with you. I follow only what is revealed to me, and I am nothing but a plain warner."

Tell them [O Muhammad]: 'I have no power to benefit or harm myself, only what Allah wills happens to me. And had I known about the unseen, I should have amassed all kinds of good, and no evil would have ever touched me. I am merely a warner and the herald of glad tidings to those who have faith.'

Say (O Muhammad): "I am no more than a human being like you; one to whom revelation is made: 'Your Lord is the One and Only God.' Hence, whoever looks forward to meet his Lord, he should do righteous works, and he should associate none with the worship of his Lord."

And imagine when thereafter Allah will say: 'Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to people: "Take me and my mother as gods beside Allah?" and he will answer: "Glory to You! It was not for me to say what I had no right to. Had I said so, You would surely have known it. You know all what is within my mind whereas I do not know what is within Yours. You, indeed know fully all hidden things. I said to them nothing except what You commanded me, that is: 'Serve Allah, my Lord and your Lord.' I watched over them as long as I remained among them; and when You raised me to Yourself, then You were the Watcher over them. Indeed, You are Witness over everything. If You punish them, they are Your servants; and if You forgive them, You are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.'

{Noah (PBUH) said} I do not say to you that I possess Allah's treasures, nor that I have knowledge of the unseen, nor do I claim to be an angel.

He is the Knower of the Unseen, and He does not disclose His Unseen to anyone other than to a Messenger whom He chooses (for the bestowal of any part of the knowledge of the Unseen), whereafter He appoints guards who go before him and behind him, so that He may know that they have delivered the messages of their Lord. He encompasses in His knowledge their surroundings and keeps a count of all things.

Even so We revealed to you, (O Prophet), a spirit by Our command. (Ere to that) you knew neither what the Book nor what the faith was. But We made that spirit a light whereby We guide those of Our servants whom We please to the Right Way. Surely you are directing people to the Right Way, the Way of Allah, to Whom belongs the dominion of all that is in the heavens and the earth. Lo, it is to Allah that all things ultimately revert.

We reveal to you these accounts of matters that are unseen. Neither you nor your people knew about them before this. Be, then, patient. Surely, the good end is for the God-fearing.

(O Muhammad), this is part of news from the Unseen that We reveal to you for you were not present with them when Joseph's brothers jointly resolved on a plot.

(O Muhammad!) We reveal to you this account from unseen (a realm which lies beyond the reach of your perception), for you were not with them when they drew lots with their pens about who should be Mary's guardian, and you were not with them when they disputed about it.

(O Muhammad), you were then not on the western side when We gave this commandment (of Law) Moses, and you were not among its witnesses. Thereafter We raised up many generations and a long time passed. You were then not even present among the people of Midian to rehearse Our verses to them. But it is We Who are sending news about that. Nor were you on the side of Tur (Mount) when We called out to Moses (in the first instance). But it is out of Mercy from your Lord (that you are being informed of all this) so that you may warn people to whom no warner came before you. Maybe they will take heed.

When you return to them (the hypocrites), they will apologies to you, offering many sorts of excuses: but say to them plainly, "Make no excuses: we will not believe in anything you say for Allah has revealed to us the whole truth about you. Now Allah and His Messenger will keep a watch over your conduct: then you shall return to Him Who knows all that is visible and hidden, and He will tell you all that you have been doing.

And (remember) when the Prophet confided something to one of his wives and then she disclosed it (to another); so after Allah revealed to the Prophet (that she had disclosed that secret), he made a part of it known to her and passed over a part of it. And when he told her about this (i.e., that she had disclosed the secret entrusted to her), she asked: “Who informed you of this?” He said: “I was told of it by He Who is All-Knowing, All-Aware."

(O people of Makkah), your companion is not mad; he indeed saw the message-bearer on the clear horizon; nor does he grudge (conveying this knowledge about) the Unseen.

Allah is not going to disclose to you (the unseen) what is hidden in the realm beyond the reach of perception, but He chooses from among His Messengers whom He wills (to intimate such knowledge). So (about this knowledge of the unseen) believe in Allah and in His Messengers; and if you believe and become God-fearing, yours will be a great reward.

Alif. Lam. Mim. This is the Book of Allah: there is no doubt about it. It is guidance to God-fearing people, who believe in the unseen, establish the Salats and expend (in Our way) out of what We have bestowed on them; who believe in the Book We have sent down to you (i.e. the Qur'an) and in the Books sent down before you, and firmly believe in the Hereafter. Such people are on the right way from their Lord and such are truly successful.

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